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Piedmont Collie CLub

January 18, 2014 (AM)
Breed Judge: Robert Hawkins

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Piedmont Collie Club sends a big thank you to the incredible Collie Rescue of the Carolina's
for a GREAT lunch!

Best of Breed/Best of Variety
CH Marnus Academy Award (Veteran/Dog)
Breeder: Marcia and Ronald Keller
Owner: Greg and Robin Ungano
Sire: CH Marnus Make My Day
Dam: CH Marnus Overland Rendezvous
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
CH Blu Ridge Ride the Waves (BlueB)
Breeder: Joan Johnson and Michael Mikosh
Owner: Joan Johnson and Michael Mikosh
Sire: CH Blu Ridge Not Tonight
Dam: CH Southland's Confederate Sky
Rough Select
CH Creekwood Hot Chocolate (B)
Breeder: Robin Reed and Mary Lee Shingle
Owner: Robin Reed, Virginia Reed Mehr, Dona Williams, Taylor Wright, Elena Geldkop
Sire: CH Galatean A Good River Runs Through
Dam: CH Creekwood Pleasant Acre Hollywood Gossip
Rough Best of Winners/Winners Bitch
Spiritwind Anticipation (Am-Bred)
Breeder: Janna Wilkins
Owner: Janna Wilkins
Sire: CH Blu Ridge Blitz
Dam: Spiritwind Sangria
Rough Winners Dog
LoriMar Smoke On Th' Water (BBE)
Breeder: Lori Montero
Owner: Lori Montero
Sire: CH Tartanside Power Play
Dam: CH Blu Ridge LoriMar Harbor Mist
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Blu Ridge State Of Mind (Open/Tri)
Breeder: Joan Johnson
Owner: Joan Johnson
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Rivierias Classy Chassis (Open/Sable)
Breeder: Cheryl Freeman
Owner: Robin Isbell
Sire: CH Creator's Dominion
Dam: Free Dream's Caramel And Chocolate
Smooth Best of Variety
GCH Alexy Handsome Devil (Tri/D)
Breeder:  Martha Skilton
Owner:  Martha Skilton, Kris Provenzano and Leigh Cohen
Sire: GCH Provenhill’s Dance with the Devil
Dam: CH Alexy Even Sweeter
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
CH Julep's Sure Bet Regret (Veteran/B)
Breeder: Lisa Schmidt and Karen Weber
Owner: Lisa Schmidt
Sire: CH Overland Fortune In Diamonds
Dam: CH Julep's Genuine Risk CGC
Smooth Select
GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture (B)
Breeder: Micha Ann Elliot and Marie Markovich
Owner: Micha Ann Elliot
Sire: GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow
Dam: CH Marko's Sweet Temptation
Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Dog
Heritage The Peacemaker (Am-Bred)
Breeder: Michael Esch, Joseph Esch and Michelle Esch
Owner: Michelle Esch-Brooks and Matthew Brooks
Sire: CH Overland Crimson Tide
Dam: Signet's A Timeless Hello
Smooth Winners Bitch
Deep River's Mountain Laurel (Am-Bred)
Breeder: Kathy V. Moll
Owner: Timothy Hensley and Dianne Gonzalez
Sire: CH Westwood's Game Plan PT
Dam: CH Deep River Winter Shadows
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Hollicove Stellar Attraction (6-9)
Breeder: Richella Veatch and Vicki Loucks
Owner: Richella Veatch and Vicki Loucks
Sire: GCH Clarion's Nightline
Dam: CH Hollicove Got Her Blu Jeans On BN CD RAE2
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Kare's Emory Pines Who's That Lady (Open)
Breeder: S Baxley
Owners: Karen Van Marm, Steve Baxley and Cathy Keefer Meier
Sire: GCH Travlers Greased-Lightning
Dam: Angel Song Of Oak Ridge
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