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California Collie Clan

January 14, 2018 (AM Show)
Breed Judge: Patricia Caldwell

Number of Entries: 48
Number of Competitors: 41

Roughs: 8-12 (4-4) 0-1
Smooths: 2-5 (0-4) 1-0

Demuir Collies -- GCH Demuir Barefoot Contessa GCH Wildwood's At The Stroke Of Midnight

CH Overland Ultralight

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: CH Taradells Legendary (Rough/D)
(GCH TaraDells Silent Leader x GCH Tara Dells Timeless At Sterling)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: GCH Blu Ridge Triumph Brighter Than The Sun (Rough/B) (CH Sealore’s Shore Leave x CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves)

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: CH Taradells Legendary (Rough/D)
(GCH TaraDells Silent Leader x GCH Tara Dells Timeless At Sterling)

Rough Best of Winners:
Larkspur Ballyhara By Starlight (B)
(CH Larkspur Shake Down The Stars II x CH Ballyhara Larkspur By Nightfall)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Blu Ridge Triumph Brighter Than The Sun (B) (CH Sealore’s Shore Leave x CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves)

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Overland Ultralight
(CH Overland Neon Lights x CH Overland Bewitched)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Clarion Monarch Promise Me Rainbows
(GCH Aurealis Endeavour x GCH Monarch Clarion Goddess Of The Rainbow)

Rough Winners Dog: Gambit’s Sunkissed Grand Illusion
(GCH Aurealis Endeavor x GCHB Gambit's Spell I'm Under)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Valley Park Serendipity At Baldwin Ridge
(CH Valley Park Allegation x Valley Park Whispering Willow)

Rough Winners Bitch: Larkspur Ballyhara By Starlight
(CH Larkspur Shake Down The Stars II x CH Ballyhara Larkspur By Nightfall)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Riverrun Galatean Triumph Mirror Mirror
(CH Riverrun Galatean Metallica HT x CH Galatean Riverrun Looking Glass)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: GCH Demuir Barefoot Contessa (B)
(GCH Headlines Soldier Of Light x Demuir Midnight Expresso)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Pinemead Fortunately (B)
(CH Calibre’s Key To The Fortune x CH Pinemeade Play Like A Princess)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Wildwood's At The Stroke Of Midnight (D)
(CH Gambit's Winds Of Fortune x CH Wildwood's Midnight Masquerade)

Smooth Select Dog: None

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Ka-Zes Secret Romance
(CH Ka-Zes N Cherokees Chasing Romance x Ka-Zes Steel Magnolia)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Absolute The Band Played On
(Absolute There Can Be Only One x Absolute Give Me A Sign)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog:
Bonayr’s Afterhours Badge Of Honor
(GCH Headline’s Soldier Of Light x CH Afterhours Sands Of Time)

Smooth Winners Bitch:
Pinemead Fortunately
(CH Calibre’s Key To The Fortune x CH Pinemeade Play Like A Princess)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Demuir Heiress At First Light
(GCH Headlines Soldier Of Light x Demuir Midnight Expression)

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