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Midwest Collie Club

May 28, 2016
Judge: Janet Nahikian
Judge Change from Mary Benjamin
Hosted by Grand Rapids Kennel Club

Roughs: 6-7 (3-1)
Smooths: 3-0 (2-1) 1-1

Full Results link at bottom of this page


Rough Best of Variety: GCH Fantasy's Law Of Attraction (D)

Rough Best of Winners:
Fantasy N West Point Broadway Bound (D)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Alaric Hold My Heart (B)

Rough Select Dog:
CH Rainbow's Tokyo Jazz It Up
Rough Select Bitch:
Rough Winners Dog:
Fantasy N West Point Broadway Bound (Open/Sable)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Bannerstone Highcroft Vision (BBE)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Diamante's Hooray For Hollywood (Open/Sable)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch:
Highcroft Summer Embrace (9-12)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCH C And J's Silver Charm Of Chrysalis (B)
Smooth Best of Winners:
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Calibre's Key To The Fortune (D)
Smooth Select Dog:
CH Lisara's Unbridled Spirit (Vet)
Smooth Select Bitch:
Bo-Dandy Mandalay American Beauty (Vet)
Smooth Winners Dog:
Hollyoak's Reflection In Time (15-18)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog:
Epiphany's Keysown Stormborn Castle CD BN RE CA CGCA (Novice)
Smooth Winners Bitch:
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:

> Full Results

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Classified ads

July 6, 2024
MASSACHUSETTS – Available at Sequoia Collies: 2 rough, sable, females, 2 and 3 years old. Rough, tricolor, male, 5 years old. Rough, sable, male puppy, 9 months old. Rough, sable, female puppies available late June.

Contact: 978-853-0611 or jenpetter314

Buy a low-cost classified ad for just $10 (U.S.) when you want to get your message out fast and just a few words will do. Your ad will run in this space for one week.

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