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Results: Collie Club of America 2022 National Specialty

March 26 - April 3, 2021 | Sandy, Utah

Heiress Collies -- GCH Heiress Natural Selection Heiress Collies -- Heiress 'Ohana Demuir Collies -- GCH Demuir A Time To Remember

Demuir Collies -- GCHB Demuir Barefoot Contessa, GCHS Heiress At First Light, GCH Demuir A Time To Remember Demuir Collies -- Demuir Midnight Espresso La-De-Da Collies -- CH La-De-Da's Eye CandyCyndella Collies -- Cyndella's A Beautiful Silhouette LoriMar Collies  -- Cyndella 'N Lorimar Flying Colours Alaric Collies -- Alaric N Cantera's Breathless Cantera Collies -- Alaric N Cantera's Breathless Swan Collies -- GCHS Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae Belfair Party Of One / Belfair Hooked On A Feeling
Belfair Collies /Colebrae Collies -- Belfair Colebrae Perpetual Motion CD BN RM RAE HSAs MX MXJ MJB XF BCAT SEA TKI RATN / MACH Belfair The River Tweed RN PT FDC MXB MJS NAP NJP NF SCA SBASIN SHDN CGC Belfair Collies /Colebrae Collies -- PACH3 Colebrae Belfair Investing In Forbes RA PT FDC MXP10 MXPC MJP10 MXJC PAX3 MJP T2BP2 CGCA / PACH Belfair Colebrae Continuous Quilt RI HSAMs FDC MXP6 MXPS MJP5 MFPB SWA SCE SHDA CGCA CGCU TKP VHMA Moxie Collies / Belfair Collies -- GCHB Moxie's RockNRolla

Moxie Collies / Colebrae Collies / Belfair Collies -- CH Moxie's Skyward Nose HT CD BN RM FDC CA DCAT CGCA CGCU TKP Moxie Collies / Colebrae Collies / Belfair Collies -- GChB Moxie Light Up The Sky RN IT TKA SIN SCN VSWB

Fastpath menu:

> Versatility > Herding > Agility > Obedience/Rally > Conformation


> Smooth Dogs > Smooth Winners Dog/Veterans/Herding Titled
> Smooth Bitches > Smooth Winners Bitch/Veterans/Herding Titled
> Rough Dogs > Rough Bitches


> Rough Dogs > Rough Veteran Dogs
> Rough Bitches > Rough Veteran Bitches/Herding Titled
> Smooth Stud Dogs > Rough Stud Dogs
> Smooth Brood Bitches > Rough Brood Bitches


> Rough Winners Dog > Rough Winners Bitch
> Smooth Braces > Smooth Best of Variety


> Junior Showmanship
> Rough Braces > Rough Best of Variety


Most Versatile Collie: xx

> 2022 National Specialty Versatility Awards (PDF)

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

High In Trial Sheep
# 129 CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAMs HIDs HSBs FDC
Score: 93
Handler: Laurie Jeff Greer

Reserve High In Trial Sheep
#116 Borealis Trouble And Desire RN HSAsd HSBd NAJ
Score: 92.5
Handler: Jeanine Blaner

High In Trial Ducks
#136 CH Ability's To The Moon And Back CD BN RN HSAs FDC OA OAJ XF CGC
Score: 89
Handler: Marie Siebeck

Reserve High In Trial Ducks
Score: 83
Handler: Linda Ward

> Full Results (PDF) - Saturday, March 26, 2022

Sunday, March 27, 2022

High In Trial Sheep
#218 Swan's Tour Jete's En Pointe PT NA NAJ NF
Score: 93
Handler: Sally Wells

Reserve High In Trial Sheep
#223 CH Borealis Heat Of The Moment RN HSAs NA NAJ
Score: 93
Handler: Jeanine Blaner

High In Trial Ducks
#240 Borealis Trouble And Desire RN HSAsd HSBd NAJ
Score: 97
Handler: Jeanine Blaner

Reserve High In Trial Ducks
#238 CH Spectrum Arrowhill Dreamcatcher HSAMs HIDs HSBs FDC
Score: 97
Handler: Laurie Jeff Greer

> Full Results (PDF) - Saturday, March 27, 2022

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Monday, March 28, 2022

High In Trial:

> Results (PDF) – Monday, March 28, 2022

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

High In Trial:
Kara Christo Defy The Demon OA AXJ NJP

> Results (PDF) – Tuesday, March 29, 2022

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Belfair Collies /Colebrae Collies -- Belfair Colebrae Perpetual Motion CD BN RM RAE HSAs MX MXJ MJB XF BCAT SEA TKI RATN / MACH Belfair The River Tweed RN PT FDC MXB MJS NAP NJP NF SCA SBASIN SHDN CGC

Rally High Combined: Belfair Colebrae Perpetual Motion CD BN RM RAE HSAs MX MXJ MJB XF BCAT SEA TKI RATN

Rally High Triple Qualifying: Belfair Colebrae Perpetual Motion CD BN RM RAE HSAs MX MXJ MJB XF BCAT SEA TKI RATN

Obedience High In Trial: GCH Foggy Bay Sealoch Star Chaser CD BN RE HT FDC AX AXJ XF T2B BCAT SCN SIN SBN CGC TKA

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Moxie Collies / Colebrae Collies / Belfair Collies -- CH Moxie's Skyward Nose HT CD BN RM FDC CA DCAT CGCA CGCU TKP

Rally High Combined: CH Moxie's Skyward Nose CD BN RM FDC CA DCAT CGCA CGCU TKP

Rally High Triple Qualifying: CH Moxie's Skyward Nose CD BN RM FDC CA DCAT CGCA CGCU TKP

Obedience High In Trial: GCH Foggy Bay Sealoch Star Chaser CD BN RE HT FDC AX AXJ XF T2B BCAT SCN SIN SBN CGC TKA

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Wednesday, March 30 | 8:30 AM

Smooth Dogs, Judge Adria weiner

Results courtesy of Liza Dunkle

Total Entry: 20

Puppy, 6-9 months (3 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #87 Aiden 'N Pembroke Shenanigans
2. #127 Wild Wind's Born To Run
3. #81 Kaslynkay's Lightning Strikes

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Puppy, 9-12 months (2 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #21 Chrysalis Blueberry At Happy Hills
2. #43 Creekwood Greyfriar We'll I'll Be Darned

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12-18 months (5 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #117 La-De-Da's Eye Candy CGC
2. #71 Headline's Shoot To Thrill
3. #55 Cameo's Spirit Of Geronimo
4. #31 Calibre's Key To The Mint

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Bred-By Exhibitor (4 entered)
(Absent: #131 / Moved to Open: #11)

1. #119 Chrysalis Good Time Charlie
2. #97 Tir Na 'N Og Inconographer

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Open (7 entered)
(Absent: #15)

1. #67 Oakpoint Raven Soul On Fire
2. #9 Valley Park Special Vintage Gold
3. #7 Wild Wind's Proud To Be An American
#11 Swan's Play Is The Answer

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Smooth Winners Dog Competition

Puppy, 6-9 months: #87 Aiden 'N Pembroke Shenanigans
Puppy, 9-12 months: #21 Chrysalis Blueberry At Happy Hills
12-18 months: #117 La-De-Da's Eye Candy CGC
Bred-By Exhibitor:
#119 Chrysalis Good Time Charlie
Open: #67 Oakpoint Raven Soul On Fire

Smooth Winners Dog

La-De-Da Collies -- CH La-De-Da's Eye Candy

#117 La-De-Da's Eye Candy CGC (12-18)
Sire: CH Aryggeth's Straight On Til Morning
Dam: CH New River's Hot Pursuit
Breeder: Elizabeth Lilly
Owner: Laura LaCongo
Handler: Laura LaCongo

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog

#67 Oakpoint Raven Soul On Fire
Sire: Edenrock Raven Renegade
Dam: CH Raven Edenrock I'll Keep Her At Oak Point
Breeders: Anna Gervasio and Anita Qiroz
Owners: John Bell, Elaine Bell and Deborah Bell

Best Smooth Puppy Dog

#21 Chrysalis Blueberry At Happy Hills
Sire: GCH Ceilidh's Legends Of The Fall
Dam: GCH Chrysalis Sterling Inspiration HT
Breeders: Debra Waelde
Owners: Sam Hall
Handler: Sam Hall

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Veteran 8-11 Years (3 entered)
(Absent: #111)

1. 25 #GCHS Markos Just-N-Time 4 Showtime RE CD BN CGC

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Veteran 11+ Years (3 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #557 GCH Encore Belfairs Bold Ruler BN RN CGC PT

Herding Titled Dogs (1 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #5 Ability's To The Moon Back FDC OA OAJ XF CGC BN HSAs

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Wednesday, March 30 | 10:30 AM

Smooth bitches, Judge Robette Johns

Total Entry: 46

Puppy, 6-9 months (7 entered)
(Absent: none)

1. #74 Heiress 'OHana
2. #76 Turnberry Warrior Princess
3. #124 Kaslynkay's Divinity
4. #96 Heiress Demuir Meant To Be

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Puppy, 9-12 months (9 entered)

Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae Belfair Party Of One / Belfair Hooked On A Feeling

1. #164 Belfair Colebrae A Party Of One
2. #150 Creekwood Over The Top
3. #182 Moxie Enjoy That Journey
4. #188 Snovalley's Samba Blue

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12-18 months (6 entered)

Belfair Collies / Colebrae Collies -- Colebrae Belfair Party Of One / Belfair Hooked On A Feeling

1. #82 Cameo's Zooming With Moxie
2. #166 Belfair Hooked On A Feeling
3. # 132 Encore's Lady Splash Of Fire
4. #100 Orion Hill's Pop The Quark

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Bred-By Exhibitor (14 entered)
(Absent: #20)

1. #126 Cyndella's A Beautiful Silhouette
2. #108 Aidan's Candy Is Dandy But Liquor Is Quicker
3. #84 Creekwood Greyfriar Oops A Daisy
4. #32 Wych N Mar-Jo's Chasing Ribbons

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American Bred (7 entered)

1. #142 Valley Park Desert Star
2. #24 Scalloway's Dream Temptress HIC
3. #134 Encore's Sweet From Valley Broad
4. #28 Foxhaven Wild Wind My Blue Heaven

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Open (3 entered)

1. #16 Special Onward And Upward
2. #184 Teran 'N Zandria's Kissmet
3. #144 Wicklow Gambit's Bright Lights And Promises

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Smooth Winners Bitch Competition

Puppy, 6-9 months: #74 Heiress 'OHana
Puppy, 9-12 months: #164 Belfair Colebrae A Party Of One
12-18 months: #82 Cameo's Zooming With Moxie
Bred-By Exhibitor: #126 Cyndella's A Beautiful Silhouette
American Bred: #142 Valley Park Desert Star
Open: #16 Special Onward And Upward

Smooth Winners Bitch

Heiress Collies -- Heiress 'Ohana

#74 Heiress 'OHana (6-9)
Sire: GCH Heiress Natural Selection
Dam: Demuir Midnight Expresso
Breeders: Jennifer Tenneson, Jessica Wittman and Lana Group
Owners: Jennifer Tenneson and Jessica Wittman
Handler: Jennifer Tenneson

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch

Cyndella Collies -- Cyndella's A Beautiful Silhouette

#126 Cyndella's A Beautiful Silhouette (BBE)
Sire: CH Westwood Blackjack
Dam: CH Silhouette's Scent Of A Rose
Breeders: Kelly Neeley and Elena Geldkop
Owners: Kelly Neeley and Caitlin Neeley
Handler: Kelly Neeley

Best Smooth Puppy Bitch

Heiress Collies -- Heiress 'Ohana

#74 Heiress 'OHana (6-9)
Sire: GCH Heiress Natural Selection
Dam: Demuir Midnight Expresso
Breeders: Jennifer Tenneson, Jessica Wittman and Lana Group
Owners: Jennifer Tenneson and Jessica Wittman
Handler: Jennifer Tenneson

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Veteran 8-11 Years (5 entered)

1. #40 GCH Raven Hot Hot Hot

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Veteran 11+ Years (1 entered)

1. #102 GCH Tir Na 'N 'Og The Legend Of Banzai Maquire

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Herding Titled Bitches (2 entered)

1. # 168 CH Wild Wind's Ability Ariel CD RN
2. #92 GCH PACH Sinkona's Dream Catcher CA HSAs MXP4 MXPB MJP4 PAX CDX BN GN RE RN

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Wednesday, March 30 | 1 PM

Rough dogs, Judge Adria weiner

Total Entry: 19

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White (3 entered)

LoriMar Collies  -- Cyndella 'N Lorimar Flying Colours

1. #159 Cyndella 'N Lorimar Flying Colours
2. #135 Tiara's First Knight
3. #147 Overland On Any Given Sundae

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Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC (6 entered)
(Absent: #89

1. #105 Prairiepine Tamaron's Genesis
2. #117 Prairiepine's Montego Bay
3. #107 Highcroft Swept Away
4. #95 Vanisle Vividus Honour In The Afterhours

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Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White (5 entered)
(Absent: # 31, #61)

1. #179 Valley Park Wingman
2. #103 Monarch Illumination
3. #75 Burlywood Belvedere

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Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC (5 entered)
(Absent: #217)

1. #187 Creekwood Rosebank By Invitation Only
2. #51 Hillcrest's Tartanside With A Twist
3. #211 Westwood Backwoods Boy
4. #215 Colebrae Caught A Vibe

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Wednesday, March 30 | 2 PM

rough bitches, Judge Robette Johns

Total Entry: 30

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White (4 entered)

1. #24 Braeton's Come Dance With Me
2. #58 Koliako's Chantilly Lace' N A Pretty Face
3. #146 Sequoia Summer Wind
4. #192 Cyndella Castlebar's Serendipity

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Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC (6 entered)
(#136 moved from 9-12 AOAC)

1. #258 Kaigan Jola's Black Diamond
2. #6 North Country Cross My Heart
3. #82 Koliako's Scarlett O'Hara Perfect Illusion
4. #136 Kaslynkay's Gambit Lavender Skies

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Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White (11 entered)

1. #94 Kara Christo N Kenmoor In Pursuit Of Joy
2. #50 Aurealis Cotillion
3. #10 Heritage Garden Party
4. #88 Monarch Merriment Of Light

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Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC (9 entered)
(Absent: #244, #136 moved to 6-9)

1. #256 Creekwood Jolis Forbidden Love
2. #152 Milas Walk At Night
3. #48 Aurealis Illustration
4. #242 Westwood Coloration

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Thursday, March 31 | 8:30 AM

Rough Dogs, Judge Adria weiner

Total Entry: 41

12-18 months (8 entered)
(Absent: #39)

1. #169 Fantasy's Look To The Stars
2. #125 Ceilidh's Celtic Thunder @ HiCliff
3. #115 Scarboroughs In The Line Of Fire
4. #209 Westwood Diamond Jack

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Bred-By Exhibitor (3 entered)

1. #227 Valley Park Summer Showdown
2. #149 Overland Riptide
3. #189 Creekwood Pleasant Acre Tell A Secret

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American Bred (11 entered)
(Absent: #223)

1. #191 Accolade's Code Of Honor
2. #171 Fantasy's Fortunate Heir
3. #131 Aurealis Fire N Ice At Baldwin Ridge
4. #47 Moxie Urban Jungle

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Open Blue Merle (7 entered)
(Absent: #87)

1. #197 Pleasant Acre Enclave Over The Moon
2. #119 Huntington's Metallic Trace
3. #19 Towsie's Top Gun Maverick CGCA
4. #43 Entais High Voltage RN

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Open Sable and White (6 entered)
(#35 Move up to BOV)

1. #207 Moxie's Royal Nonesuch
2. #91 Aurealis Charismatic
3. #165 Tokyo Jazz I'll Be Your Hero
4. #133 Valley Park Northwind Rebel With A Cause

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Open Tri-Color (5 entered)
(Absent: #113)

1. #167Fantasy's Fortune Maker
2. #23 Stonehaven American Legend
3. #49 Cassori Demuir Island Time
4. #77 Chavell's Midnight Thunder

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Open White (1 entered)

1. #183 Milas Conewago Ur My Blue Sky

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Thursday, March 31

Rough Dogs, Judge Adria weiner

Veteran 8-11 Years (2 entered)

1. #329 CH Wyndlair Cherokee Exclamation

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Veteran 11+ Years (1 entered)

1. #221 CH Westwood Flyby

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Thursday, March 31 | 10:30 AM

Rough bitches, Judge Robette Johns

Total Entry: 57

12-18 months (10 entered)

1. #110 Ceildh's Tell Me About It
2. #70 Taradells Favorite Flavor
3. #180 Fantasy's Hard Not To Love
4. #164 Cyndella's Call Me Bad Girl

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Bred-By Exhibitor (14 entered)
(Absent: #262, #68)

1. #130 Overland Playtime
2. #212 Headline Shoot For The Stars
3. #80 Aurealis Reminiscence
4. #142 Entais Enchant

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American Bred (8 entered)
(Absent: #254

1. #144 Sequoia Seasons Of Love
2. #184 Fantasy's Born A Star
3. #8 Heritage Roadside Gardener
4. #170 Foggy Bay Heatherlyn Ain't She Somethin'

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Open Blue Merle (3 entered)

1. #178 Fleur De Lis High Vision
2. #132 Overland Touchee
3. #148 Milas Cando Perfect Pitch

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Open Sable and White (10 entered)

1. #22 Alaric N Cantara's Breathless
2. #78 Aurealis Invitation
3. #246 Aryggeth I'm A little Old Fashioned
4. #38 Maverick Flight Of Fancy

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Open Tri-Color (10 entered)
(Absent: #36)

1. #176 Aurealis Shining Star II
2. #222 Sunnand And E'Marie BaDa Bing
3. #216 Cove Run And Travler I Put A Spell On You
4. #12 Aurealis Enchanted

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Open White (2 entered)

1. #150 Milas December Bride
2. #40 Milas Ice Capades

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Thursday, March 31

Rough bitches, Judge Robette Johns

Veteran 8-11 Years (8 entered)

1. #42 GCH Twin City Joyful Noise CGC CD BN RN HXP

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Herding Class Bitches (1 entered)

1. #232 Wild Wind's I Think I Love You CD RN

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Thursday, March 31 | 2 PM

smooth Dogs, Judge Adria weiner

Stud Dogs (2 entered)

Heiress Collies -- GCH Heiress Natural Selection

1. #545 GCH Heiress Natural Selection
2. # 527 GCH Aurealis Envision

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Thursday, March 31

rough Dogs, Judge Adria weiner

Stud Dogs (2 entered)

1. ##305 GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM
2. #343 GCHB Highcroft Debonair

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Thursday, March 31

SMOOTH bitches, Judge Robette Johns

Brood Bitches (3 entered)
(Absent: #102)

1. #374 GCH Special Take The High Road
2. #434 GCHS Chysalis Fantasy On Ice

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Thursday, March 31 | 3 PM

ROUGH bitches, Judge Robette Johns

Brood Bitches (9 entered)
(Absent: #128, #320)

1. #354 GCH Fantasy's A Thousand Stars
2. #80 Aurealis Reminiscence
3. #304 GCHB Entais Grand Jete
4. #328 GCHB Kaigan The Black Pearl

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Friday, April 1

Rough Dogs, Judge Adria weiner

Rough Winners Dog Competition | 8:30 AM

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White: #159 Cyndella 'N Lorimar Flying Colours
Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC: #105 Prairiepine Tamaron's Genesis (Cut)
Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White: #179 Valley Park Wingman
Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC: #187 Creekwood Rosebank By Invitation Only (Cut)
12-18 months: #169 Fantasy's Look To The Stars (Cut)
Bred-By Exhibitor: #227 Valley Park Summer Showdown
American Bred: #191 Accolade's Code Of Honor (Cut)
Open Blue Merle: #197 Pleasant Acre Enclave Over The Moon (Cut)
Open Sable and White: #207 Moxie's Royal Nonesuch
Open Tri-Color: #167 Fantasy's Fortune Maker
Open White: #183 Milas Conewago Ur My Blue Sky

Rough Winners Dog

#169 Fantasy's Look To The Stars (12-18)
Sire: GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights
Dam: GCH Fantasy's A Thousand Stars
Breeder: Debbie Holland
Owner: Debbie Holland
Handler: Shannon Hayes

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

#187 Creekwood Rosebank By Invitation Only (Puppy, 9-12 / AOAC)
Sire: Aurealis Creekwood Pleasant Acre Triumphant
Dam: CH Creekwood Rosebank Sealed With A Kiss
Breeder: Robin Reed,Virginia Mehr, Tim Bauder, Ron Luster Jr.
Owner: Robin Reed,Virginia Mehr, Tim Bauder, Ron Luster Jr.
Handler: Robin Reed

Best Rough Puppy Dog

#187 Creekwood Rosebank By Invitation Only (Puppy, 9-12 / AOAC)
Sire: Aurealis Creekwood Pleasant Acre Triumphant
Dam: CH Creekwood Rosebank Sealed With A Kiss
Breeder: Robin Reed,Virginia Mehr, Tim Bauder, Ron Luster Jr.
Owner: Robin Reed,Virginia Mehr, Tim Bauder, Ron Luster Jr.
Handler: Robin Reed

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Friday, April 1

Rough bitches, Judge Robette Johns

Rough Winners Bitch Competition | 9:30 AM

Puppy, 6-9 months, Sable and White: #24 Braeton's Come Dance With Me
Puppy, 6-9 months, AOAC: #258 Kaigan Jola's Black Diamond (Cut)
Puppy, 9-12 months, Sable and White: #94 Kara Christo N Kenmoor In Pursuit Of Joy (Cut)
Puppy, 9-12 months, AOAC: #256 Creekwood Jolis Forbidden Love
12-18 months: #110 Ceildh's Tell Me About It
Bred-By Exhibitor: #130 Overland Playtime (Cut)
American Bred: #144 Sequoia Seasons Of Love (Cut)
Open Blue Merle: #178 Fleur De Lis High Vision (Cut)
Open Sable and White: #22 Alaric N Cantara's Breathless (Cut)
Open Tri-Color: #176 Aurealis Shining Star II
Open White: #150 Milas December Bride

Rough Winners Bitch

Alaric Collies -- Alaric N Cantera's Breathless Cantera Collies -- Alaric N Cantera's Breathless

#22 Alaric N Cantara's Breathless(Open Sable and White)
Sire: GCH Cantera's Jackpot
Dam: Alaric Sassy Fantasy
Breeders: Patricia Caldwell and Dr. Allyson D. Caldwell
Owners: Patricia Toledano
Handler: Debbie Holland

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

#130 Overland Playtime (Bred-By Exhibitor)
Sire: CH Overland Tidal Wave
Dam: CH Overland Lite Of The August Moon
Breeders: Marcy and Mike Fine, Susan Pierce
Owners: Marcy and Mike Fine, Susan Pierce
Handler: Marcy Fine

Best Rough Puppy Bitch

#94 Kara Christo N Kenmoor In Pursuit Of Joy ( 9-12, Sable and White)
Sire: CH Kara Christo In Pursuit Of Honor
Dam: Kara Christo N Kenmoor I Choose Joy
Breeders: Sue Wyglendowski and Lisa Wallis
Owners: Sue Wyglendowski and Lisa Wallis
Handler: Katie Preddy

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Friday, April 1 | 10:30 AM

Smooth Braces, Judge Nancy anstruther

Smooth Braces (5 entered)

1. #416 GCH Chrysalis Deja Blue / #434 GCHS Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
2. #113 GCH Encore Coho Fishermans FIrst Mate RA PT / #557 GCH Encore Belfairs Bold Ruler BN RN CGC PT
3. #428 GCHS CH Mello-D's Shadows And Light HT NPF / #505 GCH Mello-D's Bad Moon Risin'
4. #519 Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune Favor / #534 GCH Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC

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Friday, April 1

Smooth Best of Variety, Judge Nancy anstruther

(Total Entry: 72 – 36 Dogs, 36 Bitches

Dogs, First Group

First Cut:
#389 GCH Calibre's Money Laundering
#403 GCHB Gateside Mandalay Miles To Turnberry
#407 CH Headline's Golden Marquis CD RN OAP AJP
#409 GCHS Ceilidh's If I Can Dream
#503 GCHB Moonwind Finding Neverland

Dogs, Second Group

First Cut:
#513 GCHG Creekwood Hot D'amn HT
#521 CH Special Hitching A Ride To Valley Park
#529 GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman

Dogs, Third Group:

First Cut:
#539 GCHB Moxie Light Up The Sky
#545 CH Heiress Natural Selection
#547 GCH Ceilidh's Legends Of The Fall
#553 GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be Damned
#107 Fleur De Lis's Sun Frost (M/U from open)
#25 GCHS Markos Just-N-Time 4 Showtime RE CD BN CGC (vet)
#557 GCH Encore Belfairs Bold Ruler BN RN CGC PT (vet)

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Dogs Second Cut:
#389 GCH Calibre's Money Laundering
#407 CH Headline's Golden Marquis CD RN OAP AJP
#409 GCHS Ceilidh's If I Can Dream
#503 GCHB Moonwind Finding Neverland
#529 GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman
#539 GCHB Moxie Light Up The Sky
#545 CH Heiress Natural Selection
##547 GCH Ceilidh's Legends Of The Fall
#553 GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be Damned
#557 GCH Encore Belfairs Bold Ruler BN RN CGC PT (vet)

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Bitches, First Group:
(Absent: #370, #374, #387)

First Cut:
#364 CH Tercan Zandria Comstock Enchant
#366 GCH Aurealis Ambition
#368 GCHB Clearvu's Mid Summer's Night Dream
#382 CH Cyndella's Gone Blonde
#384 GCH Headline's Flair For The Dramatic
#394 GCH Demuir A Time To Remember
#404 GCH Travler's Book Of Shadows

Bitches, Second Group:

First Cut:
#402 CH Snovalley String Of Pearls
#434 GCHS Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice

Bitches, Third Group:

First Cut:
#412 GCHS Swan's Grand Jete of Tercan
#418 GCH Calibre Filthy Rich
#420 CH Sheperd's Mission & Chrysalis Raise Your Glass
#426 GCHB Ceillidh's Timekeeper
#428 GCHS Mello-D's Shadows And Light HT NFP

Bitches, Fourth Group:

First Cut:
#40 GCH Raven Hot Hot Hot

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Bitches Second Cut:

#368 GCHB Clearvu's Mid Summer's Night Dream
#384 GCH Headline's Flair For The Dramatic
#394 GCH Demuir A Time To Remember
#404 GCH Travler's Book Of Shadows
#434 GCHS Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
#412 GCHS Swan's Grand Jete of Tercan
#418 GCH Calibre Filthy Rich
#420 CH Sheperd's Mission & Chrysalis Raise Your Glass
#426 GCHB Ceillidh's Timekeeper

Dogs/Bitches Final Cut:
#389 GCH Calibre's Money Laundering
#407 CH Headline's Golden Marquis CD RN OAP AJP
#409 GCHS Ceilidh's If I Can Dream
#503 GCHB Moonwind Finding Neverland
#529 GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman
#539 GCHB Moxie Light Up The Sky
#545 CH Heiress Natural Selection
#547 GCH Ceilidh's Legends Of The Fall
#553 GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be Damned
#557 GCH Encore Belfairs Bold Ruler BN RN CGC PT (vet)

#368 GCHB Clearvu's Mid Summer's Night Dream
#384 GCH Headline's Flair For The Dramatic
#394 GCH Demuir A Time To Remember
#404 GCH Travler's Book Of Shadows
#434 GCHS Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
#412 GCHS Swan's Grand Jete of Tercan
#418 GCH Calibre Filthy Rich
#420 CH Sheperd's Mission & Chrysalis Raise Your Glass
#426 GCHB Ceillidh's Timekeeper

#117 La-De-Da's Eye Candy CGC (WD)
#74 Heiress 'OHana (WB)

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Smooth Best of Variety

#384 GCHS Headline's Flair For The Dramatic (B)
Sire: GCH Headline's Soldier Of Light
Dam: Afterhours Headlines Treasure Trove
Breeder: Theresa Ballantyne
Owners: Theresa Ballantyne and Connie Sutter
Handler: Theresa Ballantyne

Smooth Best of Winners

La-De-Da Collies -- CH La-De-Da's Eye Candy

#117 La-De-Da's Eye Candy CGC (D)
Sire: CH Aryggeth's Straight On Til Morning
Dam: CH New River's Hot Pursuit
Breeder: Elizabeth Lilly
Owner: Laura LaCongo
Handler: Laura LaCongo

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to BoV

#529 GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman (D)
Sire: CH Countryview Give My Regards
Dam: CH Bellvue's Karmel Kiss
Breeders: Debbie Holland and Jody Ostrowski Greenburg
Owners: Debbie Hollandand Elena Geldkop
Handler: Jennie Rutkas

Smooth Select Dog

#553 GCHG Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be Damned
Sire: GCH Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rock Star
Dam: CH Creekwood Chase The Rainbow
Breeder: Robin Reed, Virginia Mehr, Mary Lee Shingle
Owners: Robin Reed, Virginia Mehr, J Thomas, Ron Luster Jr.
Handler: Robin Reed

Smooth Select Bitch

#418 GCHB Calibre Filthy Rich
Sire: GCHP Cailibre's Key To The Fortune
Dam: CH Calibre's What Makes You Tick
Breeder: Susan Kaelin
Owner: Susan Kaelin
Handler: Susan Kaelin

Awards of Merit

Heiress Collies -- GCH Heiress Natural Selection Demuir Collies -- GCH Demuir A Time To Remember

Swan Collies -- GCHS Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan Moxie Collies / Colebrae Collies / Belfair Collies -- GChB Moxie Light Up The Sky RN IT TKA SIN SCN VSWB

#539 GCHB Moxie Light Up The Sky
#394 GCH Demuir A Time To Remember
#434 GCHS Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
#557 GCH Encore Belfairs Bold Ruler BN RN CGC PT (vet)
#412 GCHS Swan's Grand Jete of Tercan
#545 CH Heiress Natural Selection
#368 GCHB Clearvu's Mid Summer's Night Dream

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Saturday, April 2 | 8:30 AM

Junior showmanship, Judge Adria Weiner

Total Entry: 11

Novice Intermediate (1 entered)

1. #J100 Naomi Everhart

Novice Senior (1 entered)

1. #J200 Macy Banning

Open Junior (4 entered)

1. #J402 Braelynn Gossage
2. #J401 Alexis Coriell
3. #J400 Alicia Sierra
4. #J403 Briella Godlevsky

Open Intermediate (1 entered)

1. #J500 Charlotte Hull-walton

Open Senior (4 entered)

1. #J605 Bryonna Thompson
2. #J606 Summer Koster
3. #J602 Laci Brown
4. #J601 Brayden Burn

Best Junior Handler

#J605 Bryonna Thompson (Open/Sr.)

Reserve Best Junior Handler

#J402 Braelynn Gossage (Open/Jr.)

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Saturday, April 2 | 10 AM

Rough braces, Judge Nancy anstruther

Rough Braces (5 entered)
(Absent: #330,#348)

1. #207 Moxie's Royal Nonesuch, #355 GCH Moxie's RockNRolla
2. #330 GCH Chelsea Mr. GQ, #337 GCH Chelsea Here Comes The Sun VCD1 CD BN TD MXP MJP CGC HIC
3. #222 Sunnland And E'Marie's Bada Bing, #381 CH E' Marie's Tall Dark And Handsome
4. ##218 Wicklow's Come Out Tonight, #220 Wicklow's Practically Perfect In Every Way CGC

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Saturday, April 2

Rough Best of Variety, Judge Nancy anstruther

(Total Entry: 75 – 43 Dogs, 32 Bitches)

Dogs, First Group:

First Cut:
#305 GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights
#319 GCHG Aryggeth's Shake Down PT
#321 GCHG Gambit's Wind In My Sails

Dogs, Second Group:

First Cut:
#335 CH Decor's Ticket To Ride
#339 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps
#341 GCHS Gambit's Living The Dream
#355 GCH Moxie's RockNRolla
#383 GCH Belleville's Middle Of A Memory

Dogs, Third Group:

First Cut:
#365 GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
#369 GCH Taradells Legendary
#329 CH Wyndlair Cherokee Exclamation (Vet)

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Bitches, First Group:

First Cut:
#302 GCH Juell's Blue Diamond
#312 CH Stoneypoint Gambit Mi Vida Loca
#316 CH Pleasant Acre Creekwood Chocolate Muffin
#318 GCHS Camloch Persuasion
#320 CH Barksdale Belleville's Double Trouble

Bitches, Second Group:
(Absent: #330, #334, #346)

First Cut:
#324 GCH Tapestry Reminiscing
#326 CH Wyndlair National Anthem
#336 CH Val Hi's Solo Journey
#342 CH Riverrun Galatean Order Of The Flame
#352 CH Braeton's Stars On The Water

Bitches, Third Group:

First Cut:
#354 GCH Fantasy's A Thousand Stars
#356 CH Gambit's Canyon Parden Me Boys
#42 GCH Twin City Joyful Noise CGC CD BN RN HXP (Vet)

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Final Cut Dogs:
#305 GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights
#319 GCHG Aryggeth's Shake Down PT
#339 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps
#355 GCH Moxie's RockNRolla
#365 GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon

Final Cut Bitches:
#312 CH Stoneypoint Gambit Mi Vida Loca
#318 GCHS Camloch Persuasion
#320 CH Barksdale Belleville's Double Trouble
#324 GCH Tapestry Reminiscing
#326 CH Wyndlair National Anthem
#336 CH Val Hi's Solo Journey

#169 Fantasy's Look To The Stars (WD)
#22 Alaric N Cantara's Breathless (WB)

Rough Best of Variety

#318 GCHS Camloch Persuasion (B)
Sire: GCH Camloch Sensation!
Dam: Colwick Luminance
Breeders: Krista Hansen and David Hansen DVM
Owners: Krista Hansen and David Hansen DVM
Handler: Taylor Lafferty

Rough Best of Winners

Alaric Collies -- Alaric N Cantera's Breathless Cantera Collies -- Alaric N Cantera's Breathless

#22 Alaric N Cantara's Breathless (B)
Sire: GCH Cantera's Jackpot
Dam: Alaric Sassy Fantasy
Breeders: Patricia Caldwell and Dr. Allyson D. Caldwell
Owners: Patricia Toledano
Handler: Debbie Holland

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to BoV

#365 GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (D)
Sire: GCHB Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy
Dam: CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star
Breeder: Mary Lee Shingle
Owners: Hector Hector, Meredith Hector, Mary Lee Shingle, Addison Lude, Robin Reed
Handler: Theresa Ballantyne

Rough Select Dog

#305 GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM
Sire: CH Southland's Bowen Island ROM
Dam: CH Aurealis Rumor Has It ROM
Breeder: Sheela Cheatham
Owners: Deborah Falk, Julianna Falk, Maret Conahan, Sheela Cheatham, Lauren Falk
Handler: Julianna Falk

Rough Select Bitch

#324 GCH Tapestry Reminiscing
Sire: GCH Tapestry Trademark
Dam: CH Tapestry Thyme After Thyme
Breeders: Steve and Lisa Finken
Owners: Steve and Lisa Finken
Handler: Lisa Finken

Awards of Merit

Moxie Collies / Belfair Collies -- GCHB Moxie's RockNRolla

#319 GCHG Aryggeth's Shake Down PT
#339 GCH Aurealis Play For Keeps
#355 GCH Moxie's RockNRolla
#312 CH Stoneypoint Gambit Mi Vida Loca
#320 CH Barksdale Belleville's Double Trouble
#326 CH Wyndlair National Anthem
#336 CH Val Hi's Solo Journey

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Best of Breed

#384 GCHS Headline's Flair For The Dramatic (Smooth/B)
Sire: GCH Headline's Soldier Of Light
Dam: Afterhours Headlines Treasure Trove
Breeder: Theresa Ballantyne
Owners: Theresa Ballantyne and Connie Sutter
Handler: Theresa Ballantyne

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed

#365 GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (Rough/D)
Sire: GCHB Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy
Dam: CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star
Breeder: Mary Lee Shingle
Owners: Hector Hector, Meredith Hector, Mary Lee Shingle, Addison Lude, Robin Reed
Handler: Robin Reed

Best Puppy

Heiress Collies -- Heiress 'Ohana

#74 Heiress 'OHana (6-9/Smooth/B)
Sire: GCH Heiress Natural Selection
Dam: Demuir Midnight Expresso
Breeders: Jennifer Tenneson, Jessica Wittman and Lana Group
Owners: Jennifer Tenneson and Jessica Wittman
Handler: Jennifer Tenneson

Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy

#187 Creekwood Rosebank By Invitation Only (9-12/AOAC/Rough/D)
Sire: Aurealis Creekwood Pleasant Acre Triumphant
Dam: CH Creekwood Rosebank Sealed With A Kiss
Breeders: Robin Reed, Virginia Mehr, Tim Bauder, Ron Luster, Jr.
Owners: Robin Reed, Virginia Mehr, Tim Bauder, Ron Luster, Jr.
Handler: Robin Reed

Best Bred-By Exhibitor

#130 Overland Playtime (Rough/B)
Sire: CH Overland Tidal Wave
Dam: CH Overland Lite Of The August Moon
Breeders: Marcy and Mike Fine and Susan Pierce
Owners: Marcy and Mike Fine and Susan Pierce
Handler: Marcy Fine

Best of Opposite Sex to Best Bred-By Exhibitor

#119 Chrysalis Good Time Charlie (Smooth/D)
Sire: CH C And J Shepherd's Mission Don't Tread On Me
Dam: CH Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice
Breeders: Debra Waelde
Owners: Brenda Hanssen, Debra Waelde
Handler: Debra Waelde

Best American Bred (Rough)

#144 Sequoia Seasons Of Love (Rough/B)
Sire: CH Milas Walk The LIne
Dam: Sequoia Atomic Blonde
Breeders: Jill Nickerson and Jennifer Petter
Owner: Jennifer Petter
Handler: Paul Capobianco

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