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San Diego Collie Club

February 23, 2018 (PM Show)
Breed Judge: Hildegarde Morgan

Number of Entries: 50
Number of Competitors:
Roughs: 11-14 (3-3) 0-3

Smooths: 4-4 (0-3)

Tom and Jeannette Poling / Gayle Kaye -- Chelsea Here Comes The Sun Bellagio Collies / Snowflake Collies -- CH Bellagio Snowflake Evening Shade

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: CH Gambit's Livin' The Dream (Rough/D)
(GCH Aurealis Endeavor x GHCB Gambit's Spell I'm Under)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
Rockrose Best Kept Secret (Smooth/B)
(Colebrae Rockrose Midnight Flyer x GCHB Ka-Zes Secret Romance)

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: GH Gambit's Livin' The Dream (D)
(GCH Aurealis Endeavor x GHCB Gambit's Spell I'm Under)

Rough Best of Winners: Chelsea Here Comes The Sun (D)
(CH Larkspur Shake Down The Stars II x CH Chelsea Blond Bombshell

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Kaigan The Black Pearl (B)
(GCHS Travler's The Man To Know x GCH Travler's Mustang Sally)

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Marko's Mirror Image
(GCH Markos Commanding Presence x GCH Markos Blue Bayou)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Colebrae Ravencroft Unsinkable Molly Brown
(GCHS Aurealis Coldplay x GCHB Colebrae After Midnight)

Rough Winners Dog: Chelsea Here Comes The Sun
(CH Larkspur Shake Down The Stars II x CH Chelsea Blond Bombshell

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
MiHoliday's Cowboy Affair CGC
(GCHB Chelsea Casanova Cowboy x GCH Sunnland's Love Affair)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Comstock Fantasy Vivacious
(CH Taliesin The Master Plan x Fantasy's Small Town Blues)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Turnberry Ohm Signature In Gold Dust
(CH Sassy's Feel Like A Rock Star x CH Turnberry Signature Move)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: Rockrose Best Kept Secret (B)
(Colebrae Rockrose Midnight Flyer x GCHB Ka-Zes Secret Romance)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Rockrose Best Kept Secret (B)
(Colebrae Rockrose Midnight Flyer x GCHB Ka-Zes Secret Romance)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Bellagio Snowflake Evening Shade (D) (CH Bellagio Gainsborough Blue x Bellagio Snowflake Anabella)

Smooth Select Dog:

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Insync When Dreams Come True
(CH Wildwood's At The Stroke Of Midnight x Insync's Shine On Me)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Bellagio Snowflake Evening Shade
(CH Bellagio Gainsborough Blue x Bellagio Snowflake Anabella)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Cardross Golden Goal At McMaur
(Can CH Hilland Uneeda Play The Game x Can CH Sugar N Spice's Back N Black At Cardross)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Rockrose Best Kept Secret
(Colebrae Rockrose Midnight Flyer x GCHB Ka-Zes Secret Romance)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Demuir Heiress At First Light
(GCH Headline's Soldier Of Light x Demuir Midnight Expresso)


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