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Collie Club of minnesota

May 26, 2018
Breed Judge: Robin Reed

Roughs: 5-8 (1-2)
Smooths: 0-0 (1-1)

Inter-Variety Awards

Best of Breed: GCHS Jereco's Simply Irresistible (Smooth/B)
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Magic Man x GCH Jereco's Whole Lotta Rosie)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCH Highcroft Longview London Fog (Rough/D) (CH Bannerstone Highcroft Vision x CH Highcroft Seaspray)

Rough Variety Awards

Rough Best of Variety: CH Highcroft Bond Girl (B)
(CH Highcroft Worth The Wait x CH Highcroft Sophie's Choice)

Rough Best of Winners: Autumn-Sun At The Speakeasy (D)
(CH Tokyo Jazz Inherit The Fortune x Autumn-Sun Flapper Girl)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Highcroft Longview London Fog (D) (CH Bannerstone Highcroft Vision x CH Highcroft Seaspray)

Rough Select Dog:

Rough Select Bitch:
CH Highcroft Cee Cee Ryder CD
(CH Highcroft Worth The Wait x CH Highcroft Sophie's Choice)

Rough Winners Dog: Autumn-Sun At The Speakeasy
(CH Tokyo Jazz Inherit The Fortune x Autumn-Sun Flapper Girl)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Highcroft Remmington Steel
(GCH Milas Cabin Fever x CH Highcroft Sophie's Choice)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Alaric Loralins Afterglow
(CH Larkspur Thanks For The Memories x GCH Alaric Hold My Heart)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Highcroft Modern Muse
(GCH Milas Cabin Fever x CH Highcroft Sophie's Choice)

Smooth Variety Awards

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Jereco's Simply Irresistible (B)
(GCH Jereco Lisara's Magic Man x GCH Jereco's Whole Lotta Rosie)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Calavar The King Of Hearts (D) (CH Calavar Beware The Moon x Calavar With All My Heart)

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