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Keystone Collie Club

May 5, 2012
Breed Judge William K. Brokken, MD
Sweeps Judge: Erin Blaisure

Smooths: 5-7 (4-3) 0-3
Roughs: 12-20 (1-4) 0-1

> Rough Collies Marked Catalog
> Smooth Collies Marked Catalog

Hosted by Bucks County Kennel Club

Rough Best of Variety

GCH Fantasy's Rockledge Beginning (Sable/B)
Breeder: Debbie Holland , Jody Ostrowski-Greenberg, Chizuko Kawabata
Owner: Trudi Franzel
Sire: CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter
Dam: CH Fleur-De-Lis's Sugar Baby

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety/Best of Winners/Winners Dog -- 4 pts to finish

Tartanside Ticonderoga (Open/Tri)
Breeder: John Buddie
Owner: Sharon Mayes and John Buddie
Sire: CH Tartanside Power Play
Dam: CH Tartanside Camloch Bewitche

Rough Select Award

CH Highcroft Stone Blue (Blue/D)
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski, Marion Otteraaen, Cynthia Elliott
Owner: Donald and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Limerick Tartanside Patriot
Dam: CH Highcroft RobMar's Romance

Rough Winners Bitch -- 4 pts

Vennessee Spellbound Dynasty
Breeder: Joyce Weinmann
Owner: Jill Lanese
Sire: CH Overland Payton Of Vennessee
Dam: Vennessee's Southern Bell

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Travler's The Man To Know
Breeder: Deidra Bower and Bree Ann Ardizzone
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone and Bree Ann Ardizzone
Sire: CH Fantasy's Rising Dragon
Dam: CH Travler Sarita's Good To Know

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

Creekwood Hot Chocolate
Breeder: Robin Reed and Mary Lee Shingle
Owner: Robin Reed and Virginia Reed Mehr
Sire: CH Galatean A Good River Runs Through
Dam: Creekwood Pleasant Acre Hollywood Gossip

Smooth Best of Variety

GCH Travler's Mustang Sally (Tri/B)
Breeder: R Tehon, C Ardizzone, B Ardizzone and G Lewis
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone and Kelly Reppert
Sire: CH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Travler's Liberty Sport ROM

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

CH Travler's Greased-Lightening (Tri/D)
Breeder: R. Tehon, C. Ardizzone, B. Ardizzone, G. Lewis
Owner: Cathy  Keefer and Bree Anne Ardizzone
Sire:  CH Marnus Lucky Strike
Dam: CH Travler's Liberty Sport, ROM

Smooth Select Awards

GCH Braeton's Believe In Blue (Blue/D)
Breeder: Brian and Karen Weber
Owner: Brian and Karen Weber and Ellen Russell
Sire: GCH Braeton's Believe In Blue
Dam: Braeton's Remember When

GCH Provenhill's Devilicious (Blue/B)
Breeder: Judy Virchow, Kris Provenzano, Barbara Stott
Owner: Kris Provenzano and Leigh Cohen
Sire: CH Provenhill's Dance With The Devil
Dam: CH Elsinore's Blues After Midnight

Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Bitch -- 3 pts

Tisbury's Reniah Lost In A Daydream
Breeder: Judy Virchow and Kris Provenzano
Owner: Mary Lee Orrick and Judy Virchow
Sire: CH Tisbury's Gray Spirit
Dam: CH Provenhill's Tisbury Sambuca

Smooth Winners Dog -- 2 pts

Travler's Take The High Road
Breeder: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone, Garrison Lewis
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone, Garrison Lewis
Sire: GCH Thistlebrae Northern Sun Shine
Dam: Travler's Take The Wheel

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog

Pleasant Acre-Delily's Goblet Of Fire
Breeder: Mary Lee Shingle
Owner: Jennifer Carpenter, Mary Lee Shingle and Estelle Lynch
Sire: CH Pleasant Acre's Fantasy Dragon
Dam: Pleasant Acres Broadway Musical

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch

Marnus Kings Valley Kiss Me Kate
Breeder: Ronald Keller and Carolyn Lenhart
Owner: Ronald Keller, Carolyn Lenhart and Leslie Rappaport
Sire: CH Kings Valley Demuirs Here I Am
Dam: Marnus A Kiss For Luck

Best In Sweepstakes

Limerick's Broadway Escapade (12-18)
Breeder: Saskia Whallon
Owner: Caroline Jones
Sire: CH Countryview Give My Regards
Dam: Tavern Hill It's All About Me
Handler: Cookie Jones

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