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Collie Club Of Minnesota

May 1, 2021
Breed Judge: Jacqueline Stacy
Sweepstakes Judge: Amy Zoss-Massey


Best of Breed: GCH Rosepoint Navigator (R/D)
(GCHB Taliesin The Masterplan x CH Rosepoint Regatta)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
Highcroft Taradells Dazzling (R/B)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x CH Taradells Secret's Legacy)

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Rosepoint Navigator (D)
(GCHB Taliesin The Masterplan x CH Rosepoint Regatta)

Rough Best of Winners: Highcroft Taradells Dazzling (B)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x CH Taradells Secret's Legacy)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Highcroft Taradells Dazzling (B)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x CH Taradells Secret's Legacy)

Rough Select Dog:
GCH Highcroft High Regard
(CH Valley Park Allegation x CH Highcroft Between The Raindrops)

Rough Winners Dog: Highcroft Valley Park Prophecy (6-9)
(GCH Valley Park Barnstormer x CH Valley Park Dramatic Entrance)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Highcroft Dashing 'N Daring (BBE)
(GCH Valley Park Allegation-CH Highcroft Anticipation ll)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Highcroft Taradells Dazzling (Open/Tri)
(GCHB Highcroft Debonair x CH Taradells Secret's Legacy)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Calavar Sonatina (6-9)
(CH Calavar The Music Man x Calavar Heart And Soul)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHB Deep River Aspenwind Autumn Gold (B)
(GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow x Ch Limerick Starlight On Deep River)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCH Calavar The King Of Heart CD RI (D) (CH Calavar Beware The Moon x Calavar With All My Heart)

Smooth Winners Dog: Calavar Strike The Gold (6-9)
(GCH Calavar Fire N Gold x Southland's Run For The Roses)

Best in Sweepstakes: Highcroft Dashing 'N Daring (9-12/D)
(GCH Valley Park Allegation x CH Highcroft Anticipation ll)

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