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Specialty Results for Inland Empire Collie Club

Breed Judge: Donna Buxton

April 14, 2023 (AM)
Moses Lake, WA

Roughs: 18-14 (4-2) 0-1
Smooths: 5-7 (2-2) 3-0
Junior Showmanship: 3
Sweepstakes: 13

GCHB Aurealis Play For KeepsBest of Breed / Rough Best of Variety: GCHB Aurealis Play For Keeps

GCH Cynclair BelairSmooth Best of Opposite: GCH Cynclair Belair

GCH Cynclair BelairRough Best of Opposite/ Best of Winners / Winners Bitch: Belfair Colebrae Crazy For You

GCHS Moxie's RockNRollaRough Select Dog: GCHS Moxie's RockNRolla


Best of Breed: GCHB Aurealis Play For Keeps (R/D) (GCHS Aurealis Coldplay x GCHB CH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCHB Encore's Maree Of Soul PT CGC (S/B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM - CH Encore Coho's Dinna Fash Lass

Rough Best of Variety: GCHB Aurealis Play For Keeps (D) (GCHS Aurealis Coldplay x GCHB CH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Rough Best of Winners: Belfair Colebrae Crazy For You (B) (Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x GCH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Belfair Colebrae Crazy For You (B) (Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x GCH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love)

Rough Select Dog:
GCHS Moxie's RockNRolla (CH Moxie's Law Of The Jungle RN CGC TKA x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Majestic Angel In Disquise (B) (Kings Valley Tru Calling CGCA CGCU x GCH Belfair Majestic O'For The Life Of Riley)

Rough Winners Dog: Aurealis All American (BBE) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Aurealis Incandescence)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Snovalley Prime Time (Open/Tri) (CH Belfair Snovalley Dr. Amos Black x Snovalley Blue Moon Rising CGC)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Belfair Colebrae Crazy For You (BBE) (Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x GCH Belfair Colebrae Crazy In Love)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch:
Aurealis Invitation (Open/Sable) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Aurealis Incandescence)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHB Encore's Maree Of Soul PT CGC (B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM - CH Encore Coho's Dinna Fash Lass

Smooth Best of Winners:
Moxie Matchless (D) (GCHS Moxie's Rocknrolla x Colebrae Moxie Skylark)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Cynclair Belair (D) (Colebrae A Night To Remember x CH Cynclair Colebrae Eloquence)

Smooth Select Dog: GCH Silhouette Breakaway's Man Of The Hour (GCHS Fantasys Sunshine Superman x CH Silhouette's Oreo)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Encore's Sing Me A Song RN (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Encore Coho's Dinna Fash Lass)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Moxie Matchless (6-9) (GCHS Moxie's Rocknrolla x Colebrae Moxie Skylark)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Moxie Take Back Th' Night (12-18) (Colebrae A Night To Remember x CH Moxie Behind Th' Moon)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Moxie RockNRoll Queen (6-9) (GCHS Moxie's Rocknrolla x Colebrae Moxie Skylark)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Encore's Lady Splash Of Fire (Open) (GCH Encore Belfair's Bold Ruler BN RN PT CGC TKN x CH Encore Coho's Dinna Fash Lass)

Best Junior Handler: Macy Banning (Open/Sr.)
Reserve Best Junior Handler: Brayden Burn (Open/Sr.)

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Inland Empire Collie Club

04/12/24 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Pat Putman
04/12/24 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge William K. Brokken, M.D.
04/14/23 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Donna Buxton
04/14/23 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Kenneth Buxton
04/15/22 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Louise Palarik
04/15/22 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Janet Fink
05/28/21 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Gayle Eads
05/28/21 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Richard Lewis
2020 shows canceled due to COVID-19
04/12/19 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Patricia Jung
04/12/19 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Cheryl Anderson
04/13/18 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Linda Scanlon
04/13/18 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Pat Putman
04/14/17 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Alane Gomez
04/15/16 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Donna Buxton
04/10/15 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Shelley Hennessy
04/11/14 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Debra Long Gschwender
04/12/13 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Richard Lewis
04/13/12 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge David Calderwood
04/15/11 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Nancy Shaffer Smith
04/16/10 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Janet Sinclair
04/10/09 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Harriett Campbell
04/11/08 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge William Holbrook
04/14/06 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Linda Tefelski
04/15/05 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Marcia Keller
04/09/04 Inland Empire Collie Club – Judge Lawrence Sinclair

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March 4, 2025
MARYLAND – Moore Collies is proud to announce a new litter sired by GCH MACH3 RACH Moore's Idris Laise, out of Overland Moore’s Fitheach Banfhlath. The breeding produced five rough puppies, sables and tri-colors, on February 17.

Call 703-517-4193 or email Moore Collies

March 1, 2025
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 10-month-old rough, sable female puppy. All shots, health records, eye checks, and genetic screening. Promising as pet or show prospect.

Call 978-853-0611 or email Sequoia Collies

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P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697