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East Tennessee Collie Club

November 6, 2022
Breed Judge: James Frederiksen

Held in Knoxville, TN

Whitehall Collies -- Whitehall Anthology Enclave -- GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon


Best of Breed: GCH Milas What's My Line (R/D)
(CH Milas Walk The Line x CH Milas Look Again)

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed:
GCHS Mello-D's Shadows And Light HT NFP ACT1J (S/B) (GCHS Windkist's Ain't No Rest For The Wicked RAE2 PT NA NAJ OF OAP OJP XFP CAA x GCHB Millknock's Firework At Mello-D RN HT NAJ NJP NF OFP CA)

Rough Best of Variety: GCH Milas What's My Line (D)
(CH Milas Walk The Line x CH Milas Look Again)

Rough Best of Winners: Whitehall Anthology (B)
(CH Milas Foolish Pleasure x Whitehall Ladyvale's The Divine Miss M.)

Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
CH Dea Haven 'N Windkist Dreamin' In Blue (B) (Windkist Bodacious x CH Dea Haven's Dream Dream Dream)

Rough Select Dog: GCHG Pleasant Acre Blue Moon
(GCH Pleasant Acre Sugar Daddy x CH Pleasant Acre Northern Star)

Rough Select Bitch:

Rough Winners Dog: Whitehall Gramercy Park IT (Open/Sable)
(CH Milas Absolutely Macho x Whitehall Ladyvale's The Divine Miss M.)

Rough Reserve Winners Dog:
Windkist Analyze This (Am-Bred)
(CH Windkist Tullamore Dew x CH Windkist Shanarock I Am Exquisite)

Rough Winners Bitch:
Whitehall Anthology (9-12)
(CH Milas Foolish Pleasure x Whitehall Ladyvale's The Divine Miss M.)

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Whitehall Bobbi Sox (Open/White)
(GCH Milas What's My Line x Whitehall Ladyvale's The Divine Miss M.)

Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Mello-D's Shadows And Light HT NFP ACT1J (B) (GCHS Windkist's Ain't No Rest For The Wicked RAE2 PT NA NAJ OF OAP OJP XFP CAA x GCHB Millknock's Firework At Mello-D RN HT NAJ NJP NF OFP CA)

Smooth Best of Winners:
Hollicove Knight In White Satin (D)
(GCH Milas What's My Line x Hollicove Mystique)

Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety:
GCH Mello-D's Bad Moon Risin'
(D) (GCHS Windkist's Ain't No Rest For The Wicked RAE2 PT NA NAJ OF OAP OJP XFP CAA x GCHB Millknock's Firework At Mello-D RN HT NAJ NJP NF OFP CA)

Smooth Select Dog: N/A

Smooth Select Bitch:
GCH Shepherd's Mission & Chrysalis Raise Your Glass
(GCH C And J Shepherds' Mission Don't Tread On Me x GCHB Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice)

Smooth Winners Dog:
Hollicove Knight In White Satin (Open)
(GCH Milas What's My Line x Hollicove Mystique)

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: N/A

Smooth Winners Bitch: Rohde Annsdale Tiamo That's My Style (BBE)
(GCHB Twin Pine Accolade's Calling Dibs x CH Vennessee's Touched By An Angel)

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch:
Calibre Avalir The Lucky One (Open)
(GCHP Calibre's Key To The Fortune x GCH Calibre's Dirty Money)

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