Best of Breed: GCH Sealore's "A" List (Rough/D)

Best of Opposite Sex To Best of Breed: GCH Overland August Moon (RoughB)
Smooth Variety Awards:
Smooth Best of Variety: GCH Special Society's Dixie Chick (B)

Smooth Best of Winners: Sugarnspice Creekwood Coffee Calypso (B)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Clearvu's Timeless Treasure (D)
Smooth Select Dog: CH Row-Bar's New England Patriot
Smooth Select Bitch: GCH Seawhisper Mysterious

Smooth Winners Dog: Cardross Red Dirt Road (9-12)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Special Storybook Gaelic Storm (6-9)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Sugarnspice Creekwood Coffee Calypso (12-18)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Seawhisper Moonlight (Open)
Rough Variety Awards:
Rough Best of Variety: GCH Sealore's "A" List (D)
Rough Best of Winners: Westwood Tickled Pink (B)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Overland August Moon (B)
Rough Select Dog: GCH Sequoia Solar Storm

Rough Select Bitch: GCH C And J Westwood Story Book
Rough Winners Dog: Countryview In High Regard (Open/Sable)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic (12-18)
Rough Winners Bitch: Westwood Tickled Pink (Am-Bred)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Countryview Broadway Baby (9-12)
> Full Results
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