
Collie Day In The
Park 2014

by Jayne Lynch,
Midwest Collie Club
Photos courtesy Midwest Collie Club

Midwest Collie Club Puppy Match gets underway with
Match Judge Theresa Sutter and Lilah Williamson with a
Hollyoaks puppy.

An enthusiastic gathering of SE Michigan Collie fanciers turned out Saturday, Aug 2, for the 24th annual Collie Day in the Park. A full schedule of summer Collie fun was presented by three area Collie organizations - Midwest Collie Club, Tri-County Collie Rescue of MI, and Greater Brighton Collie Club. Comfortable temperatures and partially cloudy skies provided ideal conditions for an enjoyable outing under the trees in the spacious setting of Lower Huron Metropark, Belleville, Michigan.

Judge Theresa Sutter with Kristy Reppert, Lisa Wallis, Lilah Williamson, Cindi Turner and their puppies.

Midwest Collie Club's AKC-sanctioned puppy match drew a nice entry. For Best Puppy, Judge Theresa Sutter selected rough sable bitch, Brynn (Ch Kenmoor's Necessary Roughness x Wydacre N Bar-Jac's Beautiful Noise). Brynn was handled by owner Lisa Wallis (Kenmoor Collies) in the 4-to-6 month class. Brynn's breeders are Norm and Barb Johnson (Wydacre Collies), and Lisa Wallis. Best Adult was Kathryn Leenhouts' exuberant rough tri male, Neil. Making their show ring debut a winning one in the Junior Handler class were young Collie enthusiast, Christopher, and his rough sable male, Lad (1 1/2 yrs). Two MWCC members, Ring Steward Tom Quinn and Trophy Chair Judy Kirkeby, had everything well organized to keep the match running smoothly.

Some 2014 Collie Day breed exhibitors recalled that winning a Midwest Collie Club Puppy Match can bring good luck.

Lisa Wallis (Kenmoor Collies) with Brynn, Best Puppy
in Match


Both of MWCC's well-attended mini-classes were offered for AKC-registered and non-AKC dogs. Participants enjoyed obedience/agility and dog safety/handling sessions. Personalized instruction was presented by Mrs. Kristine Felske, CADT, CPDT-KA (KayBee's K9 Training); and Mrs. Connie Sutter (Headline Collies).

Best Adult in Match -- Neil with Kathryn Leenhouts and Judge Theresa Sutter.

As always, MWCC's famous cookout was a crowd favorite. Popular menu items were the grilled all-beef hot dogs and farm-fresh ears of sweet corn, just picked that morning. Culinary thanks to hard-working MWCC members, grillmaster Joe Prosniewski, assisted by Bob Hill and Janet Hill, Karla Gorman, Lou Ann Knaus and Carol Sundell.


MWCC's Obedience/Agility mini-class. Kathryn Leenhouts and Best
Adult, Neil, demonstrating Collie versatility.





Tri-County Rescue showcased adoptable Collies. The group's important work is supported by donations and various fund-raising activities all year long, including its Collie Day silent auction and busy ring full of family pet games for Collies and their people.

MWCC's Obedience/Agility class. Presented by Kristine Felske
and Connie Sutter.


Greater Brighton Collie Club offered AKC Canine Good Citizen testing and hands-on Collie grooming techniques that had people and Collies waiting in line for their turn to learn. Collie Day 2014 ended with a heartwarming Parade of Rescue Collies choreographed to the classic rock strains of "Rescue Me."

Dave from Tri-County Rescue kindly brought his sound system to the park. So folks would hear the latest updates wherever they were located around Collie Day's picnic site.

Midwest Collie Club's Obedience/Agility mini-class - Collie Day 2014

Some 2014 Collie Day breed exhibitors recalled that winning a Midwest Collie Club Puppy Match can bring good luck. Seven years ago, a little Collie puppy named Trooper got his start going Best Puppy in MWCC's Collie Day match. Today he is known as GCH Headline's Soldier of Light. And, he was this year's Best of Breed at the prestigious 2014 Collie Club of America National Specialty Show held in West Springfield, Massachusetts. He was breeder, owner, handled by Theresa Sutter of Headline Collies.

Everyone was delighted to see Theresa, Kristine and Connie at this year's Collie Day. They did a great job with their assignments in the MWCC ring.

Thanks to all who worked to make this year's Collie Day a success. Midwest Collie Club already is making new plans for 2015, when it will celebrate its 85th anniversary as an AKC-recognized local breed specialty club.

Parade of Rescue Collies - Presented by Tri-County Collie Rescue of Michigan. Keeping in step with the classic rock tune - "Rescue Me."



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