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Collie Club of Washington

February 22, 2019
Breed Judge: Barbara Linder

Number of Entries: 73
Number of Competitors: 65

Roughs: 15-15 (2-4) 0-2
Smooths: 9-9 (2-6) 0-1
Junior Showmanship: 4

Aurealis Collies -- GCHS Aurealis Endeavour, ROMadowmont Collies Tallywood Collies -- GCH Tallywood Indulgence


Best of Breed: Tallywood Neverland (R/D) (Am/Can GCH Tallywood Transformation x Am/Can CH Tallywood Rainforest Vignette)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
CH Colebrae Seasons In The Sun (R/B)
(Colebrae Inside Track x GCH Colebrae Krystal Blue Persuasion)

Rough Best of Variety: Tallywood Neverland (D) (Am/Can GCH Tallywood Transformation x Am/Can CH Tallywood Rainforest Vignette)

Rough Best of Winners: Tallywood Neverland (D) (Am/Can GCH Tallywood Transformation x Am/Can CH Tallywood Rainforest Vignette)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Colebrae Seasons In The Sun (B) (Colebrae Inside Track x GCH Colebrae Krystal Blue Persuasion)

Rough Select Dog:
GCHS Aurealis Endeavour (D)
(CH Milas Aurealis Latin Samba x CH Tartanside Brocade)

Rough Select Bitch:
GCH Tallywood Indulgence
(GCH Headlines Soldier Of Light x Tallywood Extravagance)

Rough Winners Dog: Tallywood Neverland
(Am/Can GCH Tallywood Transformation x Am/Can CH Tallywood Rainforest Vignette)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Not reported

Rough Winners Bitch:
Moxie's Spacedust
(Moxie's Star-Lord RN HIC x Wild West's Abracadabra)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Lochlaren Bonilane Niteridge The Devil Wears Prada (CH Lochlaren Sherlock Paper Chase x Lochlaren's Truly Amazing)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHB Aurealis Ambition (B)
(GCHS Aurealis Endeavour x CH Deorsa's Once In A Blue Moon)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Zandria's Blazing Isla TKN (B)
(CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In, IT x GCH Zandria's Burn it Down)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Aurealis Deorsa's The Black Pearl (D) (GCHS Aurealis Endeavour x CH Deorsa's Once In A Blue Moon)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Zandria's The Fire Inside
(Kara Christo Nightstar All In x GCH Zandria's Burn'n It Down)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Demuir A Time To Remember
(GCH Headlines Soldier of Light x Demuir Midnight Expresso)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Encore N' Glenriley's Olympic View
(GCH Camloch Sensation! RN HSADS HIAD x CH Encore's Firetop Glenriley)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Markos Top Gun
(Markos Classic Design x CH Markos Smooth Moves)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Zandria's Blazing Isla TKN
(CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In, IT x GCH Zandria's Burn it Down)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Colebrae Bad Romance
(Colebrae's Moonshine x Colebrae Tainted Love)

Best Junior Handler: Lianna Gorveatt

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