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Central Virginia Collie Club

January 27, 2019
Breed Judge:
Michael Esch

Roughs: 9-5 (1-3)
Smooths: 1-1 (0-0)

Designated Specialty Hosted by Middle Peninsula Kennel Club of Virginia


Rough Best of Variety: GCH Maverick Fanfare (B)
(GCHB Wyndlair Point Given x GCH Sunnland's Ladybird)

Rough Best of Winners: Belleville's Coming Around Again (B)
(CH Larkspur Thanks For The Memories x Barksdale Belleville's Double Trouble)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Barksdale Skydancer Southern Charm (D) (CH Cheviot Lochlaren Lover Boy x CH Riverrun Galatean Another Thinkcomin)

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Whitemoor On Eagle's Wings PT
(CH Countryview Give My Regards x GCH Millknock Whitemoor's Wanderlust NAP HSADS)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Riverrun Galatean Another Thinkcomin
(CH Barksdale Afterburn x CH Riverrun Lion's Pride)

Rough Winners Dog: Barksdale Skydancer Southern Charm
(CH Cheviot Lochlaren Lover Boy x CH Riverrun Galatean Another Thinkcomin)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Belleville's Middle Of A Memory
(CH Larkspur Thanks For The Memories x Barksdale Belleville's Double Trouble)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Belleville's Coming Around Again
(CH Larkspur Thanks For The Memories x Barksdale Belleville's Double Trouble)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Silhouette's Oreo
(CH Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic x Silhouette's Some Like It Hot)

Smooth Best of Variety: Clearvu's Glorious Treasure (B)
(GCH Sugarnspice Creekwood's Lite And Sweet x CH Clearvu's Hidden Treasure)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Clearvu's Glorious Treasure (B)
(GCH Sugarnspice Creekwood's Lite And Sweet x CH Clearvu's Hidden Treasure)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Silhouette's Smooth Operator (D) (CH Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic x Silhouette's Some Like It Hot)

Smooth Select Dog: N/A

Smooth Select Bitch:

Smooth Winners Dog:
Silhouette's Smooth Operator (D)
(CH Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic x Silhouette's Some Like It Hot)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A

Smooth Winners Bitch: Clearvu's Glorious Treasure
(GCH Sugarnspice Creekwood's Lite And Sweet x CH Clearvu's Hidden Treasure)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:

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