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Central Jersey Collie Club 

December 7, 2019
Breed / Group Judge: Sally Futh

Best in Show Judge: Anne Katona

Roughs: 19-28 (3-6) 1-1
Smooths: 5-11 (3-6) 2-1

Hosted by Valley Forge KC


Rough Best of Variety / Group One / Best in Show: GCH Priority's Chantilly Lace (B) (CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower x Priority's Blurred Lines)

Rough Best of Winners: Cadenza's Studebaker Standup (D)
(GCH Travlers Greased-Lightning x Cadenza's Careful Wish)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Cadenza's Studebaker Standup (D) (GCH Travlers Greased-Lightning x Cadenza's Careful Wish)

Rough Select Dog:
CH Conewago Seabreeze Stir It Up (Vet/D)
(CH Westwood Aladdin x Tapestry Evening Seabreeze)

Rough Select Bitch:
GCH Lachki Pause And Oneder
(GCHP Devinwood A Perfect Stranger x CH Takoda Lachki Shore Enough Not)

Rough Winners Dog: Cadenza's Studebaker Standup
(GCH Travlers Greased-Lightning x Cadenza's Careful Wish)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Riverrun Galatean Sir Galahad
(CH Riverrun Galatean Golden Lion x CH Galatean Riverrun Looking Glass)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Riverrun Galatean Lion's Paint
(CH Riverun Galatean Unleash The Lion x CH Riverun Galatean Trading Paint At Silhouette)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Galatean Riverrun Couture's Gift
(CH Riverrun Galatean Unleash The Lion x CH Riverrun Galatean A Beautiful Silhouette)

NOHS Group 1: GCHS Breezy Acres In Your Face
(CH Tartanside Heir Force x GCHB Breezy Acre's I'm A Keeper)

Smooth Best of Variety / Group 3: GCHS Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned (D) (GCHS Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rock Star x CH Creekwood Chase The Rainbow)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Creekwood Taiaut Pop Star (B)
(GCHS Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rock Star x CH Taiaut Lucy In The Sky)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Travler's Kim Possible (B)
(CH Overland Hidden Agenda x Travler's Little GTO)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Rohde Ain't Misbehavin At Tiamo
(CH Countryview High In Regard x GCH Hollicove You've Got Another Thing Comin')

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who
(GCHS Creekwood Sam I Am x Bandors Midnight Laughter)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Greyfriar Moves Like Jagger
(GCHG Gateside Kiss The Sky At Greyfriar x CH Tir Nan' Og Storybrook Celtic Blessing)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: SugarNSpice Got The Cowboy Blues
(GCHG Travler SuganNSpice Witches Do Come True x GCHS SugarNSpice's Hear Me Roar CAA)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Creekwood Taiaut Pop Star
(GCHS Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rock Star x CH Taiaut Lucy In The Sky)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Creekwood Cardross Va Va Voom
(GCHS Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'Amned x Sugarnspice's Dark Horse)

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