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Toledo Collie Club

March 3, 2012 (AM)
Breed/Jrs. Judge: Peggy Conger

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety

GCH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication (Blue/D)
Breeder: Matt and Anita Stelter and June Morris
Owner: Renee Beals, Laura Rizzo, Matt and Anita Stelter
Sire: Wyndlair Avalanche
Dam: CH Twin City Cleopatra

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best Variety

CH Tokyo Jazz JP Love Theme (Tri/B)
Breeder: Tokuko Watanabe
Owner: Tokuko Watanabe
Sire: CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon ROM
Dam: Fantasy's Hot Fudge

Rough Select Award

GCH Overland Remembrance of Things Past (Tri/D)
Breeder: Marcy and Mike Fine
Owner: En Harriet Chang
Sire: CH Overland Northern Lights
Dam: CH Overland Bobby Sox

CH Highcroft Silverlight (
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Highcroft Charizma Icon
Dam: CH Overland Highcroft Frosting

Rough Best of Winners/Winners Dog

Jomars Scarborough Thunderstruk (12-18)
Breeder: Annamarie Duncan-Watt and Ken Watt
Owner: Annamarie Duncan-Watt, Kenny Watt, Alma Metz, Connie Metz
Sire CH Scarboroughs Milas Intensity
Dam: Arcadions After The Storm

Rough Winners Bitch

Fantasy's Calico Skies (9-12)
Breeder: Debbie Holland
Owner: Debbie Holland
Sire: Fantasy's Private Fortune
Dam: Fantasy's A Fortune Of Dreams

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Kings Valley Lochlaren Anson (Am/Bred)
Breeder: Barbara Cleek and Leslie Rappaport
Owner: Nanae Takenoshita
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: Barksdale Lochlaren Dulcinea

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

Milas Ice Dancer (12-18)
Breeder: Lynn Butler and Lotta Hedman
Owner: Lynn Butler
Sire: CH Milas Absolute Latin
Dam: CH Milas Latin Dancer

Smooth Best of Variety

CH Deep River's Bow And Arrow (Veteran/D)
Breeder: Kathy V. Moll
Owner: Nancy J. Parker and Kathy V. Moll
Sire: Deep River Younghaven Alliance
Dam: Ch. Deep River's Bare Hugs

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

GCH C And J Silver Charm of Chrysalis (Blue/B)
Breeder: Debra Waelde and Robert Waelde
Owner: Judy Walburn and Cheryl Thompson
Sire: CH C And J's White Tie And Tails
Dam: CH Chrysalis Ginger Snaps

Smooth Select Award

GCH Travler's Pierce Arrow (Sable/D)
Breeder: Candy Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Ardizzone
Owner: Candy Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Ardizzone and Gary Lewis
Sire: CH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Travler's Liberty Sport ROM

Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Bitch

Hollyoak's Sheared Elegance (9-12)
Breeder: Lilah Williamson
Owner: Lilah Williamson
Sire: CH Overland Black Market
Dam: CH Hollyoak's Classic Elegance

Smooth Winners Dog

Camloch's Balance Point (BBE)
Breeder: Krista Hansen and David E. Hansen, DVM
Owner: Krista Hansen and David E. Hansen, DVM
Sire: CH Camloch Sensation!
Dam: CH Camloch Fingerpaint

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog

Fantasy's Fortunes Heir (9-12)
Breeder: Debbie Holland
Owner: Debbie Holland
Sire: Fantasy's Private Fortune
Dam: Fantasy's A Fortune Of Dreams

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch

Fantasy's A Fortune Of Dreams (BBE)
Breeder: Debbie Holland
Owner: Debbie Holland
Sire: CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter
Dam: Fantasy's Sweet Dreams

Best Junior Handler

Brooke Aimar (Open/Sr.)
Handling: GCH Overland Break The Ice

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