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Collie Club of Washington

February 26, 2010 
Breed: Gwen Means

Number of Entries: 62
Dogs In Competition:  58
Smooths: 3-11 (4-3 ) 0-1
Roughs: 9-19 (6-1) 0-1

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety
CH Fantasy's Dragonheart (Tri/D)
Breeder: Debbie Holland and Floy Eilers
Owner: Tammy Takako Kitami
Sire: CH Fantasy’s Rising Dragon
Dam: Fantasy Kalstorm Keepsake
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
Ch Tallywood Rainforest Radiant (Tri/D)
Breeder: Nancy Anstruther, Jim and Susan Bertrand
Owner: Nancy Anstruther, Jim and Susan Bertrand
Sire: AM/CAN CH Gambit's A Hurricane Brew'n
Dam:  AM/CAN CH Tallywood Crossheart Windswept
Rough Best of Winners/Winners Bitch -- 4 pts
Darlyns Legacy In Gold
Rough Winners Dog -- 2 pts
Tercan Gentry Last Chance
Breeder: Candace Hunter and Patti Gordon
Owner: Candace Hunter and Patti Gordon and Alex Erb
Sire: CH Gentry's Bravo Sole Dancer
Dam: GentryTercan Suncatcher
Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Tallywood Paparazzi
Breeder: Nancy Anstruther
Owner: Nancy Anstruther
Sire: CAN CH Tallywood Revelation CGN PCD
Dam: CAN CH Tallywood Glitterati HC

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Darlyns Busy Body
Breeder: Lynda Olsen and Lana Group
Owner: Lynda Olsen
Sire: CH Demuirs Inside Edition
Dam: Demuir-N-Darlyns Miss Madison
Smooth Best of Variety
CH Stilvalleys The Chronicle (D)
Breeder: Alexis Skeeters
Owner: Alexis Skeeters and Alex Slack
Sire: CH Longacre Demuir N'Sync RN
Dam: Candi Mischief Maker V HStilvaly RA
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex  to Best  of Variety
CH Belfair Once In A Blue Moon
Breeder: Alene Evans and Pat Becker
Owner: Alene Evans and Pat Becker
Sire: CH Kings Valley Demuir Here I Am
Dam: Belfair My Blue Heaven
Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Dog -- 5 pts

Colebrae El Conquistador
Breeder: Jennifer and Judith Laik
Owner: Jennifer Laik
Sire : Wild West's Solo Debut
Dam: CH Colebrae's Cool Change

Smooth Winners Bitch -- 5 pts
Colebrae Luna Azul
Breeder: Jennifer and Judith Laik
Owner: Jennifer Laik  and Judith Laik
Sire : Wild West's Solo Debut
Dam: CH Colebrae's Cool Change
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Ladyvale Debutante's Southern Cross
Breeder: Mary Allen
Owner: Deb Chambers and Kristiana Brassard
Sire: CH Afterhours Southern Cross
Dam: CH Ladyvale Afterhours Electra
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Encore's Bronze Illusion
Best Junior Handler
Kaitlyn Hartford
Best  In Sweepstakes
Colebrae Road House Blues
Breeder: Jennifer and Judith Laik
Sire : Wild West's Solo Debut
Dam: CH Colebrae's Cool Change


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The second way to advertise is by purchasing display ad space in our advertising tunnel. The lead ad in the tunnel is by reservation only and costs $100. The second, third and fourth position are also preferred positions and cost $75. Ads in the fifth position and beyond cost $50. We offer advertising specials for those that would like to purchase three or more pages of advertising following the lead ad purchase. For details, contact us at:

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Publishing schedule and advertising copy
Display ads are published on Saturday and appear in the ad tunnel for a week, on the contents page for a month and then in the ad archive for a year.

By sending us a photo and ad copy either via e-mail or snail mail, we can design an attractive ad for you or you can submit your ad finished.

Contact us by e-mail at for lead-page availability or specs if you are designing your own ad.

Each extra photo is $10 and you can enhance your ad with a pedigree for an additional $10.