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Pacific Northwest Collie Club

November 10, 2019
Breed Judge: Yvonne Defreitas

Number of Entries: 69
Number of Competitors: 59
Roughs: 13-17 (4-2) 0-1
2-6 (6-7) 0-1
Junior Showmanship: 2

Larkspur Collies -- GCH Larkspur Sun, Moon, And Stars Tercan Collies / Zandria Collies -- GCHB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles


Best of Breed: GCH Southland Aurealis Island Nights (R/D)
(CH Southland's Bowen Island x Aurealis Rumor Has It)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCH Clarion Monarch Promise Me Rainbows (Vet/R/B) (GCH Aurealis Endeavour x GCH Monarch Clarion Goddess Of The Rainbow)

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Southland Aurealis Island Nights (D)
(CH Southland's Bowen Island x Aurealis Rumor Has It)

Rough Best of Winners: Belfair Cynclair Girl On Fire (B)
(CH Belfair Cynclair I Love A Rainy Nite x Cynclair Steel Magnolia)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Clarion Monarch Promise Me Rainbows (Vet/B) (GCH Aurealis Endeavour x GCH Monarch Clarion Goddess Of The Rainbow)

Rough Select Dog:
CH Aurealis Play For Keeps
(GCHS Aurealis Coldplay x GCH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent)

Rough Select Bitch:
GCH Larkspur Sun, Moon And Stars
(CH Southland's Lexington x GCH Larkspur Forget Me Not)

Rough Winners Dog: Sunnland's Mountaineer
(GCHG Calibre's Key To The Fortune x Ch Sunnland's Mint Julep)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Zandria's Leo At London Lane

Rough Winners Bitch:
Belfair Cynclair Girl On Fire
(CH Belfair Cynclair I Love A Rainy Nite x Cynclair Steel Magnolia)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Belfair Majestic O' For The Life Of Riley
(CH Belfair Beton It x CH Belfair Snowvalley Dream On)

Smooth Best of Variety: CH Markos Top Gun (D)
(Markos Klassic Design x CH Markos Smooth Moves)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Cynclair Once Upon A Time At Snovalley (B)
(Colebrae Midnight Interlude CGC x Snovalley Cynclair Panda Express)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCHS Colebrae Belfair Hello, I Love You (Vet/B) (CH Belfair Barely Harry x Colebrae's Serengheti)

Smooth Select Dog: CH Colebrae I'll Stand By You Of Silco RI CGCA TKA
(Colebrae Midnight Confession x CH Colebrae Luna Azul)

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCHB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles
(GCH Kara Christo Moon River Of Strathmoor x CH Nightstar's She's All That)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Snovalley Belfair Why Not Me CGC
(CH Countryview In High Regard x Demuir Midnight Expresso)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Belfair Snovalley Dr. Amos Black
(CH Countryview In High Regard x CH Belfair Sherloch Midnight Tryst)

Smooth Winners Bitch: Cynclair Once Upon A Time At Snovalley
(Colebrae Midnight Interlude CGC x Snovalley Cynclair Panda Express)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Colebrae Bad Romance
(Colebrae's Moonshine x Colebrae Tainted Love)

Best Junior Handler: Shauna George

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