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Central Iowa Collie Club

February 15, 2013 (PM)

Harry (Butch) Schulman

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety/Best of Winners/Winners Bitch
Wyndlair Classique Incandescent (B)
Breeder: Matt and Anita Stelter
Owner: Matt and Anita Stelter
Sire: CH Classique Midnight Vision
Dam: CH Wyndlair Rachel Alexandra
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication (Blue/D)
Breeder: Matt and Anita Stelter and June Morris
Owner: Renee Beals, Laura Rizzo, Matt and Anita Stelter
Sire: Wyndlair Avalanche
Dam: CH Twin City Cleopatra
Rough Select Awards
GCH Highcroft Worth The Wait (Blue/D)
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Highcroft Stone Blue
Dam: Charizma Highcroft Style

CH Highcroft Seaspray (B)
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Highcroft Charizma Icon
Dam: CH Overland Highcroft Frosting
Rough Winners Dog
Tapestry's Distilled at Southland
Breeder: Steve and Lisa Finken, Sheela (Mike) Cheatham
Owner: Steve and Lisa Finken
Sire: CH Southland The Dueling Grounds
Dam: CH Tapestry Superstition
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Cheviot Midnight Liaison
Breeders: Nancy and Larry Parsons
Owners: Nancy and Larry Parsons
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: Cheviot Feathered View
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Tapestry Summer Breeze
Breeder: Steve and Lisa Finken
Owner: Steve and Lisa Finken
Sire: CH Westwood Aladdin
Dam: Tapestry Evening Seabreeze
Smooth Best of Variety
GCH C And J Silver Charm of Chrysalis (Blue/B)
Breeder: Debra Waelde and Robert Waelde
Owner: Judy Walburn and Cheryl Thompson
Sire: CH C And J's White Tie And Tails
Dam: CH Chrysalis Ginger Snap
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow (Sable/D)
Breeder: Candace Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Anne Ardizzone
Owner: Candace Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Anne Ardizzone and Gary Lewis
Sire: CH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Travler's Liberty Sport ROM
Smooth Select Award
GCH Aspens I'll Chase the Sunbeam (D)
Breeder: Sharon Hesterberg
Owner: Sharon Hesterberg
Sire: Highcroft Ultimate Proof
Dam: Aspen's I'll Follow The Beam

GCH L'Gacy Silver Charm CD, RE (B)
Breeder: Alisa Pesek
Owner: Rebecca Gast and Alisa Pesek
Sire: L'gacy Revolution
Dam: L'gacy Gemstone
Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Dog
L'gacy Easy Money
Breeder: Alisa Pesek and Amy and Brian Ross
Owner: Alisa Pesk
Sire: CH L'gacy Easy Come Easy Go
Dam: Oak Knoll's Olympic L'gacy
Smooth Winners Bitch
Afterhours Sands Of Time
Breeder: Carole Stanley
Owner: Carole Stanley
Sire: CH Afterhours Rocks The House
Dam: Afterhours Debutante Velvet Clouds
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Oak Knoll Sapphire Secrets
Breeder: Amy Ross, Brian Elwell, John and Mary Davis
Owner: Amy Ross, Brian Elwell, John and Mary Davis
Sire: CH L'gacy Twist Of Fate
Dam: Oak Knolls Secret Star
Best In Sweepstakes
Overland Highcroft Coalition
Breeder: Mike and Marcy Fine
Owner: Leslie Jeszewski, Mike and Marcy Fine
Sire: CH Overland Crimson Tide
Dam: Ch Overland Eternity
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