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Hartford-Springfield Collie Club

June 13, 2021 (AM)
Breed Judge: Sue Abraham

Number of Entries: 42
Number of Competitors: 35
Roughs: 7-11 (1-1)
1-9 (2-1 ) 0-2

GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon


Best of Breed: GCH Lachki Pause And Oneder (R/B)
(GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger x GCH Lachki Shore Enough Not Rough)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCHB Creekwood Hot D'amn (S/D)
(GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who)

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Lachki Pause And Oneder (B)
(GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger x GCH Lachki Shore Enough Not Rough)

Rough Best of Winners: Devinwood Syncopation (B)
(Devinwood Midnight Rambler x Autumn Sun At Devinwood)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (D) (GCH Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy x CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star)

Rough Select Dog:

Rough Select Bitch:

Rough Winners Dog: Sequoia Tanqueray (Open)
(CH Riverrun Galatean Unleash The Lion x Sequoia Truly Madly Deeply)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Trinity Maximum Attitude (9-12)
(Gateside Mandalay Frankly My Dear x Mandalay Gateside Trinity Bellatrix)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Devinwood Syncopation (12-18)
(Devinwood Midnight Rambler x Autumn Sun At Devinwood)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Overland In Good Cheer (BBE)
(Ch Overland Three Cheers x Overland Sin No More)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHB Creekwood Hot D'amn (D)
(GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'Ll Be D'amned x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Lachki Special Peck On The Chic (B)
(CH Glenshire Burning Daylight x Special Chic To Chic At Lachki)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHS Mello-D's Shadows And Light HT ACT1J (B) (GCHS Windkist 's Ain'T No Rest For The Wicked RAE2 PT NA NAJ OAP OJP OF XFP CAA x GCHB Millknock's Firework At Mello-D RN HT NAJ NF NFP CA)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Arrowstar Renaissance Man
(CH Special Arrowstar's Michaelangelo x Special Arrowstar's Sheez the One)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Shadowlines Super Shock
(GCH Rainbow's Here Comes The Sun x Devinwoods Misstickle Passion)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Millknock Whitemoor Going To The Sun (Am-Bred)
(GCH Kelso's Takin' The High Road HSAds x CH Whitemoor's Glacier Princesa PT)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A

Smooth Winners Bitch: Lachki Special Peck On The Chic (Open)
(CH Glenshire Burning Daylight x Special Chic To Chic At Lachki)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Creekwood Absolut Trouble (12-18)
(GCH Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x CH Creekwood Mischievous)

Sires of Award Winners:

GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger

GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned

GCH Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy

GCHS Windkist 's Ain'T No Rest For The Wicked RAE2 PT NA NAJ OAP OJP OF XFP CAA

GCH Rainbow's Here Comes The Sun

CH Glenshire Burning Daylight

GCH Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World

GCH Kelso's Takin' The High Road HSAds

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