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Collie Club of Washington

February 25, 2022 (AM)
Breed Judge: Michelle Struble
Junior Show Judge: Carol Dawson

Roughs: 13-12 (6-1) 0-2
3-9 (7-1) 0-0

Castlebar Collies -- GCH Castlebar's Glam Factor Aurealis Collies -- GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM


Best of Breed: GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps (R/D)
(GCHS Aurealis Coldplay x GCH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCH Castlebar's Glam Factor (R/B/Vet)
(GCH Cyndella's Pandamonium x Clarion Castlebar Diamonds R Forever)

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps (D)
(GCHS Aurealis Coldplay x GCH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Rough Best of Winners: Aurealis Reminiscence (B)
(GCHB Aurealis Zandria's Winning Colors x CH Aurealis Incandescence)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Castlebar's Glam Factor (R/B/Vet) (GCH Cyndella's Pandamonium x Clarion Castlebar Diamonds R Forever)

Rough Select Dog:
GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights
(CH Southland's Bowen Island ROM x CH Aurealis Rumor Has It)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Aurealis Captivating
(GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights x Aurealis Reminiscence)

Rough Winners Dog: Aurealis Revolutionary (Open/Tri)
(GCHB Aurealis Zandria's Winning Colors x CH Aurealis Incandescence)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Aurealis Charismatic (BBE)
(GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights x CH Aurealis Incandescence)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Aurealis Reminiscence (BBE)
(GCHB Aurealis Zandria's Winning Colors x CH Aurealis Incandescence)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Aurealis Enchanted (Open/Tri)
(GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights x CH Aurealis Incandescence)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Aurealis Ambition (B)
(GCHG Aurealis Endeavour x GCH Deorsa's Once In A Blue Moon)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Belfair Colebrae Party Of One (B)
(CH Belfair SnoValley Dr. Amos Black x Colebrae Belfair Radiance)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHB Ceilidh's If I Can Dream (D) (CH Kirkhaven Once Upon A Dream x GCHP Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Aurealis Invincible
(GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights x GCHB Demuir Barefoot Contessa)

Smooth Select Bitch:

Smooth Winners Dog:
Cassori Demuir Mr. Tanner (Open)
(GCHS Southland Aurealis Island Nights x GCH Demuir A Time To Remember)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Sinkona's Pride Of Pemberley (BBE)
(CH Aurealis Light The Way x Sinkona's Majestic A New Day Dawning)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Belfair Colebrae Party Of One ( 9-12)
(CH Belfair SnoValley Dr. Amos Black x Colebrae Belfair Radiance)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
SnoValley Here For The Party (BBE)
(CH Belfair SnoValley Dr. Amos Black x CH SnoValley Tell Me All About It)

Best Junior Handler: Alicia Sierra (Open/Jr.)
Reserve Best Junior Handler:
Kelly Cash (Open/Int.)

Best Veteran: GCH Castlebar's Glam Factor (R/B)
(GCH Cyndella's Pandamonium x Clarion Castlebar Diamonds R Forever)

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