Breed Judge: Joseph Reno
December 4, 2022 | Belleville, Illinois
Roughs: 6-8 (2-1)
Smooths: 2-6 (3-2) 0-1
Best of Breed: GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
Best of Breed: GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (R/D)
(GCHB Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy x Ch Pleasant Acre Northern Star)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: GCHB Tapestry Reminiscing (R/B)
(GCH Tapestry Trademark x CH Tapestry Thyme After Thyme)
Rough Best of Variety: GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (D)
(GCHB Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy x Ch Pleasant Acre Northern Star)
Rough Best of Winners: Fleur De Lis High Vision (B)
(CH Fantasy's Heir Of The Dragon x GCH Fleur De Lis JP Double Delight)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCHB Tapestry Reminiscing (B)
(GCH Tapestry Trademark x CH Tapestry Thyme After Thyme)
Rough Select Dog: CH Colebrae Qualteri It Must Have Been Love, IT
(Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x Colebrae Belfain Love Her Madly)
Rough Select Bitch: N/A
Rough Winners Dog: Overland Screen Play (6-9)
(CH Overland Playmaker x CH Overland Sunny Side Up)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Calavar Crescendo (Open/Tri)
(CH Calavar The Music Man x Calavar Heart & Soul)
Rough Winners Bitch: Fleur De Lis High Vision (Open/Blue)
(CH Fantasy's Heir Of The Dragon x GCH Fleur De Lis JP Double Delight)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Overland Sundae Silence (6-9)
(CH Overland Playmaker x CH Overland Sunny Side Up)
Smooth Best of Variety: CH Fleur-de-Lis's Sun Frost (D)
(GCHB Fleur de Lis Day By Day x Fleur de Lis JP Make A Wish)
Smooth Best of Winners: Calibre Avalir The Lucky One (B)
(GCHP Calibre's Key To The Fortune x GCH Calibre's Dirty Money)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCHS Headline's Flair For The Dramatic (B) (GCH Headline's Soldier Of Light x Afterhours Headlines Treasure Trove
Smooth Select Dog: GCH Chrysalis Blueberry At Happy Hills
(GCH Ceilidh's Legneds Of The Fall x GCH Chrysalis Sterling Inspiration HT)
Smooth Select Bitch: GCH Cadenza's Don't Cha Know (Vet)
(GCH Travlers Greased-Lightning x CH Chrysalis Put On Your Party Dress)
Smooth Winners Dog: Glasgowhill's Undercover At Kayman (Open)
(Annsdale's Twin Pine Booms Like Thunder x Glasgowhill's How Sweet It Is)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Tango's Hopeless Romantic At Prairie Creek (6-9)
(GCHB Tango's Valley Park Magic Man x CH Ceilidh's Sweet Surprise)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Calibre Avalir The Lucky One (Open)
(GCHP Calibre's Key To The Fortune x GCH Calibre's Dirty Money)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Firstlyte-Cadenza's A League Of Her Own (Am-Bred) (CH Vennessee's Music After Midnight x GCH Robmar's Winning Cadenza)
March 4, 2025
MARYLAND – Moore Collies is proud to announce a new litter sired by GCH MACH3 RACH Moore's Idris Laise, out of Overland Moore’s Fitheach Banfhlath. The breeding produced five rough puppies, sables and tri-colors, on February 17.
Call 703-517-4193 or email Moore Collies
March 1, 2025
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 10-month-old rough, sable female puppy. All shots, health records, eye checks, and genetic screening. Promising as pet or show prospect.
Call 978-853-0611 or email Sequoia Collies
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P.O. Box 416
Dunedin, Florida 34697