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Indiana Collie Club

May 13, 2018
Breed Judge: Lily Russell

Dollens Sweepstakes Judge: Bob Meyers

Number of Entries: 84
Number of Competitors: 70
Roughs: 12-17 (3-5) 1-2
Smooths: 7-10 (5-6) 0-2
Junior Show: 5
Sweepstakes: 11-14

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: GCHS Jereco's Simply Irresistible (Smooth/B)
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Magic Man x GCH Jereco's Whole Lotta Rosie)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCHB Overland Red Moon Rising (Rough/D) (CH Overland Crimson Tide x CH Overland August Moon) 

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: GCHB Overland Red Moon Rising (Rough/D)
(CH Overland Crimson Tide x CH Overland August Moon) 

Rough Best of Winners: Fleur De Lis Jp Just A Way (D)
(Fantasys Double Impact x Fleur De Lis Jp Burning Sand)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Fantasy's A Thousand Stars (B) (Taliesin Gentleman Thief x CH Fantasys Party Time) 

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Calibre's Winds of Fortune
(CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter x CH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm At Calibre)

Rough Select Bitch:
GCH Twin City Blu Ridge Frozen Juell
(CH Blu Ridge State Of Mind x Twin City Theophany)

Rough Winners Dog: Fleur De Lis Jp Just A Way
(Fantasys Double Impact x Fleur De Lis Jp Burning Sand)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Fantasy Rainbow Come Together
(CH Taliesin The Masterplan x Fantasy's Small Town Blues)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Priority's Chantilly Lace
(CH Alfenloch Countryview Starpower x Priority's Blurred Lines)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Fantasy's Glory Days at Shepherd's Mission
(CH Fantasy's Finding Fame x CH Fantasy's Calico Skies)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Jereco's Simply Irresistible (B)
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Magic Man x GCH Jereco's Whole Lotta Rosie)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Calibre's Money Can't Buy You Love
(Calibre's Riding The Storm Out x CH Calibre's Dirty Money)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHP Bandor's The Wyching Hour (CH Fantasy's Midnight Thunder x Bandor's Tear Drops After Midnight)

Smooth Select Dog:
GCHS Travler's Nissan Rogue BN CD RN
(GCH Marnus Lucky Strike x CH Travler's Liberty Sport)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Chrysalis Sterling Inspiration 
(Corjalin's Afterhours Etched In Sterling x Chrysalis Corjalin Inspiration)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Calibre's Money Can't Buy You Love
(Calibre's Riding The Storm Out x CH Calibre's Dirty Money)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Wyldrose Corjalin The Kingsman
(CH Corjalin's Afterhours Etched In Sterling x Chrysalis Corjalin Inspiration)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Taiaut Lucy In The Sky
(GCHS Creekwood Sam I Am x Taiaut's Tuxedo)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Hollyoak's Always Dreaming
(CH Overland Crimson Tide x CH Hollyoak's Classic Reflection)

Dollens Sweepstakes

Best in Sweepstakes: Travler's Mustang Sweetheart (Smooth)
(GCHS Travler's Nissan Rogue BN CD RN CGC x GCH Travler's Mustang Shelby)

Best Awards

Best Junior Handler: Taylor Loudenber

Best Veteran:
GCH Taliesin Fresh Powder O'Paray (Rough)
(Wyndlair Avalanche x CH Taliesin Panda Express)

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