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Collie Club of America 2021 National Specialty

April 16 - 24, 2021 | Cheyenne, Wyoming

Fastpath menu:

> Versatility > Herding > Agility > Obedience/ Rally > Conformation


> Smooth Dogs > Smooth Bitches
> Rough Bitches > Rough Dogs


> Rough Dogs > Rough Bitches > Beginner Puppy
> Smooth Stud Dogs > Rough Stud Dogs > Smooth Brood Bitches
> Rough Winners Dog


> Rough Winners Bitch > Rough Herding Class and Veteran Bitches
> Rough Brood Bitches > Smooth Braces > Smooth Best of Variety


> Junior Showmanship > Rough Braces > Rough Best of Variety

Catalog: Roughs :: Smooths


Most Versatile Collie: TC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD TD MXS MJS RN

Wyndham Collies -- CH/MACH/HC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender RN CD TD HXAsd HIBd HSDs MXS MJS GVA

> 2021 National Specialty Versatility Awards (PDF)

Results courtesy Beth Elliott

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Friday, April 16, 2021

Results courtesy of Hildy Morgan

Wyndham Collies -- CH/MACH/HC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender RN CD TD HXAsd HIBd HSDs MXS MJS GVA

High In Trial Sheep/Goats
TC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD TD MXS MJS RN

Reserve High In Trial Sheep/Goats
CH Wild Wind's Ability Ariel CD HSAs RN

High In Trial Ducks
CH Wild Wind's Ability Ariel CD HSAs RN

Reserve High In Trial Ducks
Borealis Trouble And Desire RN HSAs TKN

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Results courtesy of Hildy Morgan

Wyndham Collies -- CH/MACH/HC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender RN CD TD HXAsd HIBd HSDs MXS MJS GVA

High In Trial Sheep/Goats
TC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD TD MXS MJS RN

Reserve High In Trial Sheep/Goats
Ability's Briana The Maid HSAs

High In Trial Ducks
Borealis Trouble And Desire RN HSAs TKN

Reserve High In Trial Ducks
Ability's Briana The Maid HSAs

Full Results

> Catalog Results -- Friday, April 16 and Saturday, April 17

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> Premium
> Running order - Sunday, April 18
> Running order - Monday, April 19

Sunday, High In Trial
TC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD TD MXS MJS RN

Wyndham Collies -- CH/MACH/HC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender RN CD TD HXAsd HIBd HSDs MXS MJS GVA

Monday, High In Trial
TC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD TD MXS MJS RN

Full Results

> Results (PDF) -- Sunday, April 18, 2021

> Results (PDF) -- Monday, April 19, 2021

Results courtesy of Robert Olson |

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Results courtesy Beth Elliott

Obedience High In Trial: GCH Foggy Bay Sealoch Starchaser BN CD AX AXJ

Rally High Combined: Belfair Colebrae Perpetual Motion BN RE PT MX MXJ NF BCAT TKI

Rally High Triple Qualifying: Belfair Colebrae Perpetual Motion BN RE PT MX MXJ NF BCAT TKI

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Results courtesy Beth Elliott

Obedience High In Trial: GCH Foggy Bay Sealoch Starchaser BN CD AX AXJ

Rally High Combined: GCH Oak Knolls Burning Secret CDX RE NA NF CA

Rally High Triple Qualifying: Belfair Colebrae Perpetual Motion BN RE PT MX MXJ NF BCAT TKI

> Obedience Results (PDF) -- Wednesday / Thursday, April 21-22

> Rally Novice Results (PDF) -- Wednesday / Thursday, April 21-22
> Rally Advanced Results (PDF) -- Wednesday / Thursday, April 21-22
> Rally Excellent Results (PDF) -- Wednesday / Thursday, April 21-22
> Rally Master Results (PDF) -- Wednesday / Thursday, April 21-22

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Wednesday, April 21

Smooth Dogs, Judge Lynn Hyman Butler

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle and Erin Gorney

9 AM | Total Entry: 39

Puppy, 6-9 months (10 entered)
(Absent: #351, #355)

1. #349 Creekwood On The Rocks
2. #343 Wildwind's Proud To Be An American
3. #341 Cynclair SnoValley Ostentatious
4. #347Jolis Now You Can See Me

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Puppy, 9-12 months (4 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #361 Aurealis Envision
2. #363 Ceilidh's Dawns Early Light
3. #365 Ceilidh's Hearts Runwild At Blackwatch
4. #367 Orion Hill's I'm A Ten On The Mohs

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12-18 months (1 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #369 Cassori Demuir Mr. Tanner

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Bred-By Exhibitor (10 entered)
(Absent: #391)

1. #385 Calibre's The Golden Rule
2. #373 Creekwood SugarNSpice Tito's Red White & Bluzy
3. #387 Jereco's Silver Salute
4. #377 Excalibur's Skye Blue All Sumer Long

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American Bred (2 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #395 Swan's Knight In A U N Armor
2. #393 Firstlyte's Worth A Shot

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Open (11 entered)
(Absent: #399, #415, Move Up # 403)

1. #409 Ona's Wydacres Rhythm In Blues
2. #413 Moxie's Light Up The Sky TKA SIN
3. #405 Sunnland's Showstopper
4. #417 Cove Run's Northern Light

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1:30 PM

Smooth Winners Dog Competition

Puppy, 6-9 months: #349 Creekwood On The Rocks
Puppy, 9-12 months: #361 Aurealis Envision
12-18 months: #369 Cassori Demuir Mr. Tanner
Bred-By Exhibitor: #385 Calibre's The Golden Rule
American Bred: #395 Swan's Knight In A U N Armor
Open: #409 Ona's Wydacres Rhythm In Blues

Smooth Winners Dog

#409 Ona's Wydacres Rhythm In Blues (Open)
Sire: GCHB Kara Christo Moon River Of Strathmoor
Dam: Heaven Sent Getting Caught In The Rain
Breeders: Amanda Jordan
Owners: Norman R Johnson, Amanda Jordan, Barbara Johnson
Handler: Taylor Lafferty

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog / Best Smooth Puppy Dog

#361 Aurealis Envision (9-12)
Sire: GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
Dam: GCHB Aurealis Ambition
Breeders: Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk, Lauren Falk, Maret Falk
Owners: Dannon Shaughnessy, Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk
Handler: Cindy Weiner Robinson

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Veteran 8-11 Years (2 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #421 CH Sunnland's Rocketman BN CD NP NAIP RA BCAT CGCA

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Veteran 11+ Years (1 entered)
(Absent: #425)

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Wednesday, April 21

Smooth bitches, Judge James Noe

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle and Erin Gorney

11 AM | Total Entry: 48

Puppy, 6-9 months (8 entered)
(Absent: #348)

1. #342 Heiress Rewrite The Stars
2. #354 Foxhaven Wild Wind Blue Heaven
3. #356 Creekwood Jolis Extraordinary
4. #352 Travler's For Love Or Money

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Puppy, 9-12 months (5 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #360 Ceilidh's When Calls The Heart
2. #358 Ceilidh's Tea Party
3. #362 Belleville's Hey Hey Baby
4. #364 Belleville Creekwood I Don't Give A Damn

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12-18 months (7 entered)
(Absent: #374)

1. #372 Gateside Mandalay Everything Under The Sun
2. #376 Hollyoak's Shimmers Of Light
3. #368 Creekwood Fantasy Candy Land
4. #540 Jereco's Raisin' Hell!

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Bred-By Exhibitor (13 entered)
(Absent: #386)

1. #396 Creekwood Greyfriar Rhapsody
2. #404 Belleville's Sweet Magnolia
3. #384 Wych N Mar-Jo Dreaming Of Midnight
4. #392 Tir Na N' Og The Fifth Element

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American Bred (8 entered)
(Absent: none, Move up #412)

1. #416 Creekwood Sequoia Your A Star
2. #380 Special Onward And Upward
3. #410 Braeton's Swimming In Sunshine
4. #414 Tir Na N' Og Furya

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Open (7 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #502 Braeton's Shine Bright
2. #422 Kaymann's Secret Society At 5C's
3. #426 Calibre's Get Rich Quick
4. #538 Special Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

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3:15 PM

Smooth Winners Bitch Competition

Puppy, 6-9 months: #342 Heiress Rewrite The Stars
Puppy, 9-12 months: #360 Ceilidh's When Calls The Heart
12-18 months: #372 Gateside Mandalay Everything Under The Sun
Bred-By Exhibitor: #396 Creekwood Greyfriar Rhapsody
American Bred: #416 Creekwood Sequoia Your A Star
Open: #502 Braeton's Shine Bright

Smooth Winners Bitch / Best Smooth Puppy Bitch

#360 Ceilidh's When Calls The Heart (9-12)
Sire: CH Ceilidh's Celtic Legend
Dam: GCHS Ceilidh's No Bounds
Breeders: Crystal Stoner, Micha Ann Elliott
Owner: Cindy Robinson
Handler: Cindy Robinson

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch

#358 Ceilidh's Tea Party (9-12)
Sire: CH Ceilidh's Legends Of The Fall
Dam: CH Kirkhaven N Ceilidh's Irish Creme
Breeders: Micha Elliott, Kilah Mincy, Barry Sowder
Owners: Micha Elliott, Pam Brown
Handler: Dona Williams

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Veteran 8-11 Years (5 entered)
(Absent: #440, #552, #425 was moved from Veteran Smooth Dogs)

1. #442 GCH Chrysalis Star Of Green Acres

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Veteran 11+ Years (1 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #444 GCHS Tir Na N' Og The Legend Of Banzai Maguire

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Herding Titled Bitches (2 entered)
(Absent: none)

Sinkona Collies -- GCH Sinkona's Dream Catcher, CD BN GN RE HSAs AXP AJP MFP CA VX

1. #494 GCH Sinkona's Dream Catcher CDX BN GN RE HSAs MXP2 MJP2 MJPB MFP CA BCAT

2. #434 CH Wild Wind's Ability Ariel CD HSAs RN

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Wednesday, April 21

Rough dogs, Judge Lynn Hyman Butler

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle and Erin Gorney

Total Entry: 20

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White (9 entered)
(Absent: #17)

1. #9 Fantasy's Fortunate Heir
2. #21 Many Oaks In My Room
3. #19 Trinity Maximum Attitude
4. #11 Marnus I'm A Believer

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Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC (11 entered)
(Absent: #329)

1. #29 Maverick Folklore
2. #37 Limericks Celtic Encore
3. #41 Duquesnes Puttin' On The Ritz
4. #43 Stonehaven American Legend

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Wednesday, April 21

rough bitches, Judge James Noe

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle and Erin Gorney

Total Entry: 38

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White (9 entered)
(Absent: #12)

1. #18 Galatean Riverrun Celtic Gold
2. #22 Jolis Diabolical
3. #6 Marnus Seeing Is Believing
4. #20 Heatherfield Stand Up For Liberty

Heatherfield Collies -- Heatherfield Stand Up For Liberty

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Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC (15 entered)
(Absent: #32, #40, #42)

1. #48 Overland Touchee
2. #30 Calavar Medaglia D'Oro
3. #44 Overland On Guard
4. #28 Foggy Bay Heatherlyn Ain't She Somethin'

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Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White (4 entered)
(Absent: #58)

1. #56 Creekwood Windancer Taiaut Fiddle Dee Dee
2. #62 Valley Park Secret Affair
3. #54 Maplecreek Renaire's American Honey

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Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC (10 entered)
(Absent: #66, 78)

1. #68 Aurealis Say It With A Smile
2. #82 Aurealis Shining Star
3. #76 Clarion Monarch Incantations
4. #72 Aurealis Captivating

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Thursday, April 22

Rough Dogs, Judge Lynn Hyman Butler

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle and Erin Gorney

8:30 AM | Total Entry: 55

Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White (5 entered)
(Absent: ##47, #53)

1. #45 Northwind Double Trouble
2. #51 Ceilidh's Heart And Soul
3. #49 Valley Park Northwind Rebel With A Cause

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Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC (4 entered)
(Absent: none)

Baldwin Ridge Collies --Aurealis Fire N Ice At Baldwin Ridge

1. #59 Aurealis Declaration
2. #57 Aurealis Fire N Ice At Baldwin Ridge
3. #61 Northwind Chasing Midnight
4. #55 Cove Run's Practical Magic

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12-18 months (8 entered)
(Absent: #65, #67, #75, #77)

1. #63 Hi-Crest Follow The Light
2. #69 Fantasy's Silver Flame
3. #71 Tapestry With A Twist
4. #73 Wild Wind's Given To Fly

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Bred-By Exhibitor (5 entered)
(Absent: #81)

1. #83 Fantasy's Flirting With Fire
2. #79 Rainbow's Vanguard What's The Name Of The Game
3. #87 Entais High Voltage
4. #85 E'Marie's Tall Dark And Handsome

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American Bred (7 entered)
(Absent: #91, #99)

1. #101 Overland Walkin' Tall
2. #89 Scarboroughs Jagged Edge
3. #97 Lora-Lins It's Elementary My Dear
4. #93 Castlebar's Dare To Defy

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Open Blue Merle (4 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #103 Aurealis Constellation
2. #105 Kara Christo In Pursuit Of Honor
3. #107 Taradells Magnetized PT FDC
4. #109 Overland Applette In The Spotlight

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Open Sable and White (10 entered)
(Absent: none)

Sacred Collies -- Fantasy's Thine Own Self Be True

1. #117 Moxie's RockNRolla
2. #129 Country K Aren't U Special
3. #121 Sheranda Sherlock Of Foremost
4. #123 Fantasy's Thine Own Self Be True

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Open Tri-Color (10 entered)
(Absent: #153)

1. #147 Overland Walk On By To Pleasant Acre
2. #149 Decor's Ticket To Ride
3. #139 Aura Island's Desire
4. #145 Lochlaren Bonilane Bright Stedfast Star

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Open White (2 entered)
(Absent: #133)

LynChris Collies -- LynChris Snow Walker

1. #111 LynChris Snow Walker

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Thursday, April 22

Rough bitches, Judge James Noe

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle and Erin Gorney

11:15 AM | Total Entry: 75

12-18 months (12 entered)
(Absent: #84, #104)

1. #100 Foremost Songbird
2. #102 Overland Cove Run's Walking On Sunshine
3. #88 Overland Sundae Best
4. #96 Moxie's Laugh Riot

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Bred-By Exhibitor (18 entered)
(Absent: #112, #114, #130, #136)

1. #108 Sunny Sky's Time After Time
2. #140 Limericks Showstopper
3. #128 Jereco's She's A Rainbow
4. #142 Tapestry Dreamboat Annie

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American Bred (13 entered)
(Absent: #150, #154, #156)

1. #152 Riverrun Galatean Lion's Paint
2. #168 Maverick Petticoat
3. #162 Aryggeth I'm A Little Old Fashioned @ Ceilidh's
4. #160 Scarboroughs Enchantress

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Open Blue Merle (3 entered)
(Absent: #170)

1. #172 Autumn-Sun Surprise Party
2. #174 Nightwind Qualteri Barefoot Blue Jean Night

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Open Sable and White (19 entered)
(Absent: #186, #212, #182 moved to Open White)

1. #206 Tokyo Jazz JP Benjour Maxima
2. #178 Valley Park Alleged Affair
3. #200 Countryview Any Moment Now
4. #192 Crosswind Shoot The Moon

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Open Tri-Color (10 entered)
(Absent: #214, #220, #226, #230)

1. #216 Annsdale Hello Dolly
2. #224 Apple Valley Dreams Do Come True
3. #218 Overland Burlywood New Moon BN RAE CGCA DCAT TKN
4. #228 Edenrock Wish Upon A Star

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Open White (1 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #182 Applette Touchstone Steel Ice

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Thursday, April 22

Rough Dogs, Judge Lynn Hyman Butler

Rough Winners Dog Competition

2:30 PM

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White: #9 Fantasy's Fortunate Heir
Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC: #29 Maverick Folklore
Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White: #45 Northwind Double Trouble
Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC: #59 Aurealis Declaration
12-18 months: #63 Hi-Crest Follow The Light
Bred-By Exhibitor: #83 Fantasy's Flirting With Fire
American Bred: #101 Overland Walkin' Tall
Open Blue Merle: #103 Aurealis Constellation
Open Sable and White: #117 Moxie's RockNRolla
Open Tri-Color: #147 Overland Walk On By To Pleasant Acre
Open White: #111 LynChris Snow Walker

Rough Winners Dog

Moxie Collies -- CH Moxie's RockNRolla

#117 Moxie's RockNRolla (Open/Sable)
Sire: Moxie's Law Of The Jungle
Dam: Belfair A Ginger Sunrise
Breeders: Melinda Barber and Alene Evans
Owner: Melinda Barber
Handler: Jessica Whitman

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

#101 Overland Walkin' Tall (Am-Bred)
Sire: CH Milas Walk The Line
Dam: CH Overland Sin No More
Breeders: Marcy and Mike Fine
Owners: Marcy and Mike Fine
Handler: Marcy Fine

Best Rough Puppy Dog

#59 Aurealis Declaration (9-12/AOAC)
Sire: GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
Dam: Aurealis Reminiscence
Breeders: Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk, Lauren Falk, Maret Conahan
Owners: Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk, Lauren Falk, Maret Conahan
Handler: Julianna Falk

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Thursday, April 22

Rough Dogs, Judge Lynn Hyman Butler

Veteran 8-11 Years (2 entered)
(Absent: none

1. #157 GCH Dreamhearts Golden Opportunity At Memory Oak

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Veteran 11+ Years (1 entered)
(Absent: #xx)

1. #161 GCH MACH Belfair THe Swashbuckler CDX RM RAE PT MXS MJB OF TKI

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Herding Class Dogs (1 entered)

TC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD TD MXS MJS RN

1. TC Riverrun Galatean Wyndham's Top Contender CD TD MXS MJS RN

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Thursday, April 22

smooth Dogs, Judge Lynn Hyman Butler

Stud Dogs (3 entered)
(Absent: #xx)

1. #491 CH Creekwood Thornacres Rock My World
2. #449 GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned
3. # 489 GCHS Qualteri Lazurite Island Tryst HIC

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Thursday, April 22

rough Dogs, Judge Lynn Hyman Butler

Stud Dogs (2 entered)
(Absent: #215)

Aurealis Collies -- GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights

1. #163 GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights

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Thursday, April 22

4 - 6 month Beginner puppy, Judge phyllis autrey

4:30 PM

Rough (4 - 7)
(Absent: #)

Best Beginner Rough Puppy: #10 Cyndella's Call Me Bad Girl

Best Opposite Beginner Rough Puppy: #11 Wild Wind's Sonic Boom

Smooth (0 - 1)
(Absent: none)

Best Beginner Smooth Puppy: #22 Wild Wind's Don't Stop Me Now

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Friday, April 23

Rough bitches, Judge James Noe

8:30 AM

Rough Winners Bitch Competition

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White: #18 Galatean Riverrun Celtic Gold
Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC: #48 Overland Touchee
Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White: #56 Creekwood Windancer Taiaut Fiddle Dee Dee
Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC: #68 Aurealis Say It With A Smile
12-18 months: #100 Foremost Songbird
Bred-By Exhibitor: #108 Sunny Sky's Time After Time
American Bred: #152 Riverrun Galatean Lion's Paint
Open Blue Merle: #172 Autumn-Sun Surprise Party
Open Sable and White: #206 Tokyo Jazz JP Benjour Maxima
Open Tri-Color: #216 Annsdale Hello Dolly
Open White: #182 Applette Touchstone Steel Ice

Rough Winners Bitch

#216 Annsdale Hello Dolly (Open/Tri
Sire: CH Vennessee's A Gift From The Past
Dam: Annsdale Tiger Lily
Breeders: Beth A. Bloom
Owner: Sharon Mayes, George Robert Rohde
Handler: Taylor Lafferty

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

#206 Tokyo Jazz JP Benjour Maxima (Open/Sable)
Sire: CH Tokyo Jazz Inherit The Fortune
Dam: Tokyo Jazz JP In The Summertime
Breeder: Takuko Watanabe
Owner: Takuko Watanabe
Handler: Debbie Holland

Best Rough Puppy Bitch

#48 Overland Touchee (6-9/AOAC)
Sire: CH Overland Three Cheers
Dam: Overland Val Hi's Bella
Breeders: Marcy and Mike Fine, Marilyn Power
Owners: Marcy and Mike Fine
Handler: Marcy Fine

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Friday, April 23

Rough bitches, Judge James Noe

Veteran 8-11 Years (6 entered)

1. #240 CH Clarion Monarch Promise Me Rainbows

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Veteran 11+ Years (5 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #256 GCH Lorimar Evening Mist

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Herding Class Bitches (1 entered)

1. #236 Wild Wind's I Think I Love You CD HSAs HSDs RN

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Friday, April 23

ROUGH bitches, Judge James Noe

Brood Bitches (3 entered)
(Absent: none)

Heatherfield Collies -- GCHB Heatherfield Legacy Of Love, Heatherfield Check Mate, Heatherfield Stand Up For Liberty, Heatherfield Black Tie Affair, Heatherfield Monkey Business

1. #274 GCHB Heatherfield Legacy Of Love
2. #322 CH Entais Grand Jete
3. #272 CH Barksdale Belleville's Double Trouble

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Friday, April 23

SMOOTH bitches, Judge James Noe

Brood Bitches (6 entered)
(Absent: #496, #518)

1. #448 GCHS Demuir Heiress At First Light
2. #514 GCH Chrysalis Sterling Inspiration
3. #480 GCH Wild Wind's Total Eclipse Of The Heart
4. #536 CH Sunnland's Fortune Cookie

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Friday, April 23

Smooth Braces, Judge Roxann Heit

11:05 AM

Smooth Braces (2 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #432 CH Chrysalis Deja Blue, #472 GCHB Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
2. #405 Sunnland's Showstopper, #421 CH Sunnland Rocket Man BN CD NP NAIP RA BCAT CGCA

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Friday, April 23

Smooth Best of Variety, Judge Roxann Heit

(Total Entry: 75 -- 31 Dogs, 44 Bitches)

11:15 AM

(Absent: #427, #431, #437, #441, #449, #471)

Dogs, First Group:

First Cut:
#429 CH Wildwind's Poetry In Motion, #433 CH Belfair SnoValley Dr. Amos Black

Dogs, Second Group:

First Cut:
#445 GCH Skye Blue's Rock & Roll All Night, #453 GCH Mello-D's Bad Moon Rising, #455 GCH Gateside Mandalay Miles To Turnberry, #461 GCH Creekwood Hot D'amn, #467 GCHS Chrysalis Wyld Rose You Dirty Rat HT CGCA BCAT

Dogs, Third Group:

First Cut:
#451 GCHS Special Eye On The Mark, #469 GCH Chrysalis Just Call Me Mr. , #477 GCH Tango's Valley Park Magic Man

Dogs, Fourth Group:

First Cut:
#487 GCH Twin Pine Accolades's Calling Dibs, #491 CH Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World, #421 CH Sunnland's Rocketman BN CD NP NAIP RA BCAT CGCA

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Dogs Second Cut:
#445 GCH Skye Blue's Rock & Roll All Night
#455 GCH Gateside Mandalay Miles To Turnberry
#461 GCH Creekwood Hot D'amn
#469 GCH Chrysalis Just Call Me Mr.
#477 GCH Tango's Valley Park Magic Man
#487 GCH Twin Pine Accolades's Calling Dibs
#421 CH Sunnland's Rocketman BN CD NP NAIP RA BCAT CGCA

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Bitches, First Group

First Cut:
#452 CH Silhouette's Some Like It Hot, #448 GCH Demuir Celestial Light, #438 GCH Calibre's Filthy Rich

Bitches, Second Group

First Cut:
#462 GCHS Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan, #468 GCH Ceilidh's Timekeeper

Bitches, Third Group

First Cut:
#472 GCHB Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice, #478 CH Windancer Taiaut These Dreams, #488 GCHS Travler's Kim Possible TKN

Bitches, Fourth Group

First Cut:
#496 GCH Special Take The High Road, #506 GCHS Cyndella's I'm A Party Girl

Bitches, Fifth Group

First Cut: #512 CH Travler's Sway Me Smooth, #518 GCHB Aurealis Ambition, #522 GCHS Corjalin's Light Of A Thousand Stars, #528 GCH Raven Hot Hot Hot RN CGC

Bitches, Sixth Group

First Cut: #548 GCH Demuir Heiress At First Light, #412 Chrystalis Wish Upon A Star

Absent bitches: #454, 464, #510, #514, #526

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Bitches Second Cut:

#468 GCH Ceilidh's Timekeeper
#472 GCHB Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
#488 GCHS Travler's Kim Possible TKN
#496 GCH Special Take The High Road
#506 GCHS Cyndella's I'm A Party Girl
#518 GCHB Aurealis Ambition
#522 GCHS Corjalin's Light Of A Thousand Stars
#528 GCH Raven Hot Hot Hot RN CGC
#558 GCH Demuir Heiress At First Light

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Dog / Bitches Third Cut:

#445 GCH Skye Blue's Rock & Roll All Night
#455 GCH Gateside Mandalay Miles To Turnberry
#461 GCH Creekwood Hot D'amn
#469 GCH Chrysalis Just Call Me Mr.
#487 GCH Twin Pine Accolades's Calling Dibs

#558 GCH Demuir Heiress At First Light
#468 GCH Ceilidh's Timekeeper
#472 GCHB Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
#488 GCHS Travler's Kim Possible TKN
#496 GCH Special Take The High Road
#518 GCHB Aurealis Ambition
#522 GCHS Corjalin's Light Of A Thousand Stars

Dog / Bitches Fourth Cut:
#461 GCH Creekwood Hot D'amn
#487 GCH Twin Pine Accolades's Calling Dibs
#496 GCH Special Take The High Road
#522 GCHS Corjalin's Light Of A Thousand Stars

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Smooth Best of Variety

Special Collies -- GCHB Special Take The High Road

#496 GCH Special Take The High Road (B)
Sire: GCH Milen's Step Above
Dam: GCH Special Tres Chic
Breeder: Laura LaBounty
Owner: Laura LaBounty
Handler: Hannah Rawlings

Smooth Best of Winners

#360 Ceilidh's When Calls The Heart (B)
Sire: CH Ceilidh's Celtic Legend
Dam: GCHS Ceilidh's No Bounds
Breeders: Crystal Stoner, Micha Ann Elliott
Owner: Cindy Robinson
Handler: Cindy Robinson

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to BoV

#487 GCH Twin Pine Accolades's Calling Dibs (D)
Sire: CH Annsdale Twin Pine Booms Like Thunder
Dam: CH Creekwood Twin Pine Whistling Dixie
Breeder: Steven Clark
Owners: Crystal Jose Stoner
Handler: Dona Williams

Smooth Select Dog

#461 GCH Creekwood Hot D'amn
Sire: GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned
Dam: CH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who
Breeders: Robin Reed, Virginia Mehr, Alizabeth Lude
Owners: Robin Reed, Virginia Mehr, Ron Luster, Hector and Meredith Hector
Handler: Robin Reed

Smooth Select Bitch

#522 GCHS Corjalin's Light Of A Thousand Stars
Sire: GCH Headlines Soldier Of Light
Dam: Afterhours Headlines Treasure Trove
Breeder: Theresa Sutter
Owner: LInda Lee and Theresa Ballantyne
Handler: Theresa Ballantyne

Awards of Merit

#445 GCH Skye Blue's Rock & Roll All Night
#455 GCH Gateside Mandalay Miles To Turnberry
#469 GCH Chrysalis Just Call Me Mr.
#558 GCH Demuir Heiress At First Light
#468 GCH Ceilidh's Timekeeper
#472 GCHB Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
#488 GCHS Travler's Kim Possible TKN
#518 GCHB Aurealis Ambition

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Saturday, April 24

Junior showmanship, Judge maci haas

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle and Erin Gorney

9 AM | Total Entry: 20

Novice Intermediate (1 entered)

1. #J522 Breanne Smith

Open Junior (1 entered)

1. #J557 Braelynn Gossage

Open Intermediate (3 entered)
(Absent: #J563)

1. #J565 Bryonna Thompson
2. #J564 Carmyn Hayes

Open Senior (15 entered)
(Absent: #J572, #J581, #J585, J587, J589)

1. #J577 Sarah Fox
2. #J573 Alizabeth Lude
3. #J579 Kathryn Markey
4. #J571 Summer Koster

Best Junior Handler

#J577 Sarah Fox

Heatherfield Collies -- Sarah M. Fox and GCH Heatherfield Nine Bridges Blumatra

Reserve Best Junior Handler

#J565 Bryonna Thompson

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Saturday, April 24

Rough braces, Judge Roxann Heit

10:05 AM

Rough Braces (1 entered)

1. #120 Entais Enchante, #156 Entais Giclee

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Saturday, April 24

Rough Best of Variety, Judge Roxann Heit

10:15 AM - Groups of 15

(Total Entry: 72 -- 37 Dogs, 35 Bitches)

Dogs, First Group: #163 - #175

First Cut: #163 GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights, #167 GCH Tartanside Valley Park Victor

Dogs, Second Group: #177 - #193, #211

First Cut: #189 CH Belleville's Middle Of A Memory, #193 CH Sherloch Belfair Make It So! #211 CH Kaigan Chimera Walowizard

Dogs, Third Group: #185, #195 - #209

First Cut: #185 GCH Valley Park Barnstormer, #197 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps, #207 GCHB Oak Knolls Secret Flame PT, #209 GCH Valley Park Serendipity At Baldwin Ridge

Dogs, Fourth Group: #213 - #223, #237, #239
(Absent: #223)

First Cut: #217 GCHS Aryggeth's Shake Down PT FDC, #219 CH Heather Hill's Shiny Piece Of Coal

Dogs, Fifth Group: #133, #225 - #235, #330

First Cut: #229 GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon, #235 CH Westwood Flyover, #330 GCH Taradells Legendary

Dogs, Sixth Group: #237, #239, #327, #157, #161, #155, #101, #155, veterans

First Cut: #327 CH Sunway Wind Chill

Dogs, First Cut

#163 GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
#167 GCH Tartanside Valley Park Victor
#189 CH Belleville's Middle Of A Memory
#193 CH Sherloch Belfair Make It So!
#211 CH Kaigan Chimera Walowizard
#185 GCH Valley Park Barnstormer
#197 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps
#207 GCHB Oak Knolls Secret Flame PT
#209 GCH Valley Park Serendipity At Baldwin Ridge
#217 GCHS Aryggeth's Shake Down PT FDC
#219 CH Heather Hill's Shiny Piece Of Coal
#229 GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
#235 CH Westwood Flyover
#330 GCH Taradells Legendary
#327 CH Sunway Wind Chill

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Dogs, Second Cut:

#163 GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
#189 CH Belleville's Middle Of A Memory
#185 GCH Valley Park Barnstormer
#197 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps
#217 GCHS Aryggeth's Shake Down PT FDC
#219 CH Heather Hill's Shiny Piece Of Coal
#229 GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
#235 CH Westwood Flyover

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Bitches, First Group: #248, #260-268

First Cut:
#248 GCHS Shalimar Double "L" And Away We Go, #260 CH Fantasy's Calico Lace, #262 CH Tapestry Reminiscing

Bitches, Second Group: #270, #274- #286
(Absent: #280, #282, #286)

First Cut:
#270 GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon & Stars, #278 GCH Camloch Persuasion

Bitches, Third Group: #284, #288 - #300

First Cut: #290 CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAs HSds FDC, #300 CH Tokyo Jazz JP Masquerade

Bitches, Fourth Group: #302 - #318, #324

First Cut: #302 GCH Autumn-Sun Flapper Girl, #308 GCH Creekwood Mischievous, #312 GCH Heartherlyn Autumn Legacy, #314 CH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love

Bitches, Fifth Group: #264, #272, #310, #320, #322, #326

First Cut: #264 GCH Fleur De Lis JP Double Delight, #320 GCH Sunny Sky's Always Dreaming, #326 CH Wyndlair Star Spangled

Bitches, Sixth Group: #328, Veterans, Herding Titled

First Cut: #328 GCHB Overland By Request, #256 GCH Lorimar Evening Mist

Bitches, First Cut
#248 GCHS Shalimar Double "L" And Away We Go
#260 CH Fantasy's Calico Lace
#262 CH Tapestry Reminiscing
#270 GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon & Stars
#278 GCH Camloch Persuasion
#290 CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAs HSds FDC
#300 CH Tokyo Jazz JP Masquerade
#302 GCH Autumn-Sun Flapper Girl
#308 GCH Creekwood Mischievous
#312 GCH Heartherlyn Autumn Legacy
#314 CH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love
#264 GCH Fleur De Lis JP Double Delight
#320 GCH Sunny Sky's Always Dreaming
#326 CH Wyndlair Star Spangled
#328 GCHB Overland By Request
#256 GCH Lorimar Evening Mist

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Bitches, Second Cut:
#262 CH Tapestry Reminiscing
#270 GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon & Stars
#278 GCH Camloch Persuasion
#290 CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAs HSds FDC
#300 CH Tokyo Jazz JP Masquerade
#312 GCH Heartherlyn Autumn Legacy
#314 CH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love
#328 GCHB Overland By Request
#308 GCH Creekwood Mischievous

Dog / Bitches Third Cut:
#163 GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
#185 GCH Valley Park Barnstormer
#197 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps
#229 GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
#235 CH Westwood Flyover

#262 CH Tapestry Reminiscing
#270 GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon & Stars
#278 GCH Camloch Persuasion
#290 CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAs HSds FDC
#314 CH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love
#328 GCHB Overland By Request

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Rough Best of Variety

Larkspur Collies -- GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon And Stars

#270 GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon & Stars (R/B)
Sire: CH Southland's Lexington
Dam: CH Larkspur Forget Me Not
Breeders: Patricia and Robert Blakely
Owner: Patricia and Robert Blakely
Handler: Cindy Robinson

Rough Best of Winners

#216 Annsdale Hello Dolly (Open/Tri)
Sire: CH Vennessee's A Gift From The Past
Dam: Annsdale Tiger Lily
Breeders: Beth A. Bloom
Owner: Sharon Mayes, George Robert Rohde
Handler: Bree Ardizzone

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to BoV

Enclave Collies -- GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon

#229 GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (D)
Sire: GCH Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy
Dam: CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star
Breeder: Mary Lee Shingle
Owner: Hector Hector, Meredith Hector, Mary Lee Shingle, Addison Lude, Robin Reed
Handler: Theresa Ballantyne

Rough Select Dog

Aurealis Collies -- GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights

#163 GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
Sire: CH Southland Bowen Island
Dam: CH Aurealis Rumor Has It
Breeder: Sheela Cheatham
Owners: Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk, Maret Falk, Sheela Cheatham, Lauren Falk
Handler: Julianna Falk

Rough Select Bitch

Camloch Collies -- GCHB Camloch Persuasion

#278 GCH Camloch Persuasion
Sire: GCH Camloch Sensation RN HSAs HIAd
Dam: Colwick Luminance
Breeders: Krista Hansen and David Hansen DVM
Owners: Krista Hansen and David Hansen DVM
Handler: Dona Williams

Awards of Merit

Aurealis Collies -- GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps / CH Aurealis Classical Era Spectrum Collies -- CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAs HSDs FDC
#185 GCH Valley Park Barnstormer
#197 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps
#235 CH Westwood Flyover
#262 CH Tapestry Reminiscing
#290 CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAs HSds FDC
#314 CH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love
#328 GCHB Overland By Request

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Best of Breed

Larkspur Collies -- GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon And Stars

#270 GCHS Larkspur Sun Moon & Stars (R/B)
Sire: CH Southland's Lexington
Dam: CH Larkspur Forget Me Not
Breeders: Patricia and Robert Blakely
Owner: Patricia and Robert Blakely
Handler: Cindy Robinson

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed

Enclave Collies -- GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon

#229 GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (D)
Sire: GCH Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy
Dam: CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star
Breeder: Mary Lee Shingle
Owner: Hector Hector, Meredith Hector, Mary Lee Shingle, Addison Lude, Robin Reed
Handler: Theresa Ballantyne

Best American Bred (Rough)

#152 Riverrun Galatean Lion's Paint
Sire: CH Riverrun Galatean Unleash The Lion
Dam: CH Riverrun Galatean Trading Paint at Silhouette
Breeders: Mary and Jillian Jackson, Mary and Rose Robischon
Owners: Mary and Rose Robischon, Mary and Jillian Jackson
Handler: Kelly Neeley

Best Puppy

#360 Ceilidh's When Calls The Heart (9-12)
Sire: CH Ceilidh's Celtic Legend
Dam: GCHS Ceilidh's No Bounds
Breeders: Crystal Stoner, Micha Ann Elliott
Owner: Cindy Robinson

Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy

#59 Aurealis Declaration (9-12/AOAC)
Sire: GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
Dam: Aurealis Reminiscence
Breeders: Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk, Lauren Falk, Maret Conahan
Owners: Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk, Lauren Falk, Maret Conahan
Handler: Julianna Falk

Best Bred-By Exhibitor

#108 Sunny Sky's Time After Time
Sire: CH Fantasy's Finding Fame
Dam: CH Fantasy Storytime At Sunnysky
Breeders: Karen Soeder and Debbie Holland
Owner: Karen Soeder
Handler: Karen Soeder

Best of Opposite Sex to Best Bred-By Exhibitor

#83 Fantasy's Flirting With Fire
Sire: Fantasy's Fire In The Sky
Dam: Harmonic A Shining Star
Breeders: Eiko Watanabe, Debbie Holland
Owner: Debbie Holland
Handler: Debbie Holland

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