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Central Kansas Collie Club

January 28, 2018 (AM Show)
Breed Judge: Patricia Skinner

Number of Entries: 50
Number of Competitors: 47
Roughs: 8-19 (2-4) 1-0
Smooths: 4-3 (2-4)

CH Capella's Mirabeau Blue Dakota Wynde

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: Cheviot Solace Wynd (Rough/B)
(GCH Wyndlair Point Given x Cheviot Sollis Sunset)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: GCHG Calibre's Key to the Fortune (Smooth/D) (CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter x GCH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm at Calibre)

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: Cheviot Solace Wynd (B)
(GCH Wyndlair Point Given x Cheviot Sollis Sunset)

Rough Best of Winners: Cheviot Solace Wynd (B)
(GCH Wyndlair Point Given x Cheviot Sollis Sunset)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Scalloway's Lion Hunter
(GCH Divine's Golden Opportunity x CH Scalloway's Elaborate Eve)  

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Marko's Mirror Image
(GCH Markos Commanding Presence x GCH Markos Blue Bayou)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Twin City Blu Ridge Frozen Juell
(CH Blue Ridge State of Mind x Twin City Theophony)

Rough Winners Dog: Maverick Diablo 
(Maverick Lariat x Maverick Painted Lady)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Scarborough Rocky Mountain High 
(CH Scarborough's White Line Fever x CH St Roch's Moonlight Serenade)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Cheviot Solace Wynd
(GCH Wyndlair Point Given x Cheviot Sollis Sunset)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Cheviot Stuck On You
(Sollis Valley Park Allegiant x CH Cheviot She's A lady)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHG Calibre's Key to the Fortune (Smooth/D)
(CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter x GCH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm at Calibre)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Aryggeth's Iris (B)
(CH Deep River's Smooth Talker x CH Mandalay Gateside the Cat's Meow HT CA CGC)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Aryggeth's Iris (B)
(CH Deep River's Smooth Talker x CH Mandalay Gateside the Cat's Meow HT CA CGC)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Tango's Valley Park Magic Man
(GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman x CH Sassy's Drama Queen)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Capella's Mirabeau Blue Dakota Wynde
(Ch Lochwynde Mirabeau Double Take x Capella's Hannah Montana)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Cyndella Keepsake Dream On 
(Keepsake Edenrock Just Living The Dream x GCH Cyndella's I'm A Party Girl)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Divine Chrysalis Opportunity Strikes
(CH Divine's Golden Opportunity x GCH Chrysalis Costume Party at Mickeys)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Arggeth's Iris
(CH Deep River's Smooth Talker x CH Mandalay Gateside the Cat's Meow HT CA CGC)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Riverwind's Mystery Solved
(GCH Tango's Brace for Impact at Balmoral x GCH Wild Wind’s Promise A Fast Finish RN PT NJO CA RATO CGCA CGCU)

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