Best of Breed: GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman (Smooth/D)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: GCH Jereco's Simply Irresistible (Smooth/B)

Rough Best of Variety: CH Taliesin The Master Plan (D)
Rough Best of Winners: Alfenloch Marc Of Charm (D)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Tokyo Jazz JP Champagne Shower
Rough Select Dog: Gold GCH Laredo Here Comes The Sun (Vet)
Rough Select Bitch: GCH Heatherfield Purple Hearts Blumatra

Rough Winners Dog: Alfenloch Marc Of Charm (6-9)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Snovalley Silhouette Livin' The Dream (Open/Blue)
Rough Winners Bitch: Taliesin Summer Vacation (9-12)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Overland Casting Spells (6-9)
Smooth Best of Variety: GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman (D)
Smooth Best of Winners: N/A
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Jereco's Simply Irresistible (B)
Smooth Select Dog: Bronze GCH Clearvu's Timeless Treasure
Smooth Select Bitch: N/A
Smooth Winners Dog: Turnberry Travln Man Of Wooded Hills (Puppy)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Harmonic Strike Gold (Puppy)
Smooth Winners Bitch: N/A
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: N/A
Best Junior Handler: Taylor Loudenber
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