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Collie Club Of New England

May 14, 2021 (AM)
Breed Judge: Janina Lauren

Number of Entries: 67
Number of Competitors: 65
Roughs: 12-21 (3-6) 0-2
5-8 (5-2) 0-1
Junior Showmanship: 4

GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon Camloch Collies -- GCHB Camloch Persuasion

Clearvu Collies -- GCH Clearvu's Summer Solstice


Best of Breed: GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (R/D)
(GCH Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy x CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCH Camloch Persuasion (R/B)
(GCH Camloch Sensation!, RN, HSAs, HIAd x Colwick Luminance)

Rough Best of Variety: GCHS Pleasant Acre Blue Moon (D)
(GCH Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy x CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star)

Rough Best of Winners: Countryview Any Moment Now (B)
(CH Countryview In High Regard x Countryview Broadway Baby)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Camloch Persuasion (B)
(GCH Camloch Sensation!, RN, HSAs, HIAd x Colwick Luminance)

Rough Select Dog:
CH Travler Cove Run's Aftershock
(Ch Barksdale Afterburn x GCH Travler's Miss Independent)

Rough Select Bitch:
GCH Maverick Fanfare
(GCHB Wyndlair Point Given x GCH Sunnland's Ladybird)

Rough Winners Dog: Many Oaks In My Room (6-9)
(CH Many Oaks Federal Hill x CH High Jinx At Many Oaks)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Sequoia Tanqueray (Open/Sable)
(CH Riverrun Galatean Unleash The Lion x Sequoia Truly Madly Deeply)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Countryview Any Moment Now (Open/Sable)
(CH Countryview In High Regard x Countryview Broadway Baby)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Sequoia River Song (6-9)
(CH Milas Walk The Line x GCH Sequoia Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCH Twin Pine Accolade's Calling Dibs (D)
(CH Annsdale's Twin Pine Booms Like Thunder x CH Creekwood Twin Pine Whistling Dixie)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Creekwood On The Rocks (D)
(GCHB Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH ClearVu's Summer Solstice (B) (GCH Travler's Son Of A Witch x CH Clearvu's Summer Treasure Serenade)

Smooth Select Dog: GCHB Creekwood Hot D'amn
(GCHS Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who)

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCHS Tir Nan' Og Return To Camelot
(Ch Clarion Excalibur x Tir Nan'Og Mystic Best Things In Life Are Dreams)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Creekwood On The Rocks (BBE)
(GCHB Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Cove Run's Northern Lights (Open)
(GCH Thistlebrae Come Dance With Us x Travler Cove Run's Saleen Mustang)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Lachki Special Peck On The Chic (Open)
(CH Glenshire Burning Daylight x Special Chic To Chic At Lachki)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Braeton's Swimming In Sunshine (Am-Bred)
(CH Braeton's The Key To Paradise x CH Overland Braeton's Sinfully Rich)

Best Junior Handler: Ryan Markey
Reserve Best Junior Handler: Joy Boice

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