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Central States Collie Club

February 19, 2022 (AM)
Breed Judge: Michelle Struble


Best of Breed: Wyndlair National Anthem (R/B)
(CH Taliesin Continuum x GCHB Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman (Vet/S/D) (CH Countryview Give My Regards x Ch Bellvue's Karmel Kiss)

Rough Best of Variety: Wyndlair National Anthem (B)
(CH Taliesin Continuum x GCHB Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Rough Best of Winners: Wyndlair National Anthem (B)
(CH Taliesin Continuum x GCHB Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (D) (GCHB Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy x Ch Pleasant Acre Northern Star)

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Highcroft Taradell Sauvage
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x CH Taradell's Secret Legacy)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Fantasy's Calico Lace
(CH Fantasy's Heir Of The Dragon x GCH Fantasy's A Thousand Stars)

Rough Winners Dog: Tokyo Jazz I'll Be Your Hero (Am-Bred)
(Fantasy's Hidden Dragon x CH Tolyo Jazz JP Masquerade)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Cinhaven Olivine's Devotion RA CGC (Open/Sable)
(CH Spectrum Cinhaven Etched In Gold x Sunny Sky Cinhaven Precious And Few)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Wyndlair National Anthem (BBE)
(CH Taliesin Continuum x GCHB Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Fantasy's Hard Not To Love (12-18)
(GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights x CH Belleville's Mancatcher Annie)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Headline's Flair For The Dramatic (B)
(GCH Headline's Soldier Of Light x Afterhours Headlines Treasure Trove)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Harmonic Smart Cookie (B)
(Fleur De Lis's Smart Strike x Fantasy's Harmonic Rhythm)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman (Vet/D) (CH Countryview Give My Regards x Ch Bellvue's Karmel Kiss)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Travler's Man Of Letters
(GCH Jereco's Lisara's Magc Man x CH Travler's Mustang Sweetheart)

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
(CH Fantasy's Beyond The Stars x GCH Chrysalis Sterling Inspirations)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Headline's Shoot To Thrill (12-18)
(GCHS Southlands Aurealis Island Nights & GCHS Headline's Flair For The Dramatic)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Fleur de Lis Sun Frost (Open)
(GCHB Fleur de Lis Day By Day x Fleur de Lis JP Make A Wish)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Harmonic Smart Cookie (Open)
(Fleur De Lis's Smart Strike x Fantasy's Harmonic Rhythm)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Jereco's Lumi Frost On Swan Harbor (6-12)
((GCH Jereco Lisara's Chunky Monkey x GCH Jereco's Frost Bite)

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Classified ads

July 6, 2024
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 2 rough, sable, females, 2 and 3 years old. Rough, tricolor, male, 5 years old. Rough, sable, male puppy, 9 months old. Rough, sable, female puppies available late June.

Contact: 978-853-0611 or jenpetter314

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