Best of Breed: GCHP Scalloway's Lion Hunter TKN CGC (R/D/Vet)
(GCH Divine's Golden Opportunity x CH Scalloway's Elaborate Eve CD RN HT PT FDC TKN CGC
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: CH Alaric Sweet Dreams (R/B)
(Cantera's Jackpot x Alaric Sassy Fantasy)
Rough Best of Variety: GCHP Scalloway's Lion Hunter TKN CGC (D/Vet)
(GCH Divine's Golden Opportunity x CH Scalloway's Elaborate Eve CD RN HT PT FDC TKN CGC
Rough Best of Winners: Scalloway's & Tairis Cupid's Arrow (12-18)
(CH Milas Tairis Commander's Stardancer x CH Tairis Perchance To Dream At Scalloway)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Alaric Sweet Dreams (B)
(Cantera's Jackpot x Alaric Sassy Fantasy)
Rough Select Dog: CH Maverick Folklore
(CH Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic x Maverick Petticoat)
Rough Select Bitch: CH Milas Tairis Bohemian Rhapsody
(CH Milas Rigolatto of Taris x CH Milas Tairis Sugar & Spice @ Scalloway)
Rough Winners Dog: Maverick Limerick (Open/Tri)
(CH Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic x GCHS Maverick Fanfare)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Accolade's Perfect Game (12-18)
(Accolade's Code Of Honor x CH Southland's Artistry At Accolade's)
Rough Winners Bitch: Scalloway's & Tairis Cupid's Arrow (12-18)
(CH Milas Tairis Commander's Stardancer x CH Tairis Perchance To Dream At Scalloway)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Alaric Hugs And Kisses CGC TKN (BBE)
(CH Fantasy's Beyond The Stars x CH Alaric Embrace CD BN RA ACT2J CGC)
Smooth Best of Variety: CH Aidan's Fly Me To The Moon HSAs NAJ CGC TKN DN (B/Vet) (CH Tallywood Paparazzi, RN x GCH CH Aidan's Pure Imagination BN RN HSAs, AXJ NF
Smooth Best of Winners: The Traveler's Trickster From Scalloway (D)
(Ch Maverick Tyrant x GCH Scalloway's The Huntress CGC TKN)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: The Traveler's Trickster From Scalloway (D) (CH Maverick Tyrant x GCH Scalloway's The Huntress CGC TKN)
Smooth Select Dog: N/A
Smooth Select Bitch: CH Scalloway & Serac's Hold My Quarantini HT PT RN (B) (CH Maverick Tyrant x GCH Scalloway's The Huntress CGC TKN)
Smooth Winners Dog: The Traveler's Trickster From Scalloway (BBE)
(Ch Maverick Tyrant x GCH Scalloway's The Huntress CGC TKN)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A
Smooth Winners Bitch: Cyndella's The Heart Of Enchanted (Open)
(GCH Enchanted's Stolen Heart x CH Cyndella's Scandalicious)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Swan's Song Of The Forest TKN VHMP VSWB (9-12) (CH Swan's Wm Tell Overture CD BN RN CGC x CH Swan's Song of Eventide)
Best Veteran: GCHP Scalloway's Lion Hunter TKN CGC
(GCH Divine's Golden Opportunity x CH Scalloway's Elaborate Eve CD RN HT PT FDC TKN CGC
Best Bred By Exibitor: Alaric Hugs And Kisses CGC TKN (BBE)
(CH Fantasy's Beyond The Stars x CH Alaric Embrace CD BN RA ACT2J CGC)
Best Puppy: Swan's Song Of The Forest TKN VHMP VSWB (9-12)
(CH Swan's Wm Tell Overture CD BN RN CGC x CH Swan's Song of Eventide)
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