Rough Select Dog: GCH Lochlaren Kings Valley Fire Within (CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liason x Barksdale Lochlaren Dulcinea)
Rough Select Bitch: CH Creekwood Rosebank Starburst (CH Countryview Give My Regards x CH Creekwood Chase The Rainbow)
Rough Winners Dog: Barksdale Skydancer Southern Charm (6-9) (CH Cheviot Lochlaren Lover Boy x CH Riverrun Galatean Another Think Comin)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Marnus Strike Force (9-12) (CH Marnus Allied Force x CH Marnus Kings Valley Kiss Me Kate)
Rough Winners Bitch: Overland Rough N' Tumble (BBE) (CH Riverrun Galatean Unleash the Lion x CH Overland Blue Light Special)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Ceilidh's Long Acre Always Dreaming (9-12) (CH Kirkhaven Once Upon a Dream x CH Ceilidh's Coco Chanel)
Smooth Variety Awards
Smooth Best of Variety: GCHG Calibre's Key To The Fortune (D) (CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter x GCH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm at Calibre)
Smooth Best of Winners: Travler's Revolutionary Lancelot
(D) (GCHS Travler's Nissan Rogue CD BN RN CGC x CH Travler's Kim Possible)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Calamist N Clearvu's Cabernet Sauvignon (B) (GCH Travler's Son of a Witch x CH Clearvu's Hidden Treasure)
Smooth Select Dog: GCH Afterhours Citizen Soldier PT (GCH Headlines Soldier of Light x CH Afterhours Sands of Time)
Smooth Select Bitch: GCH Creekwood Thornacre Herself The Elf (CH Creekwood Shades of Blue x CH Creekwood Chase The Rainbow)
Smooth Winners Dog: Travler's Revolutionary Lancelot
(Am-Bred) (GCHS Travler's Nissan Rogue CD BN RN CGC x CH Travler's Kim Possible)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World (BBE) (GCHS Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rockstar x GCH Creekwood Thornacre Herself the Elf)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Aryggeth's Iris (9-12) (CH Deep River's Smooth Talker x CH Mandalay Gateside the Cat's Meow HT CA CGC)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Encore Camloch Starstruck (BBE) (CH Camloch Incandescence x CH Encore Admiration)
Junior Handling Awards
Best Junior:Rebecca Flood
Reserve Best Junior:
Ryan Markey
High In Trial
High In Trial: CH Millknock-Kelso Shoot For The Moon BN PCD RN (CH Kelso's Takin The High Road PT x CH Kelso-Millknock Smoochin' Under the Moonlight PT)
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