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Central Iowa Collie Club

May 3, 2014
Breed Judge: Robert Hawkins

Juniors Judge: Pat Caldwell

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety
GCH Highcroft Worth The Wait (Blue/D)
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Highcroft Stone Blue
Dam: Charizma Highcroft Style
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of BreedRough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Wyndlair Island Vacation (Sable/B)
Breeder: Matt Stelter and Jennifer Duhon
Owner: Jennifer and Michael Rutkas and Matt Stelter
Sire: CH Galatean Time In A Bottle
Dam: CH Southland's Island Fever, ROM
Rough Best of Winners/Winners Bitch
Overland Deal Me In
Breeder: Marcy Fine and Mike Fine
Owner: Karen Martin, Marcy Fine, Cathy Meier and K. Pirro
Sire: CH Overland Crimson Tide
Dam: CH Overland East of Eden
GCH Laredo Here Comes The Sun (D)
Breeder: Susan Webber
Owner: Susan Webber
Sire: CH Twin City Secret Ambition
Dam: Horizon's Calico Skies
Rough Winners Dog
Highcroft Rock Star
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Highcroft Night Ryder
Dam: CH Highcroft Seaspray
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Tapestry Hypnotiq
Breeder: Steve and Lisa Finken
Owner: Steve and Lisa Finken
Sire: CH Tapestry South Wynd
Dam: CH Tapestry Superstition
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Highcroft Midnight Reverie
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: CH Highcroft Night Ryder
Dam: CH Highcroft Seaspray
Smooth Best of Variety
GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour (Tri/D)
Breeder: Sarah and Bertha Garrison
Owner: Lynda Cox
Sire: CH Fantasy's Midnight Thunder
Dam: Bandor's Tear Drops After Midnight
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Travler's Aerodynamics (Sable/B)
Breeder: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone, Garrison Lewis
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Anne Ardizzone, Garrison Lewis
Sire: GCH Thistlebrae Northern Sun Shine
Dam: Travler's Take The Wheel
Smooth Best of Winners/Winners Dog
Travler's Mustang Boss
Breeder: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Ardizzone and Kelly Reppert
Owner: Rebecca Tehon, Candace Ardizzone, Bree Ardizzone and Kelly Reppert
Sire: CH Devinwood Ramblin Man
Dam: GCH Travler's Mustang Sally
Smooth Winners Bitch
Cyndella Tango's Starburst
Breeder: Kelly Neeley
Owner: Maria Russell
Sire: CH Cyndella's Pandamonium
Dam: CH Cyndella's Pixy Stix
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Travler's Catching ZZZZZ
Breeder: Becky Tehon and Bree Ardizzone
Owner: Becky Tehon and Bree Ardizzone
Sire: GCH Travler's Dr. Z
Dam: CH Travler's Sarita
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Valley Park Hallelujah
Breeder: Jeanne Driscoll and Michelle Struble
Owner: Gary Newsham
Sire: CH Tartanside Allegiance ROM
Dam: Jjaed's VP Bare Necessities
Best Junior Handler
Lydia Saltz
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