Number of Entries: 66
Number of Competitors: 56 Roughs: 13-21 (5-0) 0-1 Smooths: 1-7 (4-4)
Junior Show: 5
Inter-Variety Awards
Best of Breed: GCH Ashbury Wild Horses (Rough/D) (CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon ROM x Ashbury Moonlight Drive)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: Milas Walk On The Wild Side (Rough/B) (CH Milas Walk This Way x Milas Look Again)
Rough Variety Awards
Rough Best of Variety: GCH Ashbury Wild Horses (D) (CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon ROM x Ashbury Moonlight Drive)
Rough Best of Winners: Milas Walk On The Wild Side (B) (CH Milas Walk This Way x Milas Look Again)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Milas Walk On The Wild Side (B) (CH Milas Walk This Way x Milas Look Again)
Rough Select Dog: CH Marnus Trip On The Light Fantastick
(CH Tartanside Tour De Force x Marnus Don't Stop Believing)
Rough Select Bitch: GCH Breezy Acre's I'm A Keeper
(CH Tartanside Birthright x GCH Breezy Acre's Lasting Impression)
Rough Winners Dog: Riverrun Galatean Set The Moon On Fire (CH Barksdale Afterhours x CH Riverrun Lion's Pride)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Pleasant Acre Chocolate Bar (CH Galatean Riverrun Gateside Mandalay RIptide x
Pleasant Acre Galatean Riverrun Stole My Heart)
Rough Winners Bitch: Milas Walk On The Wild Side (CH Milas Walk This Way x Milas Look Again)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Autumn-Sun At Devinwood (CH Tokyo Jazz Inherit The Fortune x Ch Autumn-Sun Flapper Girl)
Smooth Variety Awards
Smooth Best of Variety: Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World (D) (GCHS Creekwood Pleasant Acre Rock Star x GCH Creekwood Thornacre Herself The Elf)
Smooth Best of Winners: Sequoia Diamonds On the Soles Of Her Shoes (B)
(GCH Seawhisper Sequoia Collaboration x Sequoia Harvest Moon)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Creekwood Twin Pine Whistling Dixie (GCHS Creekwood Pleasant Acre Rock Star x GCH Creekwood Thornacre Herself The Elf)
Smooth Select Dog: CH Seawhisper Sequoia Collaboration (CH Overland Hidden Agenda x GCHS Seawhisper Mysterious)
Smooth Select Bitch: GCH SugarNSpice Creekwood Ooh La Latte (GCH Creekwood Black No Sugar x GCH Creekwood Raindrops On Roses)
Smooth Winners Dog: Traveler's Mustanger
(GCH Travler's Nissan Rouge CD BN RN x GCH Travler's Mustang Shelby)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Sequoia Diamonds On the Soles Of Her Shoes
(GCH Seawhisper Sequoia Collaboration x Sequoia Harvest Moon)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Taiaut Lucy In The Sky (GCHS Creekwood Sam I Am x
Taiaut Tuxedo)
Junior Handling Awards
Best Junior Handler: Joy Boice Reserve Best Junior: Alizabeth Lude
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