Best of Breed: Highcroft Celestial Glory (R/B)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x Ch Highcroft Anticipation)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: Ka-Zes One Of These Nights (R/D) (CH Overland Zippity Do Dah x GCH Overland Ka-Zes Wild Heart)
Rough Best of Variety: Highcroft Celestial Glory (B)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x Ch Highcroft Anticipation)
Rough Best of Winners: Highcroft Celestial Glory (B)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x Ch Highcroft Anticipation)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Ka-Zes One Of These Nights (D) (CH Overland Zippity Do Dah x GCH Overland Ka-Zes Wild Heart)
Rough Select Dog: CH Highcroft High Regard
(CH Valley Park Allegation x CH Highcroft Between The Raindrops)
Rough Select Bitch: GCH Alaric Loralins Afterglow
(CH Larkspur Thanks For The Memories x GCHB Ch Alaric Hold My Heart)
Rough Winners Dog: Ka-Zes One Of These Nights (BBE)
(CH Overland Zippity Do Dah x GCH Overland Ka-Zes Wild Heart)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Northwind Chasing Midnight (Open/Tri)
(GCH Valley Park Allegation x Valley Park Whispering Willow)
Rough Winners Bitch: Highcroft Celestial Glory (9-12)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x Ch Highcroft Anticipation)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Highcroft Taradells Dazzling (Open/Tri)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x CH Taradells Secret's Legacy)
Smooth Best of Variety: Jereco's Aspenwind Fur Elise (B)
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Chunky Monkey x GCH Jerecho's Frost Bite)
Smooth Select Bitch: GCHB Deep River Aspenwind Autumn Gold
(GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow x CH Limerick Starlight On Deep River)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Jereco's Aspenwind Fur Elise (9-12)
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Chunky Monkey x GCH Jerecho's Frost Bite)
Best Junior Handler: Ashley Yoho
Best Veteran: CH Highcroft Bond Girl (R/B)
(CH Highcroft Worth The Wait x CH Highcroft Sophie's Choice)
Best in Sweepstakes: Highcroft Violets Are Blue (B/12-15)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x CH Highcroft Champagne On Ice)
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