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Chicago Collie Club

February 26, 2012 (AM)
Breed Judge: Susan Christie

Number of Entries: 43
Dogs in Competition: 38
Roughs: 12-16 (3-1)
Smooths: 0-1 (3-2)

> Photos by Shannon Hayes

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety

GCH Overland Remembrance of Things Past (Tri/D)
Breeder: Marcy and Mike Fine
Owner: En Harriet Chang
Sire: CH Overland Northern Lights
Dam: CH Overland Bobby Sox

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best Variety

CH Tokyo Jazz JP Love Theme (Tri/B)
Breeder: Tokuko Watanabe
Owner: Tokuko Watanabe
Sire: CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon ROM
Dam: Fantasy's Hot Fudge

Rough Select Award

GCH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication (Blue/D)
Breeder: Matt and Anita Stelter and June Morris
Owner: Renee Beals, Laura Rizzo, Matt and Anita Stelter
Sire: Wyndlair Avalanche
Dam: CH Twin City Cleopatra

Rough Best of Winners/Winners Dog -- 4 pts

Tokyo Jazz JP Moon Shadow (9-12)
Breeder: Tokuko Watanabe
Owner: Debbie Holland
Sire: CH Sollis Insignia
Dam: CH Tokyo Jazz JP Love Theme

Rough Winners Bitch -- 4 pts

Taliesin High Fashion (Am Bred)
Breeder: Jennifer and Michael Rutkas
Owner: Jennifer and Michael Rutkas
Sire: CH Taliesin Lynmar Kung Fu Panda
Dam: GCH Taliesin Fashion Forward

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Taliesin Yakuza (6-9)
Breeder: Jennifer and Michael Rutkas
Owner: Jennifer and Michael Rutkas
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: CH Taliesin Panda Express

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

Rosepoint Jamaican Sunrise (Open/Sable)
Breeder: Amy Gau
Owner: Amy Gau
Sire: CH Rosepoint High Tide
Dam: CH Rosepoint Winterfest

Smooth Best of Variety

GCH Travler's Mustang Sally (Tri/B)
Breeder: R Tehon, C Ardizzone, B Ardizzone and G Lewis
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone and Kelly Reppert
Sire: CH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Travler's Liberty Sport ROM

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

GCH Fleur De Lis's Checkmate (D)
Breeder: Chizuko Kawabata
Owner: Chizuko Kawabata
Sire: CH Fleur De Lis's Excaliber
Dam: Misty Morn's Raspberry Pie

Smooth Select Awards

GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow (Sable/D)
Breeder: Candy Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Ardizzone
Owner: Candy Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Ardizzone and Gary Lewis
Sire: CH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Travler's Liberty Sport ROM

GCH C And J Silver Charm of Chrysalis (Blue/B)
Breeder: Debra Waelde and Robert Waelde
Owner: Judy Walburn and Cheryl Thompson
Sire: CH C And J's White Tie And Tails
Dam: CH Chrysalis Ginger Snaps

Smooth Winners Bitch

Bolero's Double or Nothin' (BBE)
Breeder: Melissa, Amanda and Judy Rychter
Owner: Amanda Rychter
Sire: CH Bolero N Aamar Crash `N Burn
Dam: CH Boleros Life Is Rough

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