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Collie Club Of Maryland

January 17, 2016 (PM)
Conformation Judge: Patricia Jung

Dogs in Competition: 72
Number of Entries: 87

Roughs: 17-17 (5-7) 1-1
Smooths: 7-4 ( 7-6)

Full Results link at bottom of this page


Best of Breed: GCH Marnus Lucky Strike (Rough/D)
Best of Opposite Sex To Best of Breed: CH Overland August Moon (B)

Smooth Variety Awards:
Smooth Best of Variety:
GCH Kirkhaven Sandman Dream Chaser (D)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Denby's Brother Bear (D)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Seawhisper Mysterious (B)

Smooth Select Dog:
GCH Travler's Nissan Rogue (D)

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Tir Na N' Og Return To Camelot (B)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Denby's Brother Bear (BBE)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog:
Camloch Incandescence (BBE)
Smooth Winners Bitch:
Millknock Kelso Quiet Riot (BBE)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
SugarNSpice Creekwood Coffee Calypso (9-12)

Rough Variety Awards:
Rough Best of Variety:
GCH Marnus Lucky Strike (Vet/D)
Rough Best of Winners:
Blumatra Creekwood Joint Venture (D)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Overland August Moon (B)
Rough Select Dog:
GCH Ashbury Wild Horses (D)
Rough Select Bitch:
CH Tartanside Savoir-Faire (B)
Rough Winners Dog:
Blumatra Creekwood Joint Venture (6-9)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Tartanside Manifesto (9-12)
Rough Winners Bitch:
Overland It's My Time (9-12)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch:
Riverrun Galatean Another Think Comin (6-9)

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