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Southern California Collie Club

January 20, 2019
Breed Judge: Amy Gau

Roughs: 2-10 (4-4)
Smooths: 2-0 (2-1)

Designated Specialty Hosted by Los Encinos Kennel Club

GCH MiHoliday's Sunnland's She's Really Stellar, CGC TKN CH Chelsea Here Comes the Sun, BN TDX OAP OJP CGC HIC
CH Chelsea Here Comes the Sun, BN TDX OAP OJP CGC HIC Fireside Collies -- Meadowlark's I Can Do Anything At Fireside


Rough Best of Variety: GCH Skyview Advantage (D)
(GCH Blue Ridge Make Way x CH Skyview In The Spotlight)

Rough Best of Winners: Skyview Sunway Silhouette (B)
(GCHS Concord The Franchise x Skyview Seduction)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Riverrun Galatean Triumph Mirror Mirror (CH Riverrun Galatean Metallica HT x CH Galatean Riverrun Looking Glass)

Rough Select Dog: CH Chelsea Here Comes the Sun, BN TDX OAP OJP CGC HIC (R/D) (CH Larkspur Shake Down The Stars II x CH Chelsea Blond Bombshell)

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Miholiday's Sunnland Nashville Star CGC
(GCH Chelsea Casanova Cowboy x CH Sunnland's Love Affair PT CGC)

Rough Winners Dog:
Skyview Dauntless
(GCH Blu Ridge Make Way x Afterhours Debutante Velvet Clouds)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Canyon's Four Star General CGC TKN
(GCHS Gambit's Riddle Me This x Gambit The Rythm That Moves Me)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Skyview Sunway Silhouette
(GCHS Concord The Franchise x Skyview Seduction)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Canyons Catch My Breath
(GCHS Gambit's Riddle Me This x Craetoncliff Dance Upon The Air)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCH MiHoliday's Sunnland's She's Really Stellar, CGC TKN (B) (GCHB Chelsea Casanova Cowboy x CH Sunnland's She's All That Jazz, CGC HIC)

Smooth Best of Winners:

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Blossom Hill Kabre Gatekeeper (D) (GCH Aurealis Endeavour x Blossom Hill Kabre Gift of the Vine)

Smooth Select Dog: GCH Wildwood's At The Stroke Of Midnight
(CH Gambit's Winds Of Fortune x CH Wildwood's Midnight Masquerade)

Smooth Select Bitch:

Smooth Winners Dog:
Blossom Hill Kabre Gatekeeper
(GCH Aurealis Endeavour x Blossom Hill Kabre Gift of the Vine)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Meadowlark's I Can Do Anything At Fireside FDC CA BCAT TKN (GCH Qualteri Lazurite Island Tryst x CH Wildwind Wyoming Blue Jade)

Smooth Winners Bitch: N/A

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:

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