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Central Iowa Collie Club

May 5, 2018 (PM)
Breed Judge: William K. Brokken, M.D.

Number of Entries: 40
Number of Competitors: 38
Roughs: 9-14 (3-3) 1-0
Smooths: 1-2 (2-2) 0-1

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: GCH Taliesin The Master Plan (Rough/D)
(CH Tartanside Tour De Force x CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret!)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
CH Spectrum Elysium Dreams (Rough/B) (Spectrum Cinhaven Etched In Gold x CH Spectrum It's A Wonderful Life)

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Taliesin The Master Plan (D)
(CH Tartanside Tour De Force x CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret!)

Rough Best of Winners: Tapestry Miss Money Penny (B)
(GCH Tapestry Trademark x CH Tapestry Thyme After Thyme)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Spectrum Elysium Dreams (B) (Spectrum Cinhaven Etched In Gold x CH Spectrum It's A Wonderful Life)

Rough Select Dog:
GCHB Overland Red Moon Rising
(CH Overland Crimson Tide x CH Overland August Moon) 

Rough Select Bitch:
Fleur De Lis JP By Design 
(CH Fleur De Lis Color Me Impressive x CH Fleur De Lis JP Mystery)

Rough Winners Dog: Taliesin Ink Master 
(GCH Taliesin The Master Plan x CH Taliesin I've Got A Secret

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Fleur De Lis JP Just A Way
(Fantasys Double Impact x Fleur De Lis Jp Burning Sand)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Tapestry Miss Money Penny 
(GCH Tapestry Trademark x CH Tapestry Thyme After Thyme)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Taliesin Live That Fantasy
(CH Tartanside Tour de Force x Taliesin I've Got A Secret)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHG Chrysalis Formal Wear RN PT (Veteran/B) (CH C And J's White Tie And Tail x CH Chrysalis Ginger Snaps)

Smooth Best of Winners: Rainbow's Autumn-Sun Kung Fu Girl (B)
(GCHB Fantasy's Sunshine Superman x CH Rainbows One Sassy Fantasy)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Chrysalis Wyldrose You Dirty Rat (CH Corjalin's Afterhours Etched in Sterling x Chrysalis Corjalin Inspiration)

Smooth Select Dog:
CH Fleur De Lis Day by Day
(CH Fleur De Lis Check Mate x Fleur De Lis JP Shady Lady)

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Silhouette Rainbow's No Doubt 
(CH Fantasy's Finding Fame x CH Silhouette Galatean Riverrun Here Comes A Rainbow)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Wyldrose Corjalin Covert Operation (D)
(CH Corjalin's Afterhours Etched in Sterling x Chrysalis Corjalin Inspiration)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A

Smooth Winners Bitch: Rainbow's Autumn-Sun Kung Fu Girl
(GCHB Fantasy's Sunshine Superman x CH Rainbows One Sassy Fantasy)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Jereco's Private Dancer
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Magic Man  x CH Jereco's Lisara's Dancing Bare)

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