Collies Online ~ The Weekly Online Magazine for Lovers of the Breed Contents Collie Rescue

Specialty Results for High Desert Collie Club

Breed Judge: Mary Benjamin

December 4, 2022 (PM) | Claremont, California

Roughs: 9-12 (4-2) 0-1
Smooths: 6-4 (1-3) 0-1

Gambit Collies -- GCH Gambit's Wind In My SailsRough Select Dog: GCH Gambit's Wind In My Sails


Best of Breed: Kaslynkay's Gambit Lavender Skies (Move/Up/RB)
(CH Aurealis Envision x Kaslynkay's Marvel)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
CH Canyon's Gambit Coming In Hot (D) (GCHB Gambit's Livin The Dreamx GCH Gambit's The Rhythm That Moves Me ROM)

Rough Best of Variety: Kaslynkay's Gambit Lavender Skies (Move/Up/B)
(CH Aurealis Envision x Kaslynkay's Marvel)

Rough Best of Winners: Gambit Dancing In The Sunlight (D)
(GCHS Gambit's Livin' The Dream x CH Gambit's The Rhythm That Moves Me)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Canyon's Gambit Coming In Hot (D) (GCHB Gambit's Livin The Dreamx GCH Gambit's The Rhythm That Moves Me ROM)

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Gambit's Wind In My Sails
(GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights x CH Gambit's The Rhythm That
Moves Me)

Rough Select Bitch:
GCHB Entais Grand Jete
(CH Cheviot Given Troubadour x CH Entais Edenrock Bellissima)

Rough Winners Dog: Gambit Dancing In The Sunlight (Open/Sable)
(GCHS Gambit's Livin' The Dream x CH Gambit's The Rhythm That Moves Me)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Aurealis Silver Island Of Kairos (Open/Blue)
(GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights x Aurealis Reminiscence)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Miholiday's Chelsea Sunshine Affair (BBE)
(GCH CT Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TDX VST MXP MJP CGC HIC x GCH Miholiday's Sunnland Nashville Star CGC)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Meridel's Dream Catcher (6-9)
(GCH Gambit's Wind In My Sails x Meridel Stoneypoint It Had To Be You)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCH Aidan's Fly Me To The Moon HSAs NAJ DN CGC TKN (Vet/B) (CH Tallywood Paparazzi RN x GCH Aidan's Pure
Imagination BN RN HSAs AXJ NF)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Heiress O'hana (B)
(GCHB Heiress Natural Selection x Demuir Midnight Expresso)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHB Heiress Natural Selection (D) (GCHB Bravo's Breaking Hearts x GCHS Demuir Heiress At First Light)

Smooth Select Dog: N/A

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCHS Demuir Heiress At First Light
(GCH Headlines Soldier Of Light x Demuir Midnight Expresso)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Kaslynkay's Lighting Strikes DN TKN VHMP (Open)
(GCH Aurealis Envision x Kaslynkay's Marv)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Aidan's 'N Pembroke Shenanigans (12-18)
(GCHB Ch Twin Pine Accolade's Calling Dibs x Aidan's Creme Brulee PT CGC TKN)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Heiress O'hana (BBE)
(GCHB Heiress Natural Selection x Demuir Midnight Expresso)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Aidan's Candy Is Dandy But Liquor Is Quicker (BBE) (GCHB Twin Pine Accolade's Calling Dibs x Aidan's Creme Brulee PT CGC

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January 30, 2025
COLORADO – Looking for a show home for a tri puppy bitch (dob 11/11/24) out of BIS NOHS GCHB La-De-Da Eye Candy x GCH CH Foxhaven Wild Wind Grace in Every Step. See Foxhaven Collies FB page for more information.

Contact: blessingwheatens

Buy a low-cost classified ad for just $10 (U.S.) when you want to get your message out fast and just a few words will do. Your ad will run in this space for one week.

> Collie Classified


Snail mail:
P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697