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Central Jersey Collie Club

May 8, 2022
Breed Judge: Candace Ardizzone

Smooths: 1-2 (2-2)
Roughs: 4-6 ( 0-1)

Designated Specialty hosted by Trenton KC

Hi-Crest Collies -- Hi-Crest Andalucia / Hi-Crest Pink Gin Fiz


Rough Best of Variety: Milas Cando Perfect Pitch (B)
(GCH Milas Pitch Black x Overland Once Again)

Rough Best of Winners: Milas Cando Perfect Pitch (B)
(GCH Milas Pitch Black x Overland Once Again)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
Creekwood Pleasant Acre Tell A Secret (D) (CH Aryggeth's Straight On Till Morning x CH Creekwood Pleasant Acres Sugar Baby)

Rough Select Dog:

Rough Select Bitch:
GCH Creekwood Winner Takes All
(GCH Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x GCH Creekwood Hot Chocolate)

Rough Winners Dog: Creekwood Pleasant Acre Tell A Secret (9-12)
(CH Aryggeth's Straight On Till Morning x CH Creekwood Pleasant Acres Sugar Baby)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Breezy Acre's Great Scott! Of Crimson (Open)
(GCHS Breezy Acre's In Your Face x CH Tartanside Crimson Pirate's Booty)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Milas Cando Perfect Pitch (Open)
(GCH Milas Pitch Black x Overland Once Again)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Hi-Crest Pink Gin Fizz (BBE)
(Ch Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic x Hi-Crest Pink Martini )

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Creekwood Hot D'amn HT (D)
(GCHS Pleasant Acre Creekwood Rock Star x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Creekwood Greyfriar Rhapsody (B)
(GCHB Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHS Creekwood Thornacre Herself The Elf (B) (CH Creekwood Shades of Blue x CH Creekwood Chase the Rainbow)

Smooth Select Dog: GCH Creekwood Sugarnspice Tito's Red, White And Bluzy
(GCHB Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x CH Creekwood Mischievous)

Smooth Select Bitch:
CH Vixen Hill Dare To Go Classic At Willow Fox
(CH Heaven Sent Let It Ride RN CGC TKN x CH Heaven Sent Dare To Go Commando TKN)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Sandland Cadenza's Anchors Away BN RN FCAT (Open)
(GCH Foremost San Fernando O'Shadaglen PT x Cadenza's Sandland Come Away With Me)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A

Smooth Winners Bitch: Creekwood Greyfriar Rhapsody (Am-Bred)
(GCHB Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x GCH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Creekwood Pinnacle At Verterra (Am-Bred)
(GCHB Creekwood Thornacre Rock My World x CH Creekwood Mischievous)

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