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East Tennessee Collie Club

October 31, 2015

Breed Judge: Linda Hash-Davis

Roughs: 6-10 (2-1) 0-2
2-6 (6-5)

Best of Breed / Rough Best of Variety
GCH Barksdale Burning Daylight (Veteran/B)
Breeder: Nancy McDonald
Owner: Nancy McDonald
Sire: CH Barksdale Lochlaren Liaison ROM
Dam: Marnus Living Daylights
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed / Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour (D)
Breeder: Sarah and Bertha Garrison
Owner: Lynda Cox
Sire: CH Fantasy's Midnight Thunder
Dam: Bandor's Tear Drops After Midnight
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
GCH Laredo Here Comes The Sun (D)
Breeder: Susan Webber
Owner: Susan Webber
Sire: CH Twin City Secret Ambition
Dam: Horizon's Calico Skies
Rough Selects
GCH Star Country Demuir I Am I Am (D)
Breeder: Diane Steele and Harry (Butch) Schulman
Owner: Richella Veatch, Diane Steele and Lana Group
Sire: CH King's Valley Demuirs Here I Am
Dam: CH Strathmoor A Fantasy Shared

CH Hanover Blu Ridge Rapture (B)
Breeder: Joan Johnson
Owner: Eugene and Carol Chapman
Sire: GCH Blu Ridge Let It Ride
Dam: CH Blu Ridge Ride The Waves

Rough Best of Winners / Winners Dog
Ceilidh's Heartland By Kyrie (Open/Blue)
Breeder: Jacquelyn Bullock
Owner: Micha Ann Elliott & Kilah Mincy
Sire: Charisma's Redemption Story At Kyrie
Dam: Deep River Kyrie Thumblelisa Mystrzz PT
Rough Winners Bitch
Pleasant Acre Bainwood Night In White Satin (Open/Tri)
Breeder: Mary Lee Shingle
Owner: Paula Ford and Donna Pack
Sire: CH Pleasant Acre Dealer's Choice
Dam: Pleasant Acre Riviera
Rough Reserve Winners Dog
Sunway Out Of the Blu (Open/Blue)
Breeder: Nick Joines and Joel McCarty
Owner: Alexandra Hecht
Sire: GCH Blu Ridge Make Way
Dam: CH Pine Cone Mountain Spring O'Deep River
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch
Lisara's Dancing With Fire (Open/Blue)
Breeder: Carmen Leonard
Owner: Cathy Schmidt
Sire: GCH Blu Ridge Make Way
Dam: Ch Lisaras Dirty Dancing
Smooth Best of Variety
GCH Ceilidh's Deep River Haute Couture (B)
Breeder: Micha Ann Elliot and Marie Markovich
Owner: Micha Ann Elliot, Mary Benedict and Kathy Moll
Sire: GCH Deep River's Bow And Arrow ROM
Dam: CH Marko's Sweet Temptation
Smooth Selects
GCH Calibre's Key To The Fortune (D)
Breeder: Susan Kaelin and Michelle Shaw
Owner: Susan Kaelin
Sire: CH Fantasy's Fortune Hunter
Dam: CH Hollyoaks A Perfect Storm at Calibre

CH Windkist Suspense At Apple Valley (B)
Breeder: Alisha Harbin DVM, Nancy Lawrence, Randall Moorehead, Kathleen Price
Owner: Rayleen Hendrix
Sire: CH Windkist Tullamore Dew
Dam: CH Windkist Shannarock I Am Exquisite
Smooth Best of Winners / Winners Dog
Windkist Perfect Storm (BBE)
Breeder: Nancy Lawrence, Judy Bryant and Alisha L Harbin DVM
Owner: Nancy Lawrence and Alisha L Harbin DVM
Sire: Windkist Shanarock On Target
Dam: CH Dea Haven's Midnight Sonata At Windkist
Smooth Winners Bitch
Special Heart To Heart (Open)
Breeder: Laura LaBounty
Owner: Laura LaBounty and Judy Gilland
Sire: Special Archangel Raphael
Dam: CH Special Little Chickadee
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog
Wild Wind Sailing The High Seas CGC (Open)
Breeder: Michelle Bergstraser and Laura Loren
Owner: Rebecca Epperly and Randy Epperly
Sire: GCH Wild Wind's Rev On The Red Line
Dam: CH Wild Wind's Deuce's Are Wild CD RA HSAds
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch
Wych's A Dream Remembered (BBE)
Breeder: Lynda Cox
Owner: Lynda Cox
Sire: GCH Bandor's The Wyching Hour
Dam: Wych's Where Honor Lies
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