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Collie Club of Maine

March 2, 2013

Jeffrey Silverman Presley
Sweeps: Judy Virchow

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety/Best of Winners/Winners Dog
Alfenloch Countryview Starpower (Sable/D)
Breeder: Diane Fitzpatrick
Owner: Diane Fitzpatrick and Dan Cardoza
Sire: CH Countryview Give My Regards
Dam: Taliesin Alfenloch Solora
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
CH Crispin Faithful (Blue/B)
Breeder: Cheryl Martel and Barbara Corriveau
Owner: Barbara Corriveau
Sire: CH Countryview Tonite's The Night
Dam: Crispin Sharob's Enchanted
Rough Select Awards
GCH Galatean A Good River Runs Through (Sable/D)
Breeder: Mary and Rose Robischon and Susan DeLorenzo
Owner: Mary and Rose Robischon, Mary Jackson and Elena Geldkop
Sire: CH Riverrun Lionheart
Dam: Galatean A Good Turn

CH Vennessee A Wrinkle In Time (Sable/B))
Breeder: Joyce Weinmann
Owner: Janet and Edward Jeffries
Sire: CH Overland Payton Of Vennessee
Dam: Vennessee Southern Bell

Rough Winners Bitch
Riverrun Galatean A Beautiful Silhouette
Breeder: Mary Jackson,Mary and Rose Robischon
Owner: Mary Jackson, Elena Geldkop, Mary and Rose Robischon
Sire: GCH Galatean A Good River Runs Through
Dam: CH Riverrun Lion's Pride
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Sealore's Light Show
Breeder: Judith Stringer, Annette Rawlings and Leanne Bailey
Owner: Judith Stringer, Annette Rawlings and Leanne Bailey
Sire: CH Sealore's Shore Leave
Dam: CH Special Sealore's Sexy Chick
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Aimcrier Canterbury Bell
Breeder: Janet and Edward Jeffries
Owner: Janet and Edward Jeffries
Sire: Aimcrier Arrows Of Desire
Dam: CH Vennessee A Wrinkle In Time
Smooth Best of Variety
CH Special Easy On The Eyes (Sable/D)
Breeder: Laura LaBounty
Owner: Laura LaBounty
Sire: CH Special Chick Magnet
Dam: CH Special Society's Dixie Chick
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Fashion's Glamourus Gal, IT, CGC
Breeder: Natasha Holowaty, Beth Rutherford and Kristan Vovo
Owner: Mara Flood and Rebecca Flood
Sire: CH Uneeda Last Minute Wish
Dam: Coulees Melody of Laured
Smooth Select Awards
GCH Camloch La De Da Alliance (D)
Breeder: Laura M LaCongo, Krista and David Hansen DVM
Owner: Tony and Dena Barcellona
Sire: CH Tartanside Taejon
Dam: CH Camloch Ba-Da-Bing

Ch Travlers Liberty Sport (B)
Breeder: Candace Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Anne Ardizzone and Gary Lewis
Owner: Candace Ardizzone, Rebecca Tehon, Bree Anne Ardizzone and Gary Lewis
Sire: CH Signet's Twice Is Nice ROM
Dam: CH Travler's Altima

Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Dog
Seawhisper Chasing the Sun
Jill Nickerson
Owner: Jill Nickerson
Sire: GCH Galatean A Good River Runs Through
Dam: CH Seawhisper Devil Made Me Do It
Smooth Winners Bitch
Silhouette Riverrun Galatean Angel Without Borders
Breeder: Elena Geldkop, Mary Jackson, Rose and Mary Robischon
Owner: Elena Geldkop, Mary Jackson, Rose and Mary Robischon
Sire: GCH Galatean A Good River Runs Through
Dam: Silhouette's A Blond Moment
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Hi Cliff Barely Bear
Breeder: Kathryn Weare
Owner: Kathryn Weare
Sire: Crispin After Midnight
Dam: CH Deep River Bad To The Bone
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Impromptu Afterhours Nefertiti
Breeder: Carole Stanley
Owner: Barbara Schwartz
Sire: GCH Headline's Soldier Of Light
Dam: Ch Keltic Afterhours Interlude
Best Junior Handler
Hannah Rawlings
Best In Sweepstakes
Sealore's the Grey Effect
Breeder: Joan Johnson
Owner: Judith Stringer, Annette Rawlings and Leanne Bailey
Sire: CH Sealore's Shore Leave
Dam: CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves
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