Best of Breed: CH Tokyo Jazz Band Of The Fortune (Rough/B)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: Bronze GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman (Smooth/D)

Rough Best of Variety: CH Tokyo Jazz Band Of The Fortune (B)
Rough Best of Winners: Fantasy's Storytime at Sunny Sky (B)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Platinum GCH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication (Vet/D)
Rough Select Dog: Silver GCH Cheviot Monet
Rough Select Bitch: Bronze GCH Alaric Hold My Heart

Rough Winners Dog: Cheviot Given Troubadour
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Snovalley Silhouette Livin' The Dream
Rough Winners Bitch: Fantasy's Storytime at Sunny Sky
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Highcroft JP Cersis
Smooth Best of Variety: Bronze GCH Fantasy's Sunshine Superman (D)
Smooth Best of Winners: Aurealis And Excaliber's Sentimental Journey (B)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: Bronze GCH Jereco's Simply Irresistible (B)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Lynmar's Dark Memories of Love
Smooth Select Bitch: GCH Silhouette Galatean Riverrun Here Comes The Rainbow (B)

Smooth Winners Dog: Tesla's Premiere
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Timeless Sunway Reverence
Smooth Winners Bitch: Aurealis And Excaliber's Sentimental Journey
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Silhouette Rainbow's No Doubt
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