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Northern Wisconsin Collie Club

March 10, 2018 (PM Show)
Breed Judge: Patricia Caldwell

Number of Entries: 42
Number of Competitors: 39
Roughs: 8-10 (2-2) 2-0
Smooths: 2-7 (3-2) 1-0
Junior Show: 3

Jereco Collies -- GCHS Jereco's Simply Irresistible Wyndlair Collies / Classique Collies -- CH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent

Aspen Collies -- Chatham Aspen Point Taken

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret! (Rough/B)
(Ch Taliesin Continuum x Ch Southland Long Hot Summer)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCHP Calibre's Key To The Fortune (Smooth/D) (CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter x GCH Hollyoak's A Perfect Storm At Calibre)

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret! (B)
(Ch Taliesin Continuum x Ch Southland Long Hot Summer)

Rough Best of Winners: Lynmar's Memories of Summer Love (B)
(CH Lynmar's Memories Of The Heart x CH Taliesin Love Affair)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Overland Ka-Zes Genesis (D)
(CH Riverrun Galatean Golden Lion x CH Overland Total Eclipse)

Rough Select Dog:
CH Aspen-Jolis Thunder Rolls
(GCHS Aspen's I'll Chase the Sunbeam x Redwood Bit O Heaven Enchantina)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent
(CH Classique Midnight Vision x CH Wyndlair Rachel Alexandra

Rough Winners Dog: Overland Ka-Zes Genesis
(CH Riverrun Galatean Golden Lion x CH Overland Total Eclipse)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Chatham-Aspen Point Taken
(GCH Wyndlair Point Given x Chatham Cherokee Indian Ink)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Lynmar's Memories of Summer Love
(CH Lynmar's Memories Of The Heart x CH Taliesin Love Affair)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Taliesin Summer Vacation
(CH Milas Cabin Fever x CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Jereco's Simply Irresistible (B)
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Magic Man x GCH Jereco's Whole Lotta Rosie)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Calibre Alexy Take The Money And Run (B)
(Calibre's Riding The Storm Out x CH Calibre's Dirty Money)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHP Calibre's Key To The Fortune (D) (CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter x GCH Hollyoak's A Perfect Storm At Calibre)

Smooth Select Dog:
GCHS Aspen's I'll Chase the Sunbeam
(Highcroft Ultimate Proof x Aspen's I'll Follow the Beam)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Moonstone's Not A Proper Lady
(CH Kelso's Takin the High Road PT x Moonstone's In the Dark of Night)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Calibre's Money Can't Buy You Love
(Calibre's Riding The Storm Out x CH Calibre's Dirty Money)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Aspen's Chase Me Over The Rainbow
(GCHS Aspen's I'll Chase The Rainbow x Rainbow There She Goes)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Calibre Alexy Take The Money And Run
(Calibre's Riding The Storm Out x CH Calibre's Dirty Money)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Jereco's Sweet as Sugar
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Magic Man x GCH Jereco's Satin Sheets)

Junior Handling Award

Best Junior Handler: Hailey Sorensen

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Classified ads

July 6, 2024
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 2 rough, sable, females, 2 and 3 years old. Rough, tricolor, male, 5 years old. Rough, sable, male puppy, 9 months old. Rough, sable, female puppies available late June.

Contact: 978-853-0611 or jenpetter314

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