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Columbus Collie Club

January 28, 2017 (AM Show)
Breed Judge: Patricia Jung

Number of Entries: 59
Dogs In Competition: 53
Roughs: 10-21 (5-5)
2-4 (1-4) 0-1

These shows are dedicated to the memory of Jim and Joan Barrett.

Best of Breed: Bronze GCH Wilshire Strike Too of Marnus (Rough/B)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCH Ashbury Wild Horses (Rough/D)

Rough Best of Variety: Bronze GCH Wilshire Strike Too of Marnus (B)
Rough Best of Winners: Tokyo Jazz Inherit The Fortune (D)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Ashbury Wild Horses (D)
Rough Select Dog:
CH Heatherfield Nine Bridges Blumatra
Rough Select Bitch:
CH Sassys Crash My Party
Rough Winners Dog: Tokyo Jazz Inherit The Fortune (D)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Braeton's Across the Board
Rough Winners Bitch: Tokyo Jazz The First Star
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Chatham's Givin Kisses At Winters Haven

Smooth Best of Variety: Platinum GCH C and J'S Silver Charm of Chrysalis (B)
Smooth Best of Winners:
Wyldrose Evolution (D)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH C And J Shepherds Mission Don't Tread On Me (D)
Smooth Select Dog: None
Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Silhouette Galatean Riverrun Here Comes A Rainbow
Smooth Winners Dog:
Wyldrose Evolution
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Caliber and Trdnblues Cast a Shadow
Smooth Winners Bitch: Creekwood Dangerous Curves
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Karachristo Glamis Winds In The East

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