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Central States Collie Club

February 14, 2015 (PM)
Breed Judge: Patricia Jung

Best of Breed / Rough Best of Variety
CH Cheviot Monet (D)
Breeder: Nancy and Larry Parsons
Owner: Nancy and Larry Parsons
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: Cheviot Feathered View
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed / Smooth Best of Variety
CH Silhouette Galatean Riverrun Here Comes A Rainbow (B)
Breeder: Mary Doyle Landes, Sandy Schwedler and Debbie Holland
Owner: Elena Geldkop
Sire: GCH Rainbow's Here Comes The Sun
Dam: CH Sassy's Promises Of Fantasy
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
CH Sunny Sky's Imagine (B)
Breeder: Karen Soeder
Owner: Karen Soeder
Sire: CH Sollis Insignia
Dam: Sunny Sky's Once Upon A Dream
Rough Selects
GCH Laredo Here Comes The Sun (D)
Breeder: Susan Webber
Owner: Susan Webber
Sire: CH Twin City Secret Ambition
Dam: Horizon's Calico Skies

CH Lochlaren Sinkona's Charisma (B)
Breeder: Barbara Cleek, Nancy McCue and Nancy McDonald
Owner: Nancy Parsons, Larry Parsons and Barbara Cleek
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: CH Marleste Easy Livin
Rough Best of Winners / Winners Bitch-- 5 pts
Countryview Hearthside Love Story (Am-Bred)
Breeder: Chenoa Braucher and Dan Cardoza
Owner: Nancy Berg
Sire: CH Westwood Aladdin
Dam: Countryview I'll Take Manhattan
Rough Winners Dog -- 4 pts
Cheviot Lochlaren Lover Boy (BBE)
Breeder: Nancy Parsons, Larry Parsons and Barbara Cleek
Owner: Nancy Parsons and Larry Parsons
Sire: CH Cheviot Monet
Dam: CH Lochlaren Sinkona Charisma
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Wyndlair Cherokee Exclamation (Open/Tri)
Breeder: Matt and Anita Stelter
Owner: Renee Beals, Laura Rizzo, Matt and Anita Stelter
Sire: CH Classique Midnight Vision
Dam: CH Wyndlair Rachel Alexandra
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Alaric Just A Little Sassy (BBE)
Breeder: Patricia Caldwell, Allyson Caldwell, Sandy Schwedler and Debbie Holland
Owner: Patricia Caldwell and Allyson Caldwell
Sire: GCH Alaric Bound By The Heart
Dam: CH Sassy's Promises Of Fantasy
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
CH Diamante Larisa Dynamic Duo (Veteran/D)
Breeder: Rebecca Barth
Owner: Melodie Haddon, John Haddon and Rebecca Barth
Sire: CH Overland Red Hot Summer
Dam: Gwen Marc's One Moment In Time
Smooth Best of Winners / Winners Bitch -- 3 pts
Larisa's Touch Of Class (Open)
Breeder: Melodie Haddon and John Haddon
Owner: Melodie Haddon
Sire: GCH Travler's Greased Lightening
Dam: CH Chrysalis Put On Your Party Dress
Smooth Winners Dog -- 3 pts
Calavar Paper Moon (6-12)
Breeder: Susan Abelt DVM, Theresa Thomas
Owner: Susan Abelt DVM, Theresa Thomas
Sire: CH Calavar Back To The Future MX MXJ
Dam: Calavar Moonbeam
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Jereco's Rocket Man (6-12)
Breeder: Cheryl Sulewski, Jerry Sulewski and Cody Sulewski
Owner: Cheryl Sulewski, Jerry Sulewski and Cody Sulewski
Sire: Jereco's Lisara's Magic Man
Dam: GCH Jereco's Whole Lotta Rosie
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Silhouette's Brown Is The New Blue (6-12)
Breeder: Elena Geldkop
Owner: Elena Geldkop
Sire: CH Fantasy's Finding Fame
Dam: CH Silhouette Galatean Riverrun Here Comes A Rainbow
Best Junior
Taylor Loudenber (Open/Int)
Handling: Overland You Make Me Smile
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