Best of Breed: Silver GCH Aurealis Endeavour (Rough/D)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: Bronze GCH Aurealis I Am Whimsical (Rough/B)
Rough Best of Variety: Silver GCH Aurealis Endeavour (Rough/D)
Rough Best of Winners: Tallywood Indulgence (B)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Bronze GCH Aurealis I Am Whimsical (Rough/B)
Rough Select Dog: CH Lochlaren Sherlock Paper Chase
Rough Select Bitch: CH Aychess 'N Celticmoon Inveraray
Rough Winners Dog: Aurealis Ring of Fire
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Tallywood Lexicon

Rough Winners Bitch:Tallywood Indulgence
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Tallywood Transilence
Smooth Best of Variety: Gold GCH Sunnland's Top Gun CGC RN HIC (D)
Smooth Best of Winners: Demuir A Time To Remember (B)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Lindale Laugh-Dance-Dream (Vet/B)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Encore's 'N' Tercan's Just The Right Magic
Smooth Select Bitch: CH Aurealis Ambition
Smooth Winners Dog: Kara Christo Nightstar All In

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Aurealis Deorsa's The Black Pearl
Smooth Winners Bitch: Demuir A Time To Remember
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Rob Mar's Winning Cadenza
Best Veteran: GCH Lindale Laugh-Dance-Dream (SmoothB)
Best Junior: Kelly Cash (Open)
Best in Sweepstakes: Colebrae All In A Dream ( 12-18 / Rough/B)
Runner Up to Best in Sweepstakes: Demuir A Time To Remember (6-9 / Smooth /B)
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