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Columbus Collie Club

January 28, 2018 (AM)
Breed Judge: Carole Stanley

Number of Entries: 74
Number of Competitors: 65
Roughs: 19-19 (2-6) 1-0
Smooths: 5-5 (2-6)
Junior Show: 4

CH Clarion Crystal Vision

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: GCH Blu Ridge Make Way (Rough/D)
(GCH Blu Ridge Let It Ride x CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
CH Silhouette Rainbow No Doubt (Smooth/B) (CH Fantasy's Finding Fame x CH Silhouette Galatean Here Comes A Rainbow)

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Blu Ridge Make Way (D)
(GCH Blu Ridge Let It Ride x CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves)

Rough Best of Winners: Fantasy's Promise Me (B)
(GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman x CH Rainbows One Sassy Fantasy)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Fantasy's A Thousand Stars (B) (Taliesin Gentleman Thief x CH Fantasys Party Time) 

Rough Select Dog: CH Overland Red Moon Rising (Rough/D)
(CH Overland Crimson Tide x CH Overland August Moon) 

Rough Select Bitch: CH Clarion Crystal Vision
(GCH Clarion Night line II x GCH Clarion Mirror Image)

Rough Winners Dog: Overland Tidal Wave
(CH Overland Crimson Tide x CH Overland That Girl)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Fantasy's Heir of the Dragon
(CH Fantasy's Finding Fame x Fantasy's My Kinda Party)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Fantasy's Promise Me
(GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman x CH Rainbows One Sassy Fantasy)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch:
Taliesin Summer Vacation
(CH Milas Cabin Fever x CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: CH Silhouette Rainbow No Doubt (B)
(CH Fantasy's Finding Fame x CH Silhouette Galatean Here Comes A Rainbow)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Chrysalis Wyldrose You Dirty Rat (D)
(Corjalin's Afterhours Etched In Sterling x Chrysalis Corjalin Inspiration)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned (D) (CH Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rockstar x CH Creekwood Chase The Rainbow)

Smooth Select Dog: GCH C & J Shepard Mission Don't Tread On Me (D) (GCH Windkist Shanarock I'm Unstoppable At C And J x GCH C And J Silver Charm of Chrysalis)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Corjalin's Light Of A Thousand Stars (B)
(GCH Headline's Soldier Of Light x Afterhours Headlines Treasure Trove)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Chrysalis Wyldrose You Dirty Rat
(Corjalin's Afterhours Etched In Sterling x Chrysalis Corjalin Inspiration)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog:
Wyldrose Corjalin The Kingsman
(CH Corjalin's Afterhours Etched In Sterling x Chrysalis Corjalin Inspiration)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Encore Camloch Star Struck
(CH Camloch Incandescence x CH Encore Admiration)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Creekwood Twin Pine Whistling Dixie
(GCHS Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rock Star x GCH Creedwood Thornacre Herself Elf)

Junior Handling Award

Best Junior Handler: Sarah Fox

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