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St. Louis Collie Club

February 9, 2020
Breed Judge:
Gayle Kaye


Best of Breed: GCHB Taliesin The Masterplan (R/D)
(CH Tartanside Tour de Force x CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret!)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCHB Highcroft Mar-Jo Daisey (Vet/R/B)
(CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison x CH Highcroft Silver Light)

Rough Best of Variety: GCHB Taliesin The Masterplan (D)
(CH Tartanside Tour de Force x CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret!)

Rough Best of Winners: Overland Never Enough (D)
(CH Overland Never On Sundae x CH Overland CoCo Puff)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHB Highcroft Mar-Jo Daisey (Vet/B) (CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison x CH Highcroft Silver Light)

Rough Select Dog:
CH Sandmoor Luke Skywalker
(GCH Lisara's The Force Awakens x Sandmoor Duchess Of Earl)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Alcor Just Ducky
(CH Miholiday Sunnland's Moondance With Casanova x GCH Alcor Passing Fancy)

Rough Winners Dog: Overland Never Enough
(CH Overland Never On Sundae x CH Overland CoCo Puff)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Pleasant Acre Cresent Moon
(GCH Pleasant Acre Blue Moon x Pleasant Acre Dancing In The Dark)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Taliesin Dream Giver
(GCH Taliesin The Master Plan x CH Sixth Sense)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Overland Sunny Side Up

Smooth Best of Variety: CH Chrysalis Just Call Me Mr.

Smooth Best of Winners:

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHB Mystic Silverthread Rainbow's End (B) (CH Silvermor Mystic Free To Dream x Mystic Better Than A Rainbow)

Smooth Select Dog: N/A

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
(CH Fantasy's Beyond The Stars x GCH Chrysalis Sterling Inspirations)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Wyldrose Halcyon Days Talking Smack
(CH Fantasys Finding Fame x CH Wych's Wyldrose Serendipity)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A

Smooth Winners Bitch: N/A

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:

Best In Sweepstakes: E'Marie's Tall Dark And Handsome

Best in Veteran Sweepstakes:
GCHB Highcroft Mar-Jo Daisey (Vet/B)
(CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison x CH Highcroft Silver Light)

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