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Collie Club of Washington

February 23, 2020 (PM)
Breed Judge: Debra Tessman-Van Leaven

Larkspur Collies -- GCHB Larkspur Sun, Moon And Stars Aurealis Collies -- GCH Southland Aurealis Island Nights

Heiress Collies -- GCHB Demuir Heiress At First Light


Best of Breed: GCH Demuir Celestial Light (S/B)
(GCHB Southland Aurealis Island Nights x GCHB Demuir Barefoot Contessa)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCHS Aurealis Endeavour ROM
(CH Milas Aurealis Latin Samba x CH Tartanside Brocade ROM)

Rough Best of Variety: Best of Breed: GCHS Aurealis Endeavour ROM
(CH Milas Aurealis Latin Samba x CH Tartanside Brocade ROM)

Rough Best of Winners: Tallywood Actually (B)
(GCH Tallywood Transformation x CH Tallywood Rainforest Vignette)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHB Larkspur Sun, Moon & Stars (B) (CH Southland's Lexington ROM x GCH Larkspur Forget Me Not ROM)

Rough Select Dog:
GCHB Southland Aurealis Island Nights
(CH Southland's Bowen Island ROM x CH Aurealis Rumor Has It)

Rough Select Bitch:
Ch. Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight
(CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In, IT x Tercan 'N Zandria's Plot Twist)

Rough Winners Dog: Aurealis Legendary
(GCHB Southland Aurealis Island Nights x GCHB Aurealis Ambition)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Moxie's RocknRolla
(Moxie's Law Of The Jungle x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Tallywood Actually
(GCH Tallywood Transformation x CH Tallywood Rainforest Vignette)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Aurealis Incandescence
(CH Milas Aurealis Latin Samba x CH Aurealis Rumor Has It)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCH Demuir Celestial Light (B)
(GCHB Southland Aurealis Island Nights x GCHB Demuir Barefoot Contessa)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Aurealis Light The Way (D)
(GCHB Southland Aurealis Island Nights x GCHB Aurealis Ambition)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Aurealis Deorsa's The Black Pearl (D) (GCHG Aurealis Endeavour ROM x GCH Deorsa's Once In A Blue Moon)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Tercan'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN
(CH Kara Christo Nightstar All In x GCH Zandria's Burn'n It Down)

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCHB Demuir Heiress At First Light
(GCH Headlines Soldier Of Light x Demuir Midnight Expresso)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Aurealis Light The Way
(GCHB Southland Aurealis Island Nights x GCHB Aurealis Ambition)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor
(CH Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire TKN x CH Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win At Jubillie IT)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Cynclair You're A Daisy If You Do
(CH Cynclair Bel Air x Belfair I Remember When)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Moxie There's Your Trouble
(Moxie's Skyfall x Colebrae Moxie Skylark)

Best Junior Handler: Kelly Cash

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