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Central Penn Collie Club

April 16 2022
Breed Judge: Shelley Roos

Designated Specialty hosted by Harrisburg KC


Rough Best of Variety: Overland Touchee (B)
(CH Overland Three Cheers x Overland Val Hi's Bella)

Rough Best of Winners: Overland Touchee (B)
(CH Overland Three Cheers x Overland Val Hi's Bella)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Mascoma's Dark Sky (D)
(Mascoma's Storybrook Snow Moon x Eastleigh Anjay Mascoma's Mystere)

Rough Select Dog: N/A

Rough Select Bitch:

Rough Winners Dog: Mascoma's Dark Sky (Open)
(Mascoma's Storybrook Snow Moon x Eastleigh Anjay Mascoma's Mystere)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Overland Any Given Sundae (6-9)
(CH Overland Never On Sundae x CH Overland In Good Cheer)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Overland Touchee (BBE)
(CH Overland Three Cheers x Overland Val Hi's Bella)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Millknock's Mirror Image (9-12)
(CH Millknock Mastermind x GCH Millknock Kelso Quiet Riot HT)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHB Travler's Book Of Shadows PT (B)
(GCH Travler's Son of a Witch x CH Travler's Granma's Cameo)

Smooth Best of Winners:

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Greyfriar Meadow Song He's So Fine RE FDC CG (D) (GCH Gateside Kiss The Sky At Greyfriar x GCH Sunway Greyfriar Black Dahlia)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Deer Hill How It Is
(CH Deep River's Love Letters x CH Sunway Simply Irresistible TKN CGC)

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Robmar's Winning Cadenza (Vet)
GCH Creekwood Sam I Am x CH Marchellos Angelshine Cadenza)

Smooth Winners Dog:

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A

Smooth Winners Bitch: Seawhisper Darby O'Gill At HighCliff (Open)
(CH Seawhisper Winsmore Limelight x CH Seawhisper Eclipsed By T'Moon)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Dusquesne's Lavendar Laced Cadenza (12-18) (CH Sugarspice Travlers Goodie Blue Shoes x Cadenzas Twisted Tiara RN CGC TKI)

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